The #1 Phone… In PRISON

The #1 Phone... In PRISON

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The #1 Phone… In PRISON”.
So much smaller than I expected. Rap man and rap woman.. What is rap woman, And what does voices mean? This is the smallest phone in the world.. It’S right on the box., Or maybe it isn’t. I don’t care..

What I do care about is that it’s the most popular phone in prison., It’s called a boss beater, because it’s designed from the ground up to beat a body orifice scanning chair called well the boss. And we’re gon na do our best to find out today. If that is actually the case., Which could get a little dirty, just like our sponsor. Hetzner, thanks to Hetzner for sponsoring this video. Hetzner offers high performance cloud services for an amazing price. With their new US location in Ashburn in Virginia.

You can deploy cloud servers in four different locations and benefit from features like load, balancers, block storage and more. Use code, LTT 22, at the link below for a 20 bucks, off. (, upbeat music, ), We’ll begin by getting our equipment together.. We got our banana for scale, our phone protectors, melon, a drill. And, of course, the Zanco Tiny T1..

The first thing I get to do is unbox it.. This box is a trip. Three day standby time. That’S good! If you have to keep it in hiding., You can’t just like charge it right. Nano SIM Bluetooth, 3.0 got a lot of languages, That’s really important. And the voices. Man, woman, child old cartoon young Optimus-, [ David ] Ooh, Duck robot, Eva Wall-E, rap man and rap woman., ( David laughing ). What is rap woman And what does voices mean? Does it do real time voice disguising Shut up it, does. (, laughter )? Oh my God, it’s so much smaller than I expected..

The #1 Phone... In PRISON

Looking at this box is the picture actual size? No, not quite.. Even in my tiny hands. Got a mic here..

This has got ta be for noise canceling.. What looks like potentially another mic hole here, and this would’ve taken some real engineering, because in order for you to hear anyone that you’re, actually talking to the mic, has to have a really actually fairly sophisticated pickup pattern.. There’S one screw what appears to be a speaker grille.? Oh my God, it comes with a silicone case..

The #1 Phone... In PRISON

How adorable is that Now by this point in the video you’re, probably wondering who the heck Zanco is and how this came to be. And the product is actually the result of a successful Kickstarter campaign from back in 2018 that raised 246,000 US dollars.? Why? Because they set out with a very specific goal and according to our sources, they’ve done a pretty bang up job of it.. Let’S go ahead and open it up, so we can take a closer look..

The #1 Phone... In PRISON

I feel like I’m working on a toy, but it’s not.. It’S a fully functional phone., Ooh, hey! I think it comes apart from the front. There’s your display on a ribbon cable..

Is it all LED [ David ], It is. [ Linus, ], Wow [, David ], Half-inch, all LED., Your membrane button pad.! Oh my God.! Okay! There’S your speaker driver right there.. There is your tiny lithium battery, SIM slot., Shielded, processor RAM and basically everything else.. I can imagine you guys thinking build quality seems pretty rubbish..

Why would anybody pay for this thing at all, And the answer is that Zanco knows their target market and the Tiny T1 is designed to meet it. Even the chassis material sure they could have gone premium metal in space gray., But there’s no point beating the boss. If it’s just gon na get caught in the metal detector right, Another example: micro, USB. Yeah – that’s what you want., Because it needs to be as small as humanly possible so that it can be smuggled into the prison. Because of these qualities. People not only pay for them, but according to our contact on the inside they’re worth anywhere from 500 to 1,000 US dollars. ( laughing ) This or iPhone right 100 %. I mean, if you’re putting it in your butt.

Yeah enough chit chat. Though. We got ta turn it on right. That is a very small screen. Still having trouble there. Just got ta get that on there., I’m just imagining like the giantest dude.

With this thing now too. Check this out.. We got two bars four bars.. This is Jake’s phone actually., So I’m not gon na check his text, but maybe Jake., Hey Jake are you in earshot Or like I can text him. ( phone clatters ), Let’s figure out how the- Is that the default ring tone A gunshot., ( laughing ). You get one line of text per scroll.: 18 unread, message., Seven characters, max.

(, gunshot, ringtone ). Are you texting him right now? ( gunshot, sound effect, ) (, laughter, ), Inbox,, Oh okay! So that’s from Colin then.! It looks even funnier in your hands.. I can’t tell if I’m being memed right, now., No, no you’re not.! Oh my God, you’re, like changing options., Cancel done okay. Dude they’re, all voicemail ones..

Why don’t I get these on my phone? That’S weird.! It’S using 40 % of its screen. To tell me I’m looking at the message. I just wan na read the message.. I think I’ve kind of figured out the interface at this point, though we’ve got a D-pad here.. This goes back and this goes forward.. So I’m in the inbox now.

Sent messages. I can go back here. Message and now I can scroll through all my different things check that out. We got the bit dialer., You know what I’m not actually sure.

If this is a D-pad., This might just be an up and down rocker. A silent mode is super important.. Our source told us that there have been instances of these being found and confiscated because they rang at an inopportune time or even because they vibrated the individual’s self in transport. Magic voice..

Oh here we go here, we go. Oh this is this voice changer thing.? So it’s on none right, now.! That’S fine! We’Ll start normal.! It’S got ta, be time to make a call. [ Automated Voice, ], Seven, seven eight.. What There’s? No way you want your phone going: six zero four.! Ah, here we go., Let’s play with some ring tones. ( ring tone playing ) I’m liking that it’s got kind of like an’80s action, movie kind of vibe. [ David ].

Is there any vibration? Oh yeah. ( ringtone, music playing ). These are amazing.

( phone ringing. ), Oh, that’s so boring. I definitely like the last one.

( ringtone song playing ) Feel like I’m. In an action. Movie. ( object, clatters, ), (, gunshot, sound ), Yeah, it’s gon na have to be that., I feel so dainty.. I feel like a dainty lady.

Wow am I on speaker, Hello. No, it’s not. Wow. I really nailed the alignment on the speaker there.. Actually. I guess it’s kind of easy when the thing basically like fits inside your ear. ( voice, modulated, ) Colin, you can put it in your ear..

I am now next level. Next level, Bluetooth, earpiece, douche bag.. I got the whole phone in my ear.

[ David ]. I think you have the voice changer on already.. Oh, I have the voice changer on Oh crap..

Oh I’m on duck mode. [ David ]. There you go.

How’s my voice quality. Now [ David ], It’s significantly more Linus.. It’S a little quieter! Definitely a little quieter.

Little quieter. Okay, cool okay. Got your phone book, your call history.. You can message mute volume and oh yeah magic voice.. Well, you guys already heard duck by accident, but let’s go ahead and try some more. [ David ] Optimus yeah Okay..

I would like to order a strike on the Decepticons and a large pepperoni pizza.. I think there are Decepticons that do sound like this, but it is not Optimus. No Okay..

Oh, we haven’t even shown your voice quality yet.. Okay, I’m gon na put it right. Next to my mic., Okay Colin tell me a little story.

I’ll, tell you a little story about this man who once dropped everything he got his hands on- All right, all right! That’S enough of that story.! Not bad, though right Like it’s totally. Usable., Hey Colin, you whippersnapper, or am I sounding a little older than I used to You – are now receiving your instructions from the robot known as Wall-E. There’s not much variation.. It’S either you get like a high-pitched distortion or a low-pitched distortion., And then they called it. Like three different things., Okay, last one last one. Collin, Do I sound like a rap woman.

Whatever a rap woman would be. [ Colin ]? Ironically, you sound pretty much the same.. Thank you for that..

This is my new cellular telephone., It’s Linus sized.. What Hi Colin.? Oh hello., ( laughs, ), No, it’s for putting in your butt.. No it’s not. [ David ] Yeah. It is.

It really is. For like prison people Yeah.. Why do we have that So that we can see how well it fits in your butt and how good the reception is from your butt.? You have fun. All right hanging.

Up. See you later. Call ended.. I can’t believe we haven’t already done this, but here’s a short circuit banana for scale, LTT, Wait. We haven’t sent a text message yet. Now in prisons, where have a roommate. It is against prison code. According to our contact to snitch on someone else for having a phone., But there still might be reasons that you may wish to communicate a little bit more discreetly.. So let’s go ahead.! Oh it’s T-9.! Oh blast from the past. Okay, it’s not predictive T-9 mode.! Okay! I’M trying to text you Colin. [, Colin ], Okay., Hi, Colin., One another interesting fact: people will sneak items like this, but not this into prisons, all the time. During the first 30 days. At least. We know this about the Canadian penal system.

You can get what’s called a pen pack containing comfort items in the first 30 days of your incarceration. They’ve, seen everything from phones inside bigger items like stereos.. There was even to modified PS three inside a PlayStation one case, because you’re not allowed to have an internet connected console, but a not internet connected console is okay.. Smart TVs will have their USB ports disabled, for example, because inmates will often have USBs with a bunch of porn on them to watch., And apparently that’s not okay. In prison., I mean why would you You got ta use your imagination.. We already know the tiny T1 contains so little metal that a metal detector wouldn’t be able to pick it up., But there are other ways that officials can catch devices like this during screening, including with an EMF meter.. So what we’re going to do is we’re gon na check the electromagnetic radiation of a regular phone, the Zanco T1 and then the Zanco T1 embedded in the bowels of a cantaloupe..

We could have done this another way, but I chickened out. And frankly, I don’t think anyone needs to experience that. Measuring RF in a space like this is not the easiest thing..

We have so much freaking interference running around here., So we built ourselves a junky, Faraday cage.. We are grounded. We’re able to roll this thing over and we’re gon na do all of our tests inside this.. So it’s gon na sit here. And then what was the idea to just put it in there [ David ] To turn on and turn it to like Watts per meter or the amp setting there ( phone ringing ), Oh someone’s, calling Jake. Hi. This is Jake’s. Receptionist., All right so we’re enclosed in grounded metal. Jake’s on the butt phone you should get this..

Oh my God., I didn’t just inhale helium. I think it’s just a piece of shit.. Oh, it might have a voice effect.

On.! Oh wait! Apparently, this phone has like voice effect, things. Anyways, what’s up 1.8 Watts per meter when it’s broadcasting and then it kind of takes a break and switches radios. About 500 milli watts per meter., So between 500 milli watts and 1200 milli watts.. Let’S try the Zanco 1.9 mil micro watts per meters, square., Okay, so basically nothing.

Yeah. I don’t think this is the best LED cage.. I made it about 20 minutes., But still we can see there’s a market difference between a normal phone- Yeah, its still ringing.. It has only two bars compared to four though., So it’s definitely doing something.

And we can see that there’s a huge difference between it sitting in here with this and with a normal phone.. So it’s already pretty negligible.. So then, we need to know if it drops to like zero. If we put it in a melon.

( drilling ), It smells good., It’s a good one., But before we insert our tiny T1 into our artificial body cavity here, I wan na talk safety and best practices.. Obviously, the last thing you want is for your tiny T1, which you spent way too much money on. It’S only $ 47 at retail to get confiscated.

You’re gon na have to hide your charger and your charging cable, but that’s probably manageable, but you especially wan na hide your tiny T1. And when it’s time to do that, one of the best ways to do it Is to cover it if you know what I mean.. So this is a condominium condom for short. The phone lives in there sorry.. This is to keep your SIM card.

Clean. Just need. To- [, David ] body cavity, looks a little small. Yeah.

It’S a tight body. Cavity. [ Colin ], You can just ream it out with the drill a little bit. More.

Give it a little. The spiral. ( drilling ) Colin go ahead and gim me a call. He’s calling get it., ( laughs, ) ( phone ringing )! Well, you better hope that you don’t receive a phone call while you’re going through the check-in.. That’S a thing we did. We’ve officially reached a new low.

Shark jumping is way in the rear view mirror. My assistant or my ass, as I call it.. Oh don’t., 2.3 milli, watts per meter squared. And it’s like bouncing up to yeah it’s well around 3, 2, 3.

And now it’s in micro Watts., So it’s 0.0011 micro watts. And then it goes and it tries to connect to the network. Again, I’m assuming it’s lost. Reception., So it’s saving battery.. We would strongly recommend that, if you’re trying to sneak it anywhere while it is, is more difficult to detect than a fully featured modern smartphone, it would be best to put it in airplane mode. Yeah. I mean you wouldn’t want to try and answer the call, Because that would be a pretty ( beeps ) experience., Just like this ( beeps ) segue to our sponsor.

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Cavities, maybe check out our video on the fair phone.. It’S a little more practical and kind of a more sustainable approach to phone design. .