The App Store Keeps Changing

The App Store Keeps Changing

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The App Store Keeps Changing”.
Apple has further loosened some restrictions on iOS. It’S actually been really interesting. Ever since the EU Crackdown and now the US antitrust how quickly apple is running around trying to be like, ah um. Well, no, no, like we’re not a Apple, has further loosened. Some restrictions on iOS, including now allowing Retro Game emulators on the IOS, app store and reforming its pairs pairing.

It’S pairs, pairing system, it’s pairing system to allow more devices to be salvaged for parts. This is pretty cool news. Remember we talked recently about how we you know you, you never report on the good stuff right. It’S always about the this is good.

Yeah apple never had a formal rule against emulators, but it barred apps that ran external code, which included emulators apple, is now explicitly allowing emulators, though they will need to be age rated in accordance with the most explicit content available for them and and they must comply With all relevant laws regarding emulation, what was that old game? Leisure Suit, Larry yeah? So I knew where he’s going. That’S going to screw up all the emulators yeah uh anywh, who the changes primarily due to recent regulatory changes in Europe so yeah. I said that Apple was changing things, but realistically, what’s happening is Apple is finally being forced to play nice. Um Apple has also announced that it will be working on a new framework to allow customers and independent repair shops to use more existing parts from used devices.

The App Store Keeps Changing

Rather than blocking their use with software locks under the assumption that the salvaged device has been stolen, Apple says this new system will still protect users privacy. This will also include calibration for used parts after they are installed, so basically they are finally walking back. Some of the pairing that they’ve been requiring so there was this whole thing with batteries and with screens where you could take two perfectly working iPhones take them apart, switch their screens, boot them back up and you’d, get like a depending on the part. You’D get an air message or you would get hindered functionality.

The App Store Keeps Changing

It’S almost like. It was never about privacy at all. Isn’T it yeah cuz now now that it’s allowed they’re like we can do it without compromising privacy? It almost never is it’s almost like. That was the point.

The App Store Keeps Changing

The whole time was that they could, or that was what they could have done the whole time. It’S almost like this whole thing was just made up: yeah wow, really yeah. You don’t say with that said. This is really funny um, some Apple Fans don’t seem to appreciate some of their new freedoms.

This is great thanks to the EU. We have one more screen during the iPhone onboarding clown. Oh no, not everyone knows what a more browser is far from it.

Why not ask for a default music player default mail app default camera app while we’re at it unironically? That’S a really good idea. Is it I don’t know. I don’t know if I care about that.

Personally, I I think for music player. I don’t I don’t know if I care about camera app like they like this. As far as I can tell, this, is them effectively exposing like the App Store as part of the opening your phone like this is. This is part of the um. The you can’t have Safari just be the only thing on iOS crack yeah, but they’re saying it’s uh, the onboarding. Personally, I don’t necessarily think that this needs to be part of the onboarding.

It just needs to be something that you can do. Oh sure, um sure, that’s fair enough. I mean honestly, I don’t mind it at onboarding um. I I don’t know if I want every single thing that my phone can do.

I I I don’t necessarily want to make a choice where it now downloads that app or whatever instantly, when I’m trying to set up a new device. That sounds compromise kind of annoying one screen where it has all the default apps you can click into them and change them or you can go all the way down and go continue. I’M on board compromise give me that skip button and and then I don’t care yeah because like what, if I am an Apple user, that’s just like yeah. I just want all the Apple stuff which there’s going to be tons of them and that’s the whole thing that a lot of the people who argue for Apple’s, Walled, Garden and Apple’s, anti-competitive and anti-consumer practices will say they’ll say well, I just want. I don’t want to pick. I just want them to tell me what’s good, they still can and you can still just use whatever Apple tells you to use it’s okay, it’s fine! I find it interesting. That Chrome is at like the bottom of the list. Well, I mean no one said Apple.

Couldn’T maliciously comply, I will say uh I’ve been using. I don’t know if I’ve talked about this on the show ever I’ve been using the Firefox mobile browser for like a decade never had a single problem. It’S fantastic. I have my my uh, like URL bar search bar stuff is at the bottom.

I prefer that a ton it’s a user setting, it’s stuck for like years. It’S great, I love Firefox mobile. That’S all I have to say that’s it. Someone was surprised they’re like wait.

What is that? They saw my phone and they’re like what is that I was like it’s my browser they’re like what do you mean? It doesn’t look like Chrome. I was like it’s not Chrome. It’S Firefox they’re like use Firefox from like yeah. It’S great.

I don’t know you’re a liar, no, I’m not everyone who uses Firefox lies. You told me that no, no, no, no, all the people, not all the people, the cont. The context for that was.

We did a poll on float plane during the W show asking what percentage of people used Firefox and I just knew and then Luke not right, went into our logs for the actual access. Well, not me, AJ did sorry. Aj uh went into our logs for the percentage of float plane, users that use Firefox and those numbers were not similar, not even sort of close and like some people are like.

Oh yeah, you can spoof what browser it is, and some people do this for compatibility, because a site will say that it doesn’t work with Firefox, but if you just tell it that you’re actually using Chrome instead, it will actually work. Just fine uh there’s pretty much. No way the amount of people that do that make up the Gap um I can’t say for sure, but pretty much no way. This is totally off topic, but do you make that PLL dad is LCA fire? The options are yes and yes, but I use Firefox. They like their polls. This is amazing.

I get weird with them when we do the super checks after party the flo Lan exclusive stream, oh really, yeah uh, we every single time you well like who’s, going to win the round and they just get strange. I should look into that. We have a we have a view where we can see every poll ever made and who made? Oh really.

I didn’t know that yeah. I should be more careful, yeah um. This is just totally off topic, but I was I was looking at the chats and I’m obviously mostly looking at float. Plane chat, but twitch chat is upset because there’s another ad break. This is really weird, so someone here turned on ads on Twitch and like really intrusively um, and I turned them off and then someone here I think Colton. I know yes, Colton Colton turned them back on and said: don’t touch that setting anymore we’re having ads on on Twitch, and I think they run every 20 minutes for some reason, even though the L show gets interrupted, every 20 minutes on Twitch for an ad break And there are no ad breaks on any other platform where it broadcasts. Obviously, I’m not going to expect everyone to move over to float plane where there’s a monthly subscription does YouTube not ad break during live streams.

There are, we do not have them enabled on YouTube. Oh they’re not enabled I and they’re not on Facebook for sure we also stream on Facebook. What is it about the experience of watching on Twitch? That makes it so that no no hold on hold on nobody has abandoned it. In spite of the ad breaks that are not on other platforms like our viewership is basically the same as it always is.

I have a theory as much as I hate it despise. It even the people want a smaller internet. They want to just stay on the sites that they use and if they’re twitch frogs instead YouTube users they’re just going to stay there, they will not have Alternatives. It sucks.

We had this really cool internet where there was all these unique cool websites where people would do neat things, and now there’s like like people use like five websites and yeah. Oh there’s more than five websites that are possible. I mean individuals like there’s it’s very common, that individual people will not navigate to more than a very, very small handful of websites, they’ll be like yeah, I’m a Reddit and Facebook and Twitter user, and I Google things sometimes and that’s it yep. I can see that .