The Best Complete Security System

The Best Complete Security System

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best Complete Security System”.
All right, so today’s the 5th of november we’re just broken into and see, says our suite is locked, don’t have a bomb, so i’ve i’ve told the story a bit over the years. But for those of you guys that don’t know um, my business got robbed in the early days of technobuffalo and i don’t mean robbed like we had a glass broken and like we were fine, i mean, like everything that i had worked. My whole life to build was stolen, uh cameras. I had a stretch to afford lenses. I had to put on credit cards audio equipment.

I had to borrow money for all of it was taken, and that was a very, very, very, very bad feeling and one i have worked to correct and then about a year and a half ago my parents, home, was robbed and sort of security has been something. That’S on my mind, our office right now is in what’s considered a higher risk, higher crime area, and so because of all of those things, security has become very, very important to me. Hence this video sponsor simplisafe, which actually we’ve been using as security in the office and i’ve been happily paying for, since we moved in about a year ago before i get to all of that, i do want to thank you guys for your support. Thank you for watching the videos and just for general awesomeness overall, so we are giving you a chance to win a 500 american express gift card open to anyone in the world.

Just be subscribed, give the video a thumbs up and leave a comment down below on what you would do with it or what you do is simply say be sure to leave your social handle on there. So we can contact you when you win. So having said all of that security is immensely important. I think it’s onto security, but also prevention, and i think i’ve got a pretty solid option here.

Let me tell you about it all right so, like i mentioned, i’ve been kind of searching for the right security system for quite some time, especially here at the office, where i think it’s no surprise, we have a lot of things, uh that are worth some some Dollars this isn’t the first video i’ve made about security systems, so you can sort of see how long i’ve been researching and going through trial and error. To finally see where i landed on simply safe um and in fact, simply say something that i’ve been using again here at the office for the better part of a year paying for it wasn’t like they paid for service or anything, something that i’ve been very happily Paying for and very happily using uh – and here we are pretty much using the bulk of what they offer. So, if you don’t know simply safe is say kind of do it yourself, build your own security system, that’s modular and can scale for how little or how much you want.

The Best Complete Security System

So here we’re using the hub door, sensors cameras, motion, sensors security, keypad actually have two of them, you name it. They had it on their site. We got it again, because security has been so important. So, on top of all of that stuff, the security is always up. To date, you’ve got a reliable relation, focused service team, that’s dedicated it’s keeping you safe.

The Best Complete Security System

So in fact, for example, here uh there were some very loud noises that came into our studio about six months ago, one of our sensors tripped in our storage room and i very quickly got a phone call from simply safe asking what was going on. I was able to check the camera that we have there and see that nothing was happening, but i didn’t have my phone with me. I wasn’t getting the alerts that i needed or would have seen. So it was a peace of mind to know that there was sort of somebody else looking out and and watching so obviously, i’ve talked about simply safe before uh they released a brand new outdoor camera, which i think was something that they were missing before. I have indoor cameras here uh, but nothing outdoors. Now it’s kind of completing their security kind of puzzle. I guess so to speak.

The Best Complete Security System

So one of the things that i’m looking for when it comes to products that require home installation – probably like you, is how much time is it gon na take? Do i have the skills, do it myself and how easy is it to do fun fact about me? This could be a trivia question. Sometime i used to install locks as a job i used to go to home depot and low stores. I would install those those lock displays many many many years ago.

It’S a very strange skill set, so i know that doing stuff yourself and doing it is not always fun and it’s certainly not always easy um, because i know how much of a pain it is to do that. I came to security. I went pretty hard in the other direction, like course corrected and wanted to be as easy to set up as possible and that way simply safe new outdoor security, camera and their whole system in general was designed with someone who wants things easy uh, like me, and Mine, the setup is super simple. You literally just screw it into the base where you want. The camera it’ll attach magnetically to the base. Um then just charge the battery click, your wi-fi and you’re done. This is like literally a matter of like open box and then working uh in minutes. So not only was it easy to install also some pretty cool features too.

It’S got 140 degree viewing angle, so you can see a lot with the camera, which is important. You want to see if anybody’s walking by license plates that kind of stuff records in 1080p again all over wi-fi and it can zoom in up to 8x, make sure you are capturing all the stuff you would need to capture if you ever had to hand footage Over to the police to capture some, so some bad guys on top of that, it’s got other cool stuff like built-in motion, detecting spotlights with color night vision, get a better picture of who’s at your property or even ward off. Those are kind of thinking about doing some bad things. It’S got two-way audio, so you can literally yell at them, but also hear what they are saying. If you need to um and all this, you can do within the simplisafe app monitor the cameras and every other aspect – security system, one of the main things i like about the app and i’ve actually been using day over day uh. It’S how easy it is to get an alert for everything if you want anything that moves any door, that’s open and the outdoor cameras are smart enough to know whether it’s a person, a pet. I get this all the time like a moth that flies by um it’ll alert you for all the things that you are looking to know about.

So for our office we have one door leading out and, like i said, we are in what’s considered a a higher risk, higher crime area. So having a camera, we have cameras indoors. We didn’t have anything outside.

I think that’s important not only for looks and aesthetics like this is a place that maybe i don’t want to go into or try to do something with if they’ve done stuff on the outside there’s probably security on the inside. But if somebody does try to sort of make that ingress in um, not only can you see them, you put them through, their faces are covered, you’ll, get an alert and you can yell at them and you could say i’m calling the police go away, um it Just gives you sort of extra security redundancy, which is important and if i had had a camera like this technobuffalo, if i had had the four site consoles at my parents house who were in a very low crime area, i think a lot of headaches would have Been avoided, and i think, could have been avoided and sort of the monitoring service would have called the police. For me in both of those situations, i think would have mitigated a lot of heartache and stress and what happened to technobuffalo when that robbery happened.

Uh almost ended my business before it ever started and almost killed my career um. I didn’t have money to rebuild and get all that equipment again. It was a really hard struggle.

So in that vein, there’s a lot of things you can do so you don’t end up in in my shoes. So i know talking about security systems and cameras might not be like the sexiest thing in the world in all of tech, but it is insanely, important and people think about ecosystems and tech. It’S not always met with like open, loving arms when it comes to security. I think you want everything to speak to each other perfectly and you want that built out on an ecosystem and that’s why i’ve kept using simply safe and why i happily pay for simply safe every month, their whole suite of products checks every box that i need. A security system and it does at a pretty reasonable price plus, it seems to continue to come out with more things, more products, sort of make it better and better. At my home, i’ve had older legacy alarm systems that once i got that installed five years ago.

That’S all that it’s ever been simply safe is always getting better. It recently came out with a doorbell camera as well. It’S something that sort of i had already, but it’s nice to have that option. Inside of the ecosystem, and again the app is super simple, easy to use easy, add new devices.

You can build a security system at your price point and sort of at the pace that you want to go. They just make it really simple and also unlike sort of some of the other alarm companies you’re not locked into a contract which i like, i’m not going anywhere. But i like having the freedom to do that and generally you’re paying between 15 and 25 dollars a month for the monitoring which, for me uh was immensely worth it. So if you want 20 off your whole, simply safe security system and your first month will be free when you sign up for your interactive monitoring services check out john rettinger, i think you should it’s been an awesome service for me again when i legitimately pay For and it’s great for my office and i think it’ll be great for your home. .