The Best Value Apple Product in 2023

The Best Value Apple Product in 2023

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best Value Apple Product in 2023”.
So today I’ve got an unexpected video, well, an unexpected product, not one. I thought I’d be featuring at this point right now and one that I’m intrigued by, because I think it might represent the best value Apple product being sold in 20203 and that’s based on a little bit of research. I’Ve done some videos that I’ve watched. I’M talking about these right here. This is the USBC ear pods. I know what you’re thinking you’re saying: how can that be exciting? Look Lou! I I I also like the fact that they went to USB type-c, but it’s really not that exciting. Well, it kind of is, and the reason being is the price point. They came out with this headset and I also wish it was included in the package. But it’s not they’re selling it for 19 bucks and it’s got Universal compatibility because of that USBC and it’s got the capability of listening to lossless audio, which some really expensive airpods are not capable of doing Plus.

The Best Value Apple Product in 2023

In many ways, this wired headset is superior to a wireless one. The inline microphone sits near your mouth and so many of us work on our computers and do tons of video conferencing, and I understand the convenience of having no wires. But actually, I think this one’s going to sound a lot better as far as the microphone is concerned, as well all for 19 bucks. Could this be the ultimate backup to your airpods? Could it sound even better that’s what we’re going to find out today.

The universal aspect is the other thing that I like about this Windows: laptops, desktops, iPads that feature USB type-c and obviously Mac books as well. So let’s go ahead and unbox what might be Apple’s best value product in 20123. Now the reason it’s capable of lossless audio delivery is because there’s a built-in Dack and that’s the case on a number of USBC headsets, but it’s nice to see apple, embrace it as well.

Honestly, the appearance of these things uh not very special. They look like a pair of ear, pods and man. Maybe many of you haven’t even seen these in a while. We have some sets laying around here with the traditional 3.5 mil connector and then obviously, we’ve had lightning at some point in there and a whole variety of adapters. But how clean is that just One Singular type-c connector with built-in DAC now the actual units are a little bit smaller than what you’re used to on your airpods, or certainly your airpods probe.

The Best Value Apple Product in 2023

This is a more traditional look fits into the ear like this. The nice thing is they’re, extremely lightweight and you’ll never have to charge them. So, even if you just got it as a backup on your desk, when your airpods are dead slap, these in enjoy that increased Fidelity – possibly I was talking to will before we shot this video about the fact that sometimes I find myself on a video conference for An extended period like hours and I’ll have one airpod die and I’m charging one replacing it with the other, and if I just slap this thing into the MacBook, it would be a lot easier. One, Singular, cable.

Now, here’s something else you can do with this brand new headset. If you pick one up, you can go ahead and check out our sponsor over at betterhelp. Betterhelp connects you with a therapist and you can interact online in the comfort of your own home and get the help that you need. Everybody has stressful times in their lives and it can’t be all work work work all the time you can kind of Overlook.

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The Best Value Apple Product in 2023

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That’S betterhelp unbox therapy. Here’S the iPad! Here’S a MacBook Pro, but these will work just fine with any MacBook featuring USB type-c. I’Ve got as well the iPhone 15 Pro over there and then I’m also going to bring into frame a Windows laptop from HP, because this should work just fine with that as well, but first, let’s slap it into the MacBook Pro I’ll go ahead and unlock.

Now I have apple music queued up which of course is capable of delivering lossless audio I’ll. Just click on this little icon. Here you can see lossless 16bit 44.1 khz. Now there are different audio quality settings and this setting is probably not enabled by default for good reason, you’re, probably not having a listening chain, that’s going to benefit from it. So high quality is the default and that’s going to deliver 256 kilobits per second AAC.

So there has been a lot of talk and chatter about an individual’s ability to even discern the difference when it comes to lossless audio without a bunch of outboard equipment. We’Ll see if that’s warranted. If I can even tell the difference on Apple music here, but the setting is in there and it’s no different by the way for your other variety of devices. So if I go into my settings on the iPad, lossless files preserve every detail of the original audio.

Turning this on will consume significantly more data as we’d expect. Another reason it’s likely not enabled by default now what happens? If I take this out and plug it into an iPhone? Is it the exact same experience? It should be. We plug it in earpods comes up as our default selection. It’S the same thing in the settings menu here I head over to music audio quality lossless audio toggle cellular streaming has its own setting here on your phone so depending on.

If you want to prioritize data consumption or audio quality, you have your options here, so I’m going to go ahead and stream lossless and what, if you have an Android device, because maybe you just want a $ 19 backup headset that will work with all of your Different phones or gadgets, so I plug it in the Android side you can see it has brought up up the headset immediately and I have my adjustment for it now. One thing people had stated was that the headset’s a little bit louder on iOS than it is on Android, like a lot of benefit here, is just having the wire like you’re, not dealing with Bluetooth, so you’re just getting a clean signal here. Obviously, Bluetooth has come a long way, but the the clarity if you haven’t, listened on a wire in a while, which I’m pretty sure there a lot of people it can.

It can kind of surprise you – and this is again on an Android device – YouTube music. Unintended usage, and certainly not lossless, totally satisfying on the Android device. I think it’s going to get stepped up a little bit as we move to our iOS devices here, and it also just reminds me to celebrate the fact that apple is so done with that lightning. Connector: okay, let me plug into the MacBook now, but before I toggle the lossless setting, I’m going to listen first, just in high quality, AAC 256! Oh tons of volume. Here it is important to know the airpods pro are still going to have the advantage in design and noise cancelling.

You have interchangeable, ear tips that are going to sit further in your ear canal, which are going to allow for a greater seal, which then increases the perception of that base response. So they can’t really compete on every characteristic. It would be interesting to see what would happen if, if Apple put out a truly high-end version of a wired headphone using USB type-c and a built-in deck, this is not what they’re trying to do here. This is kind of like an under the radar.

Hey will give you a decent headset for 19 bucks if they tried to do a high-end headphone. Like kind of, I think what people were hoping for with the airpods max, which, by the way, also doesn’t support lossless, even if you buy their expensive cable it would. That would be interesting to see with their level of integration and so forth. But this this sounds really good, honestly, like amazing what you can get for 19 bucks. It brings into question big time all this.

Like extended expenditure on headphones, I get it there’s different styles and features, and if you’re on an airplane, you got no noise cancellation and like what is that that kind of return on investment is kind of crazy in the headphone area. You’Re, like these sound, pretty good for 19 bucks, but yet you can easily spend 250 bucks, but you get rid of this right here. This little nuisance no know as the wire, so I’m going to go ahead now and I’m going to click lossless yeah like okay.

This is, this is tough because I feel like there might be some apple music magic going on here where they’re like ooh, they clicked lossless, let’s like let’s hit them with a slight little volume increase, because sometimes that stuff can trick you into believing you’re hearing better Quality but you’re just getting more of a boost. These are loud they’re hitting uh when you click that lossless button. All of a sudden those those vocals come right to the Forefront kind of incredible. With this simple setup, let’s see if the phone is comparable is it am I going to get the exact same experience, I’m going to play the same song, toggled lossless here it sounds good, but the laptop is pumping differently for sure I’ll. Take it $ 19 wi wired headset on on here. Let’S see if the iPad plays any different best $ 19, you can spend at Apple best $ 19 man, especially if you hook it up like this. I think the MacBook as well, I don’t know, what’s up with the phone, the phone is lacking a little bit at the moment. Could it be software just came out iPhone 15, I don’t know. Is it protecting my hearing? Maybe it’s protecting my hearing is that a setting scroll down to headphone safety and you can reduce loud audio, but that’s not what was going on there, the iPad and the MacBook on this software. This is updated to the most recent 17.1 at the moment, but these two sound like on par and then this one is like the step down and so was the s23 by the way. So I just want to make sure that this works on Windows as well. Just off YouTube: no apple, music, simple! I didn’t have to toggle anything just plug and go.

I am pretty satisfied with this. I think for 19 bucks, just real quick. I just want to do quick AB with the airpods pro far more expensive, earbuds, obviously but different technology. We’Re dealing with wireless we’re dealing with Bluetooth. We’Ve got noise. Cancelling we’ve got transparency.

We’Ve got some much higher Tech activity going on, but what we can’t do is take advantage of that lossless setting on Apple music. There we go now we have noise cancelling turned on. So obviously I hear my surroundings a lot less plus I’ve got the sealed off effect of having the inear style headphone, and I have a much more expensive unit as well.

I can describe the difference to you. These the low end here is more Punchy. It’S there’s.

There’S there’s more density there, but the clarity and kind of like intimacy of feeling like wo, that sound is right. There is more prevalent on the the wired earbuds with the lossless setting for a certain listening preference. These might even be superior comparatively if you’re heavy into Basse and you’ve heard what these sound like or you like over ear headphones that have tons of bass reproduction and then, if I do, need to get get some work done and utilize this microphone. It’S sitting right here beside my mouse.

This is an audio recording, utilizing the wired microphone on the new $ 19 Apple USBC earpods yeah. So that sounds great. Now, let’s go ahead and do a similar recording using the airpods pro. This is a recording using the airpods pro built-in microphone should give you an idea of what to expect if you’re doing a video conference utilizing the built-in microphone on the airpods instead of the new USBC earpods.

This is a recording using the airpods pro built-in microphone. I mean it’s night and day it’s night and day everybody people, people are going to uh. Imagine what you’re putting people through using your wireless airpods for your conferencing. It’S not something people talk about a lot or test a lot totally worth having the wire there and not needing to worry about any type of battery life, at least at the bare minimum for those extended online meetings, where you’re going to be talking a lot, whether That happens to be into the iPad, the MacBook or the iPhone all right. So there you have it. You guys tell me what you think. Is this the best value Apple product or can you think of another one? That’S worth mentioning in the comment section. I think for 19 bucks it delivers on its promise, maybe more affordable, type-c headsets out there, but I’m not sure that they sound this good.

I’D probably have to do a lot of digging in order to uncover it and besides normally the reason you would avoid. The Apple version is because you want Universal compatibility, but you don’t have to worry about that here, because this guy works with Android. It works with Windows and if you use apple music and the lossless setting, then these might even deliver a better experience than your far more expensive, airpods, obviously ly at the expense of having the wire. So that’s that Apple’s latest ear pods for 2023, featuring my favorite connector of the moment, USB type-c .