The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!

The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video. And Today I’ve got something new. It just came out. I saw this floating around the web.

The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!

And I was like man. I can see the utility in that.. I can see a lot of people being interested in this thing.

Right here., It’s called iXpand. And it is a memory case for your iPhone.. This is about expanding the storage of your iPhone without needing any kind of external device.. The storage is built into the case..

Comes in a couple of different sizes., This is the biggest one 128 gigabytes. So I’m thinking you can get the highest capacity iPhone. Stick this baby on there and then … I mean I don’t know.. I don’t know what you’re storing But ….

I think it’s a pretty cool concept. Let’S check out the back of the box.. What do we got Play? Videos from the case. It supports all the file formats and it provides durable drop. Protection.

Now, there’s an app that goes with it as well, But …. What does it look like? It also comes in a few different colors.. This one, as you can see, is … red and, like this kind of gray, crosshatch color thing going on.

The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!

You charge up the case by connecting it to the wall via USB., There’s also an adapter here.. This is gon na plug into the bottom, so that you can then use whichever 3.5 millimeter headphones that you want.. So you slide this guy in.. Then this guy goes back. On. Lets see here. There, you go. So …. It’S kind of an interesting look: there. Ports here for your speakers, This kinda maneuvers the sound which normally fires out the bottom of the iPhone towards you. When you’re holding it. Buttons …

The 250GB Mega Storage iPhone!

And this port. Here, that’s the magical, port. Simple, stuff. Boo-yah.! I was wondering what this is for. Do you see this here? So that’s for an add on battery pack. There’s like a See this little clip here and those contacts You can get a battery pack that, like clips in here., You’ve now added extra storage..

But then, on top of that you can add extra battery too.. Ok, so I’ve got the app installed now it’s called iXpand case., So you can setup camera backup., And this will allow you to backup you’re entire photo library off of your the devices internal storage to the actually storage case.. It’S separates your data into documents, music, video and pictures., Ah, very cool. The dashboard here shows the battery life of the phone 39 % Battery pack, not connected., Available storage on the phone 72 % versus the case 99 %, And what percentage is taken up by certain style or certain type of file.? But what if I click lets say on the images I can swipe through.? This is natively on the case.. These files are on the case. And from there I can save it., So I can save it directly to the phone storage.

If I want to. – Or I can send it out to social media message, it print it.. On the video side, It’s got a native video player right in it for popular file formats.. Now this is actually really interesting because if you’ve got a bunch of file formats that aren’t native to the iPhone., Since this is coming off the case and it’s in its own app., Now it’s a basic MP4.

And another number of popular formats will play right. Here. Look., I’m just …, I’m playing natively. And music … Same deal. It’S got a player built in.. What happens if I connect the case to like a laptop? It says it is charging., But does it boot up? Do I get …? Does it mount It’s right here, music photos video., It’s way better than those like little dedicated devices, because then you’ve got something else to remember in your pocket.. In this case it just ….

It becomes more native. Apple’s charging you a lot of money to go with the bigger capacity. Phones..

Then you’ve got the formatting., Then you’ve got the pre-installed stuff.. You really end up with not that much storage left over.. Now you can use the same phone but essentially end up with way more storage. Lets say you were using iCloud or Drive or whatever to offload some of the stuff that wouldn’t fit on a phone.. Well …. What about when you’re in the airplane, without WiFi, .