Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “THE BOOTY MACHINE”.
[ Voiceover ], Don’t be afraid, Jack., Hey, make sure my butt looks good.. Oh only the best., Only the best., So apparently this is the future of exercise.. What we are looking at here is the Dr. Fuji Cyber Body Slimmer., So women everywhere could enjoy feeling more. Like themselves.


Jack knows how to make a woman look right.. What’S up guys Lou here., I’m at CES 2016 things are crazy. How you doing You? Okay, Okay, people are everywhere, as you can tell, and you know I know – you’ve seen a lot of videos about the cutting edge tech. That’S out here on the show floor..


Millions of square feet of tech, but there are few things that caught my attention like this demonstration right here. This my friends is from Dr. Fuji.. This is the Cyber Body, Slimmer, and if this doesn’t catch your attention, I’m not sure anything here. On the show floor, will. ( laughing ) – Oh my goodness., I’m going to have to try my best to have that much fun., I’m not sure that it’s possible. There we go.

( upbeat music ), Oh sorry., I’m going to try my best to give you some Feedback as this is happening, and the truth is my brain – is slightly rattled right now, as you can hear., As you can tell Dr., Fuji is loving it. Hi, I’m Dr. Fuji., I’m an inventor.. This is an awesome. Machine.


15 inch lifestyle.. That is unbelievable. Here at CES 2016. You heard it here.

It’s about a lifestyle., Dr. Fuji. How did you get this idea? Yeah, I’m a medical doctor.. This is an idea from my medical practice and also used innovation technology..

This is a WBB, a whole body. Vibration censor from NASA technology. Wow, Dr. Fuji just wants to help people., Who wouldn’t want to be helped by a man like this.

It’S a doctor who can move. There, we go. ( laughing ). This could be you with the Cyber Body Slimmer.

Dr. Fuji, just told me. This is increasing my sexual function. Yeah, I’m 85 years old., You see I’m a strong sexual (, inaudible ) because of the vibration.

Come on. Let’S go.! Oh, I, like you, oh, come on human age. Human on the earth 120 years in your age.. I’M 85 have another 40 years on the vibration.

Look out. Dr. Fuji’s, 85 years old, no sexual dysfunction. Sexual function increases come on. Sexual function increasing. Because of my penis longer., Okay, okay, Dr.

Fuji.. This is a family, show it’s a family show. Come on. I’M a doctor., I’m another plastic surgeon., You don’t need to pay for plastic.

Surgery. Use my earth spear technology shock, machine and save. You can have your pennies. [ Lou ], And this is why Dr. Fuji created this machine. Only the best, only the best..

What do you think Jack? Do we have it [, Voiceover, ], Hey, make sure my butt looks good. .