The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version

The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version”.
This is the beginner’s guide to the starter version of Adobe character. Animator, let’s get started so here I am in Adobe character, animator and if you look up here in the upper right, you’ll see that it is the starter version of this tool and if I click on starter you’ll see that you can switch to the pro version Or you can stay with the starter version in this particular video, I’m going to focus on the starter version. Please look for future videos on the pro version. So what is Adobe character, animator? Well, it’s a tool that enables you to choose one of these pre-existing characters and then animate it in real time. It’S amazing and you can even take it further by instead of using adobe’s characters. You can set up your own from scratch.

I’M going to save that for a future video, but for now, let’s Dive Right In to Adobe character, animator, starter version – if you look here in the upper left, you’ll see that there are two different buttons that are pretty important. You’Ve got the performance button when you click on that it takes you to a screen where you can animate in real time. If you go to the home button, this is where you choose the character that you want to animate.

The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version

You can also open up past projects, Etc. So in this case, I’m just going to go down here and choose one of these animated characters that come with Adobe character, animator. How about this unicorn named Stardust, so I’ll click on Stardust? It brings in Stardust into the perform page of adobe character, animator, and this can take a little time. But once once it’s completed pulling that character in to the perform screen, then you’ll see the character.

The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version

Show up here now you can see right away that my unicorn Stardust can hear my voice and it’s trying to mimic the words that I say so. That’S pretty cool, but now we’re going to take it to the next level. By trying to record my face and my voice as I animate Stardust now, the next thing I need to do before I start actually animating this character named Stardust in real time is.

The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Character Animator STARTER Version

I need to make sure that my camera is set properly and you can see for me right now. It is but at first it wasn’t. So how would you make sure that that’s set up properly? What you would do is you would click here on this gear symbol and choose the camera that you want to use. It’S usually a webcam, but uh you know, feel free to browse through and choose a different one. If you want to once you’ve selected a good active camera, you should see your face here in the upper right corner.

I’Ve blurred mine out because I don’t think you’re ready to see uh this handsome face, but now that I’m showing up there, you can see that, as my head moves moves around Stardust head moves around even his hair moves flips from side to side. Now, if I move my hands, Stardust doesn’t move his hands, but that’s okay, now notice that you can actually reposition Stardust. You can put uh him exactly where you want him to be in the scene. I think I’m happy with that and now, with my camera set up and with Stardust positioned correctly in the scene, I can now record my face and Voice, or I can import recorded speech in this case I’ll start with record, face and voice.

So I click and I get a countdown hi students welcome to a new semester as we begin this semester, I hope you’re ready to learn even more Spanish, it’s going to be amazing, you’re, going to learn how to conjugate irregular verbs in Spanish you’re going to learn How to talk about the different places in a city? It’S going to be amazing: let’s have a great semester, so I’m going to go ahead and click finish, recording and now in the starter version of Adobe character. Animator, I get the results of my recording so think about this character. Animator enabled me to just pick a character and then focus on my performance. I focused on my voice what I was doing with my head and moving around.

I don’t know if you noticed this, but the eyebrows even of Stardust mimicked, my own eyebrows, if I blinked Stardust blinked, and so it’s really all about choosing the character and then performing, and then the character gets animated in real time. If I press play, I can get a sense of how the performance went. Hi students welcome to a new semester notice that the eye movements of Stardust also mimicked my own. It’S pretty amazing how this works.

Now I can use this playhead to browse through my performance and if you recall, at the end of my performance, I said some words that I didn’t really mean to be a part of it. So if I press play you’ll hear those so I’m going to go ahead, and so I was talking to you instead of to the students, and so I want to actually delete that end part. That’S, okay. All I have to do is click here on this orange handle and drag to the left, and it will trim out the end of my recording. I could also trim out the beginning, or I could just delete the whole thing and start over. Okay. Next comes maybe my favorite feature in the starter version of Adobe character. Animator, now that I’ve recorded my performance, I can add some special actions, so here in the upper right, I can make the character look a little differently.

I can make him wave or point. I think I’ll start with waving, so I’m going to click and Dr drag and put this waving action toward the beginning of my recording and I’ll put the playhead back to the beginning press play. Let’S look at the results. Hi students welcome to a new semester as we begin this, so that worked out great.

So what else do I want Stardust to do? I would like him to show how excited he is by having a heart appear at this point. When he’s talking about all the cool things that are going to happen in this semester, I could make Stardust question things. I could make Stardust, maybe dance a little bit and there’s even a custom animation for Stardust. It’S a rainbow.

Let’S add that as well I’ll have Stardust point a couple of times left and right and then at the end of the animation I want Stardust to wave as he says goodbye now. At this point, I really should test my performance by going back to the very beginning, press play and watch the whole thing. I’M not going to make you watch it with me, but I’ll include my finished project with this video on YouTube.

So look in the description below the video in case you want a copy of of this, but let’s pretend like it’s all exactly the way I want it to be with Stardust waving and the rainbow appearing he’s, pointing he’s showing the love he’s pointing in the other Direction he’s dancing a little bit and then he’s saying goodbye, so this is maybe exactly the way I want it to be I’ll, syc beautifully with my own voice and my head movements, eye movements, eyebrows, Etc. At this point, if I’m happy with the results, all I have to do is go up here to the upper right and click on this quick export button. It’S now preparing My Scene, my recording my voice, the images, the visuals and it’s ready now for me to download the finished video project. Now there are three preset options I can choose from low medium or high quality. I am going to purposefully, choose low quality and that’s the one I’m going to upload to Youtube so that you can download it if you want to so. Just when you look at it keep in mind. This is the worst quality. I could have chosen two higher quality levels if I wanted to, but I’ll click export and it’s compiling all of this together into one MP4 video and I can do what I want with that MP4 video I have the copyright. I created it using Adobe tools.

I could upload it to YouTube. I could include it in a PowerPoint presentation or a Google slideshow. I could edit it with Adobe Premiere or iMovie or whatever you want to use and here’s. My finished video and I’ve muted, the video, but this amazing highquality animation was animated in the same amount of time.

It took me to say the words: it was animated in real time, and this is its lowest possible quality level. If you want to see the highest quality, you can export it that way as well. So imagine this looking even better than it currently does now back in Adobe character, animator starter version. I want to point out that there are a couple of other options that we have. We can go here to the aspect, ratio and change it to be a square video or to be a portrait video, so you can arrange the shape of your video in this way, I’m going to stick with landscape.

You can also change the background by clicking here. You can choose a totally different background for your animation. You could have a green screen background. You could have one of these other colors or these other settings that are here. So those are all good options to explore, and then the last thing I want to point out is, if I go back to the home screen here and I’m going to choose a different character in this case. I want you to know that instead of recording face and voice, it is possible for me to just import recorded speech. So I could go record my neighbor, my grandma whomever and then upload an MP3 or wave file of that person.

Speaking and then I could make this character animate with the voice of whoever I recorded. You can even take a famous recording from history, or you know the current president of the United States, whatever you want to do, take a recording from them upload it and make the character speak with their voice. So I just love Adobe character, animator, it’s a fantastic tool, excellent for education for entertainment and just for family and hobby uses. So I hope you’ll check it out and I hope you found this video to be helpful.

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