The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created

The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created”.
Your phone., You use it., Possibly as your primary camera. These days., Even though they’ve kind of advanced to this point of having really amazing cameras considering their size. They are still not gon na replace a Digital, SLR. They’re, not gon na replace the camera. That Jack is using to see all this right.

Now.. Look at that thing. Look how thin that is. I mean that — find me a professional camera that is, that scale right., It’s just not gon na happen..

So maybe you wan na step your game up., But maybe you don’t wan na give up some of the functionality of your phone and your instant shareability.. That’S where this thing comes in. This thing is not cheap. Be warned.

This thing is not cheap. The DxO One Professional quality connected camera.. It fits into the lightning port of your iPhone.

The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created

You’re, getting a 1inch sensor. 1inch., An f/1.8 lens.. This is stuff you’re used to talking about with professional photography equipment., It captures raw files.. So if you want to manipulate them and edit them later, that’s the way to go.. What does this mean for you in Instagram, professional, so to speak, Might be you..

The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created

Well, you know what it is: you. Little seal. Okay. Holy unboxing experience right now, Wooh Look at the way they did that So the manual’s right on here., That’s the camera.

Woah Wow that is really intense.. Just open up Jack see if you can catch that when I do that. Wooh A Micro-USB cable to keep things charged. Up.

Power, brick. A micro-fibre cloth or carrying case. We’re gon na find out. Cloth.

Ooh. Luxurious. We’ve got an iPhone over here.. You can see the battery life and it’s telling me it has no memory card, so this takes Micro-SD cards.

When you pull, the lens cover down seems like it’s ready to function, but you need this lightning connector out. So what you do is you pull down a little further push down and there’s like a little clasp that then ejects the lightning connector. Now to put it away, is the same. Hold down push it in, let go and it locks..

I can kinda pick my angle and this acts as my shutter button right up. Here. Got a Micro-SD here.. The DxO One app gives you control good., Auto mode or manual.

The Best Instagram Camera Ever Created

Aperture ISO speed. Essentially, all the camera settings you’d be used to in a more professional camera.. First, off I’ll do a shot in auto mode. Ooh..

This is insane image quality. From what you’re used to seeing on your phone.. So here in full manual mode, you have access to shutter speed ISO aperture. Blow out the background, have it nice and smooth and out of focus. People, use the term’Bocca’ for that. Dude.

These photos are insane.. Have a look at this. Holy. This selfie is scary, high-calibre right, now., Ha ha You’re gon na want to see me like that.

The fact that I can share a photo of that calibre immediately and not having to go in pull it off a camera put it on to a computer potentially edit. It and so on.. I can just throw this into an editing app if I want or just share it right like that. And that’s another level right there.

Most of you are gon na think if you snap a photo of that you’re gon na end up with the entire thing in Focus. Now I just want to show you how, with the shallow depth of field, you can completely change this scenario from a creative stand-point.. That’S the look! That’S really tough to achieve with a small sensor and a small camera lens. So creatively, there are options here..

If you were out and about with this kind of setup the things you can do creatively just go to the next level, .