The Ant CNC: Open Source PCB mill – Maker Faire Rome

The Ant CNC: Open Source PCB mill - Maker Faire Rome

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Ant CNC: Open Source PCB mill – Maker Faire Rome”.
Who are you and what did you bring to maker pharaoh? We spend the time trying to make affordable and easy the creation of ppcb for everyone, and that’s why we created the ncnc. We are writing the ant farm software yeah, and we want to this to be a workflow, easy and affordable for everywhere. Okay, so let’s we propose an entire flow in the in an open way: okay, with the open source software and an open license for the hardware. So completely open completely open, that’s fantastic! So um there’s been a crowd at your booth. Every time I walk by I’ve been trying to get in to get a video, but you guys have been swamped.

Uh. Your Hardware looks fantastic. Let’S start there. What are these machines? So you said, you’re making a CNC machine.

The Ant CNC: Open Source PCB mill - Maker Faire Rome

Tell me a bit about the hardware hello. So the hardware is a complete by standard mechanical Parts. Okay and the 3D printed part. Okay, the the diffusion of these uh, these parts per meter to have a strong and reliable uh machine.

Okay, uh, all the parts are of the printed part, are designed by us. Okay and we choose the hardware part, the the mechanical part in a manner. That is not necessary to do any uh, no Machining, okay, so you can build this if you have a 3D printer available, yeah, it’s fantastic and for the for the brains, the electronics.

What are you using for that? And this will be Dynamics, driver and two pum outputs that we offer that we will test now that I can support us about 10 number of so nice in open Hardware, flavor and open Hardware. Okay, so you’ve made the hardware you’ve designed the hardware you’ve now designed the electronics as well, and you mentioned you also made software yeah. So tell me a little bit about the software. Now we are integrated all in one solution and we are doing it just to meal PCB, so it’s really dedicated and we try to make it to make it as simple as possible. So the the user takes his Gerber file standard Gerber files inputs to the to the software, creates this job and send it to the machine and just that perfect perfect.

So if somebody wants to learn about this, if they’re watching this video from somewhere else, they want to learn about it, build one of their own. Where do they find the information yeah? We have a YouTube channel. This is the young PCB maker and all the material is on our repositories. Nowadays, we have a couple of repository.

We are trying to make it once trying to consolidate yeah okay, so you recommend people find your YouTube channel and your Instagram. Yes, okay. I will show that, can I show that here? Yes, okay, let me get that in the video here. Just in case I forget Perfect all right so uh. Thank you very much for telling me about this. I think people are going to love these machines, they’re so cool.

We hope so. .