The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge – No Devices Allowed!

The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge - No Devices Allowed!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge – No Devices Allowed!”.
Dump say some woman walked by and she was like standing right behind me. She said what the what’s going on guys. So today we are doing a Vision, Pro only challenge, and that means no iPhone. No iPad, no Apple watch, no apple. Anything we’re going to see if we can get by the full day using just this guy and see how it goes all right. So right now we’re in the customer lounge and I figure I got to get work done. I got to respond to emails, get in touch with folks, so right now I’ve got like.

I got my email open, it’s dud you’re, going to have to blur like crazy. Now the thing is, I can’t receive calls on this, so I’m I’m not sure what I’m going to do about that. I’M going to be relying heavily on my messages, so that’s probably going to be my main form of communication all right. So, let’s see how I’m going to do with emails and then I’ve got some Social Media stuff to do as well. Let’S see if I can get that done, you don’t do the the DU band – you just I’m doing this for now, but I don’t find this as comfortable as the Dual Band. So I’m going to probably switch later on, depending on how my head feels okay, but right now, I’m I’m fine all right time for some work. Oh AR’s calling me so this challenge is going to be pretty tough, already cuz AR’s calling me, and I have no idea. I was hoping to get some kind of notification or something but nothing, I’m already failing this challenge. Chenge yeah, but incoming calls that’s going to be rough I’ll, have to let Ari know she’s going to have to FaceTime me if she wants to get in touch now. I don’t know how I feel about like typing long messages with this.

The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge - No Devices Allowed!

I feel like I’m going to get tired of that, but there’s dictation too hey. If you need me you’re going to want to FaceTime me, I don’t need you mad at me. Can’T forget the LOL yo. There is no Instagram on this.

That’S why even in the iPad iPhone section, there’s nothing where’s the YouTube app so they’re, not even letting the iPad version get on here, super whack either way I got to post some stuff for socials I’ll. Try to Fig maybe I’ll, have to just go to the browser. What are you, what are you ask? I’M deleting text now something I should have been doing this whole time. While this is a nice little Lounge, whatever I could be in a completely different place like I can be on a mountain looking over a bunch of clouds this.

The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge - No Devices Allowed!

This is what I should have done from the start. If I want to focus on somebody who is in front of me, I can do that. You got a big old camera in your face, but I can still kind of see you yo I’m trying to pick a cover photo for this reel and your boy is struggling. It’S because I’m using Safari, it’s not working like it.

The Apple Vision Pro ONLY Challenge - No Devices Allowed!

It was working just a second ago, actually yeah. This isn’t happening. Not here at least are. Are you looking at me or no? So what I can like what happens is if I have an app open like I was just looking at an app, so the idea is if I move the apps out the way and then I look at you, you should start seeing my eyes. I still see the pausing white, it might be a screen recording, oh, that might that might be to let people know hey.

This is being recorded yeah. I got some emailing done at least and got in touch with a few people, but nobody can call me so kind of feels like I’m on a deserted island, which is weird considering when I get regular calls all of my devices just go off, but not this. So that’s going to make this challenge a little bit harder.

Some folks might be mad at me all right, so it’s 12:41 and we’re at 18 % so feels like portable charger time outside okay. It looks I mean it’s realistic in all that, like I have no problem just being able to get around. Oh look at the sun. Let Me Not St there at the sun dang that was crazy.

Looking straight up at the sun, like that, so looking at the world was one thing, but when you start throwing apps into the mix, oh man, that’s okay, that is some futuristic. Looking stuff man, it’s kind of wild. You guys it’s kind of wild, it’s cold. We got to get back inside God, I’m one of those people on social media walking around with division Pro. You said you’re embarrassed being with me: hey I to be this obnoxious, but I got to ask how long uh, how much longer my appointment might yeah they message you at 11:2 in the morning. Oh really, I must have missed that.

So apparently, I picked the absolute worst day to do a Vision Pro only challenge, because I didn’t have my phone and I missed a message about my car and we ended up wasting more than an hour in here cuz. My car was just chilling waiting for a response all right, so I’ve got a loner car now we’re going to just head back to the studio all right. Well, we wasted a lot of time in there might as well just do lunch now. What we’re going to do, though, is we’re going to see if we can navigate using this, I’m not going to drive, obviously Jay’s going to drive we’ll see how it goes all right. So we’ve got some navigation right in front of me uh.

I don’t know how accurate this is going to be. I never going to make it it’s already. 29 minutes we’re screwed all right, let’s get out of here, what driving wise yeah it should be. Oh man we’re driving right past my map, how’s that going to work. My map is still back there. Don’T get, don’t forget my map? Okay, so I just remembered that there is a travel mode travel mode if you’re on an airplane turn on travel mode to stabilize visuals, okay I’ll turn on travel mode remain stationary in travel mode. Oh okay, I think we’re still. I think we still got it. Oh, this is so cool.

I feel like Tony Stark. All right. Let’S see what happens.

Can I should I cancel this? Oh, no! No! No! Just keep that on. Just in case I don’t know. What’S about to happen here, so this is wild to me because I don’t know what’s going on in in front of me, I can’t see the road that feels crazy. Okay, yeah. I can give directions so you’re going to take Exit 154 onto US, 46 West. I that I don’t know yeah, I don’t know how how many miles we have on this. Just look out for exit 154 J yeah like Map Quest days. I will say, though, it’s it’s failing a lot so because I’m looking directly at a window, it’s throwing off the tracking or maybe, if I place it right in front of Jay’s map, we’ll be all good to go now. Can I have other apps open? Can I do my own thing if I want to oh, this is pretty.

This is pretty cool, so I’ll say this. If you make a considered effort to use the navigation, you can probably get it to work, but it’s not ideal. When you’ve got windows in a car it doesn’t track well and you’ll probably lose your apps quite a bit.

My tracking just failed bro. So I’ll say this after speaking to Folks at Tesla, I don’t want to do that again like I don’t want to speak to anybody, but you still need to order the pizza Dom. Do it Dom do it.

I don’t want want to do it again. This ain’t for me, man, okay, so we’re here at the pizza shop, no thanks to the Vision Pro but we’re here. Nonetheless, let’s get some food, I’m not ordering. I swear, I’m not ordering! No! No! No! Not! No! No! No, don’t don’t be courteous uh. Can we just get a a large pie? Please appreciate it man, it ain’t right, I’m telling you it ain’t right! Just talking to people like this, it’s it’s weird! This is what I look like. Oh my goodness, oh I’m not going to lie, though this is dope.

Oh wow, so now that we’re out of the Tesla shop, I still need internet. So I’m connected to my phone, that’s what we were using in the car and in here the service kind of sucks. But what does a world look like when this is normal? You want to know what it looks like give us too. Oh appreciate it man and Dam.

I legit feels like I’m. I should be taking a bite right now, because the cameras are closer to the pizza than my actual face is so it gives me the illusion that, like I should be biting if you go based on your eyes, you’re just going to be off, so you got To go based on like just muscle memory, damn that’s hot okay, my bad guys and also makes me realize we use our eyes to eat a lot more than I thought thought we did do that accident. Do something! No! No you’re right! It legit thinks I’m scrolling right now, so it wasn’t doing anything weird when I wasn’t looking at content, but now that I’m looking at content, it’s like I’m I’m in a holding position with it. Oh wait! It’S it’s been like a full hour.

You don’t feel anything. I’M fine, I think I’ll, feel it once I take it off like I feel, like my forehead like, I could use some relief right now, but I’m fine all right. We out.

What’S that yo, that’s crazy! I’M walking out here and I’m like. What’S that in the sky like what is that, and then I realized it’s a window that I left up here. There’S two windows there: the pictures of me and Adrien, what the heck, what the? What just? How far can this go? I thought it was some weird reflection hitting the light nope it’s a window that I left open. That’S what is this world all right, so we’re back at the studio I’m going to take this off for a second, so we can uh, let it charge for a little bit and I’m sure I’ve got some serious lines all over my head. How long has it been about 5 hours? That’S Madness. Do I have Vision Pro face a little bit? Oh a little bit, y’all y’all tripping, there’s a huge line across my forehead a little bit. Oh, that’s wild! I’M going to let this charge for a little bit and I guess I’ll just not touch my phone all right, let’s get out of here guys, that’s a problem.

My peripheral gets blocked. I did you see that my peripheral gets blocked and this kid just walked in front of me. I didn’t notice him at all and I just bumped into him, like you are in my blind spot right about here right here.

No, I can see you now right. There I can’t see you now, but either way we are here in Whole Foods. Arie sent me to pick up some some milk for Austin, but what let me see what was it called again? I think it’s Ripple milk.

So, let’s see what that looks like so that is Target, but this is what we’re looking for. So that’s helpful being able to look something up while you’re in the store boom, I’m going to confirm with Arie. So I’m going to try and FaceTime her hello, wait! Why why the face you don’t like my Persona? So now I’m going to share my view with you in 3, 2. 1 cuz. I looked it up and this is this should be what you want, but I don’t know if you wanted any of these other ones. Do we want to get oat milk, so one of these or what okay, all right so Mission success got the milk. I was able to look this stck. I was able to show Arie what I was looking at in the moment. So this feels like a success like being able to go to the store and run some errands yeah, although I don’t like having to navigate large spaces because my peripherals are blocked off. Oh man, I can’t even use Apple pay. I got to use my wallet, so I think my favorite thing to do is, as people are staring at me just give them a head knot because they don’t realize I can see them and they’re just kind of like oh yeah, hey hi girl. You still know it’s me, huh Austin.

What did you say? Daddy look like a bug. You think I look like a bug. You look like a bug Dy with the mask on that’s quite the description Adrian.

What’S up buddy all right, all right, all right, let’s, let’s calm down we’re getting a lot of balls out of the pit all right, my family has accepted me no, but I if I have anything to say about it, everybody when he’s home. He ignores me while he’s on this yeah. It’S so makes people even more impersonal, either way looks like a so. It seems like the family has accepted me even while I’m wearing division Pro. I can do all those weird uh spatial videos and would be okay right now, but AR doesn’t like it. So I got three out of four: do you know what percentage that is? 75 %, I Lear math teacher anyway.

This part is sucess, I’m happy about it me watching. .