The 42” Touch Screen!

The 42” Touch Screen!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The 42” Touch Screen!”.
Thanks to tempo for sponsoring this video in my 10 years of reviewing gadgets, i’ve had the privilege of seeing some of the coolest things to ever come out in the world. But in that time i have never checked out something as useful and as innovative as this [ Applause ]. So i’ve had a gym membership for the better part of five years. For my mental health, my physical health, but somebody who’s got a family history of heart. Disease like staying in shape is super important, but now, when we’re all stuck at home all the time, my outlet to work out was kinda. Taken from me and i’ve been struggling for ways to keep my heart right up to stay strong to stay healthy and it’s been impossible to do while at home enter tempo studio. This has been my absolute answer to home, gym and technology and utilizing those things in ways that i’ve never seen before.

It’S like home gyms are obviously nothing new. My parents have had one for 15 years. It takes up a whole room. I’Ve wanted one for a while.

The 42” Touch Screen!

I don’t have the space in my house, though, to dedicate an entire room to it and that’s one reason something like tempo was so appealing: it is an entire gym all self-contained and encompassed. So the big story here is this: like crazy, responsive, 42-inch touchscreen, which somebody who likes tech, i think, is absolutely awesome and amazing and sort of what gives tempo it’s smart you’ll talk about. Is a 3d sensor built right into the middle, so i talked to tempo and asked them about it. All they can kind of see is a wireframe of what you’re doing so they can gauge your form and give you really accurate feedback.

All right. So today is arm day, so i’m going to do a 10 minute arm challenge with clearance. So a couple cool things happen here, so you see the duration of it that tell you the music difficult in the equipment you are going to need. They’Ll, walk you through. What it is you’re going to need to do, i can see what i’m going to need here. I’Ll go ahead and push start, and it’s going to pull up a screen to tell me what kind of weights i’m going to need to do this, and all these weights combined go up to 115 pounds like i said about self-contained.

Everything is all inside of it. So you’ve got your full weights and one of my favorite features too. The doors are all soft closed, but all the weights are stored underneath here in this little cut out, you’ve got a mat that you can use. You’Ve got essentially as a foam roller use it for recovery on the back mounted.

The 42” Touch Screen!

You’Ve got dumbbells and barbells here, and the machine will use the 3d sensor and algorithms to give you the best amount of weight to add as you go, it makes me feel like i’ve got a coach in my house, so a lot of magic is happening when You’Re doing a workout, so it will accurately measure your rep count. It’Ll measure your heart rate and you can see it in real time what your heart rate is doing all right. So now the workout’s already see the leaderboard. I’M number 83 right now and you can see it’s counting, my reps as i go, so it’s recommending 10., i’m a little extra competitive, so i’m going to try to get up there. So my heart rate’s going up i’m in zone three right now, as somebody like me, who’s kind of a novice to working out. It’S really important to get feedback on my form.

The 42” Touch Screen!

I don’t want to pull out my back or hurt my muscles. This actually gives me real-time feedback based on my performance and it’s using a 3d sensor. So if i’m lifting and my back is bent too much, it will tell me that, as i am lifting in real time, so it’s telling me right now. I had bad form. So i’m going to correct it and it’s gamified at two with leaderboards, so you can compete against other people who are taking the same class that you are to see how you stack up as you go through here. New classes are added all the time you can pick what you want to work out and if you’re looking at the system, thinking like i’m bigger than john, i could lift more weights. It’S not a problem, it’s kind of an olympic standard. You can add more weights. You can use third-party weights to go on these and the dumbbell and the barbell, it’s all like olympic-grade, steel and the weights. I really like too so – they’re steel, but they’re rubber coated.

So if they fall on the floor, they’re not going to scratch things up and they feel really premium no big deal just did 15 of the recommended. 10. feel strong and take it to the gun. Show no band-aids, i’m ripped from here to here. Don’T put that so after a class i usually like to use the recovery roller. It’S on my back generally just make sure i feel you know pretty good afterwards, i’m not the most flexible.

If you couldn’t guess that about me, uh, i’m not very flexible. This sort of helps, keep me loose and from kind of hurting anything and i kind of rolled over everything. I can feel my back cracks. I do it feels great.

You can see right here in that 10 minutes. You get a whole summary, so i burned 115 calories amount of weight i lifted where i ended up on the leaderboard 43 out of 129. Take it, you can view more stats. If you want, you could see certain milestones, you can track your heart rate and this is pretty cool. You can actually get sort of a really comprehensive workout summary. So you can see what you did.

How many reps you did so for me being able to get a workout in when i have 10 minutes? 20 minutes 30 minutes. Whatever has been really nice in the time. It would take me to drive to the gym, put myself in a locker and actually get to a machine. I could already have done a full 20 minute workout for my house.

Somebody like me who loves tech, but also it’s really important to stay in shape. This has been like the absolute perfect marriage of things, and it was hard to even do this video, because i was really excited about the machine when i got it in. This is one of those things that, like yeah, it’s sponsored, but i really love this machine and the price point may might not make it accessible for everybody.

They have payment plans, but it’s something. That’S in your budget. You will not be disappointed.

I feel that i’ve gotten every cent out of this machine and it’s only going to continue to grow with me as it gets better. I love tempo and it’s going to stay in my house. That’S hard! .