The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro

The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro”.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before we’ll have I seen this before will shaking his head? No, that is a display, but you would normally have a trackpad on a laptop. This is the new Zen Book Pro is worth taking a look at. Let’S look at a couple of quick specs over here, ux5 80s and Book Pro 15, that thing’s configurable you can put different stuff on that screen. Video calculator player controls, it’s also pack in two gtx 1050, some Thunderbolt, 3 2, dual 4k video output – that is good 4.1 pounds and it’s a 15 inch display also gon na feature Intel Core. I 9 processors.

Why don’t we check it out ourselves? Zen Book Pro mm- spiral metallic look to it here is the laptop itself, some power for it. Ah, cable ties: nice touch DC in HD of mine, Thunderbolt 3 Thunderbolt 3 got ta like Thunderbolt 3 couple of standard, USB micro SD microphone, jacks, so no shortage of ports. Here they know you guys want port airlie slender interesting when it’s powered off this trackpad. It just looks like any other trackpad. It clicks, like any other trackpad chiclet style. This looks like a fingerprint scanner over here, okay Jack.

The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro

What do you say now, brother? That’S a multi-touch display by the way, so you could actually reach up and touch this thing will. What is the resolution of this display? Sir? I rely on will for the feeds and speeds. I think it’s 4k. Okay, it’s a 4k display. I may have even read that earlier very pretty we can go from screen pad mode to extension, display traditional touchpad or disabled.

So let’s try screen pad mode woah holy and then all of a sudden, I can interact with this via touch. Look at that whoa. Okay, bring up your calendar Jack’s, a big calendar guy. You got stuff mapped out in the calendar. How far in advance years in the future, Jack is mapping years, ah little multimedia for yeah, that’s kind of useful.

The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro

Yes, of course, the savvy students were you a savvy student. Will he do definitely not a savvy student. 2. 2. 4. Do you want to see that again jack? You look futuristic with this.

Someone walks by that guy’s got it together. Man. I wish. I could be friends with that guy right, it’s a launcher for various apps, some quick toggles ooh.

I like this. If I go to settings here, I can quickly toggle brightness. I can set the wallpaper for it now.

If I go back to my hotkey here and switch over to extension display, that is crazy, that’s an actual secondary display for whatever I want touch capable from the computer monitor whoa. That is weird. It still works as a trackpad, which is so bizarre browser over here.

The Amazing Dual Screen Zenbook Pro

I could be looking at whatever I want and then down below. I got a video playing. That’S a screen in the trackpad, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. It is set up, I’m gon na switch back to the screen pad mode.

This mode, I think, is where it’s in the wheelhouse now there’s another thing you can do as well. You could sync up your smart phone to have it represented in this location, so you could quickly toggle things that are happening on your smart phone in this spot. So wireless type of sync am i right? Well it’s a thumbs up from will it can wireless sync to a smart phone? So that’s another option. They say that the speakers they say they’re, amazing, you are mine brother. I will come for you.

The screen looks really nice speakers they’re leaving a little to be desired. It could be a little bit louder. I don’t know, let me try a couple different sources, there’s a thump to it because of the way the speakers are firing.

They’Re hitting the table. Apparently, there’s also going to be an SDK released so that app developers can develop specifically for this touchpad. I know there’s gon na be those of you out there in the crowd.

I know you’re out there you’re always out there you’re skeptical, and you don’t look good for you, because you should be it’s this a gimmick glue for the record, that’s kind of what I thought going into it, but with this particular development you don’t necessarily need to Use it as a screen like you, don’t need to use it to display video, you can use it as a regular trackpad, but some of these little implementations, particularly the multimedia one I can see using that on a fairly frequent basis, take full advantage of them. You probably want to have a mouse on the side, I’m interested to see how other developers attack this real estate different tools down there for various editing software. Could you put Photoshop down there? I don’t really know as of right now it’s a cool thing to look at, and I do like to reward ambitious decisions here on the show it might not be fully fleshed out at the moment, but why not? You know go after it do something unique to so many laptops to choose from this. One has a screen where the trackpad is there. It is the new Zen Book Pro the first laptop I’ve ever looked at with a screen where the trackpad is that still works and functions as a pretty little trackpad, very cool and ambitious, and I like that, .