The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?

The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?”.
What’S up tech fans, if you guys happen to miss my unboxing of the brand new xfx merc 319 i’ll, have a link down below today we’re going to be bringing you guys, the full review and yes, the benchmarks, comparing it to the rtx 3080.. Now is this card, the 3080 killer we’ll have to wait until the end of the video to find out, but this card is very interesting. It’S part of the new speedster series, so i guess we’re going to see the thick go out the window and the speedster series is what is in now and, like i said it before another video, i’m going to say it again. This is one really really big card, so let’s jump in. Let’S talk merc 319 and let’s talk tech.

The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?

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The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?

Is it actually uses the 6900 xt power circuitry for greater power delivery? Now the reference cards that come from amd, they actually use a 10 plus two phase design, but the merck uses a 14 plus two design. This will allow for better overclocking it’ll, allow for better power distribution through the card and just overall make your card run a lot longer. Now you guys are going to notice that right up the back. There are three fans on top of this card. You have two 100 millimeter fans and a single 92 millimeter fan.

The Best 6800XT XFX 6800XT MERC 319?

Now all these fans feature 13 blades and a dual ball, bearing design to make sure that the cards run really really quiet, even when the fans are at full blast now, you can’t see it because it’s covered by the shroud, but underneath all this is a copper Heat plate, you’ve got seven copper heat fins. You’Ve got a three piece, aluminum design, so there’s actually three pieces to the aluminum heat fins, all with different amounts of fins on them to help the card run. Cooler. Also, this card now has a protruded light bar. This is where the card actually lights up, and this is something that’s really different.

A lot of people complained before about xfx, saying that their shroud covered the card completely and that you know made the heat of the card really bad well with this particular new design. This will eliminate that all together and also when the card is plugged in the card will light up on top in a really nice cool blue. So you know say the card and all that stuff, it’s not totally rgb, but who really wants rgb on their video card anyways. You want to keep it nice and simple.

Now this card is really actually something that’s totally different as well. It also features a dual bios design and you have a balanced bios and then you like basically have this rage bios. Now the rage bios, that’s going to be all the high power bios. What’S going to be much higher, fan speeds much higher power, draw everything like that.

It’S going to actually ship, though, however, with the balanced bios. So when you get the card, you can expect that it’s going to have to balance bios – and you know the balance. Bios itself will be pretty interesting because it’s probably going to allow for a lot better manual overclocking if you’re going to be using that bio. So if you’re planning on you know doing that stuff well, then i would probably suggest you know sticking with the balance bios in the beginning.

If you just want straight up overclocking, you know, like i said, there’s actually three different modes in each one. There’S like silent rage, quiet, so you can set those in each one. Each one offers a different setting now the back plate on this card is also really neat. Now some people have said that they think that the the merc across the back in bright white is kind of garish and ugly.

How many people are actually really going to see that in your build? I don’t really know because, regardless of how you’re putting the card in whether you’re putting the card in like this or you’re putting the card in sideways you’re really not going to see that unless you take it out and look at it, but the back plate itself Is really nice? You can see that throughout the entire back plate, there have been little pieces of the metal that are taken out to allow for better heat dissipation. Now, that’s something that xfx is really concentrating on these cards, probably why they ditched the thick series altogether, because there were some you know, yeah, i will say non-favorable reviews from some reviewers out there who have tore the cards completely apart and that’s another thing. That’S really interesting about the merc 319 xfx is completely providing instructions for you to totally disassemble this card, so i mean, if you want to completely take the card apart, they’re giving you the instructions on how to do it now, why you’d want to do that? I really don’t know, but if you do take the card apart, you’ll find out that the card is made out of a lot of different things.

Now the card is made of three rigidity structures consisting of the aluminum backplate spreader, the cast aluminum skeletal tray and the cast aluminum shroud. It features a pass-through exhaust design, so i mean those things: are there are going to help alleviate the heating problems that they had in previous generations of the car? Now i told you how big this card is, and it’s actually almost a three slot design. They call it a 2.9, i think it’s kind of funny, but it’s really a three slot design, because at 2.9 come on.

What’S that that little point percentage, you’re gon na be able to fit something in there. I don’t think so, but anyways they call it a 2.9 design. So, overall, this card looks killer.

Like i said across the front, you’ve got the three fans in the back. Once again, you’ve got a nice back plate with a lot of different stuff in it to allow the heat dissipation, even at the end of the card, you can see, there’s all kinds of stuff just to help this card run. It’S absolutely coolest.

Now i know what most people are here for they’re here for the benchmark, so real, quick before we jump into the benchmarks. Let’S just quickly take a look at our test station we’re using a mid-range amd test station. We’Ve got a ryzen 7.

We’Ve got lots of memory, we’ve got a nice ssd. All in all, i would consider a really middle of the road system. It’S not too high end, it’s not too low. It’S like the three little bears it’s not too hot.

It’S not too cold. It’S just a perfect little system and that little bear comes over here that little girl comes over here and tries to steal. I’M just kidding i’m going off that stupid tangent, but anyways with that said, though, let’s rock out to the benchmark song, let’s see the benches and let’s see how this card does against the rtx 3080 from nvidia. So now across the board, you really see this card swapping with the rtx 3080. Sometimes it beats it.

Sometimes it doesn’t now. As far as the temperatures go, this card actually runs cooler than the 3080. That’S right. The merc 319 is running at 70 celsius and the 3080 is at 78 celsius. So this card’s not only running very competitively.

It’S running cooler, which means better headroom for overclocking all right, so there you guys have it the xfx merc 319.. I really think this is an awesome card and even though it’s not totally a 3080 killer, it does come really close at the end of the day, it’s really now going to come down to probably pricing availability. That’S what it’s going to come down to, because these cards are really close.

Yeah there were a few games or the 30 80 beat it by. I think about 10 frames per second maximum on a couple of things, but still this card is very, very competitive, like i said it’s not totally the rtx 3080 killer, but it’s getting really really close. Now this card runs really quiet, even with all three fans going full blast, just the way that the card is designed. Like i said in the beginning, this is their new speedster series and it’s pretty interesting.

What i’m seeing off the bat we’re seeing that this card is an awesome card now how the 6900 xd is going to do from them? Who i can’t wait and see now probably the fact that they’re, using the same type of power, distribution and stuff that a 6900 xt has that’s probably going to allow for a lot of overclocking now something i didn’t mention before? Is they do recommend a 750 watt power supply? Honestly, i would go with at least an 800. You really don’t want to stress your system out by going with, like you know, a minimum power requirement truthfully having a bigger power supply. Sure it’s going to take a little bit more electricity out of your wall, but it’s going to give you a lot of headroom in your system. If you’re having your power supply stressed out to the max you’re going to be replacing that power supply or maybe have it burn out or even pop, you know if you get really unlucky that is so you’re better to have a little bit better power supply. Just supply, you know an extra power and have that headroom in the power supply for a comfort zone. So that’s it. What do you guys think? I honestly think this card is a serious editor’s choice here on tekken tomorrow. This is a killer, 6800 xt card.

It looks killer it’s design killer, it runs really nice and cool. This is pretty much what i would assume what people out there who are looking for a top of the line. 6800 xt card are going to be looking for. So i’m eric, you guys been watching tech tomorrow. This has been the xfx xt merc 319 review and benchmarks, like usual i’ll, have a link down below. If you want to see more things about this card in xfx and if i can find some places on sale i’ll have that link down there as well. And if you like, what you see hey, please hit that subscribe button, because i’d love to see you guys back here again and that’s pretty much it folks.

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