THANK YOU NVIDIA!! – RTX 4060 Ti Review

THANK YOU NVIDIA!! - RTX 4060 Ti Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “THANK YOU NVIDIA!! – RTX 4060 Ti Review”.
I, for one think we should be grateful to Nvidia for the 4060 TI. I mean sure: we’ve waited over a year for a card, that’s only 10 faster in rasterized games and and were they didn’t upgrade the eight gigs of vram from last gen, but at least they didn’t downgrade it like they did with the memory bus and it’s it’s Just a hundred dollars more, if you want the other, eight gigs seems totally reasonable when nvidia’s cost is somewhere between 20 and 35 dollars. At least you won’t have to wait months for the drivers to get good. Okay.

That last one wasn’t sarcasm, though there is legitimately a fair bit to like about the RTX 4060 TI. It supports all of nvidia’s latest Ray tracing and AI upscaling bells and whistles it’s much more power efficient than the card that it replaces and it supports av1 encoding, which is a huge deal if you stream to YouTube. But you also shouldn’t pull the trigger without getting the full story here.

There’S been a lot of talk lately about how eight gigs of vram just isn’t enough anymore, and I’ve got some bad news. It’S not FUD at Max settings, but only 1080p resolution. The Last of Us remake gobbles up a whopping 8.9 gigs of video memory, meaning that, with an 8 gig card, some of that is going to spill out into your system memory, which significantly harms performance or even worse. If you have an older system and not even that old, just one that doesn’t support resizable bar there is no overflow. You simply will need to turn down your graphical settings and this isn’t an isolated problem. We didn’t test Jedi Survivor for our suite today, but that’s another recent game that is reportedly using up to 10 gigs of vram at 1080p.

THANK YOU NVIDIA!! - RTX 4060 Ti Review

Epic settings yikes, but Linus you might say I don’t need epic or ultra settings. They don’t even look that much better and you’re right. We’Ve even got an entire video about why it’s kind of pointless to turn the slider all the way to the max.

THANK YOU NVIDIA!! - RTX 4060 Ti Review

But here’s the thing, even if trying to fully future proof, is foolish. I’M not talking about some hypothetical future need here if your card isn’t equipped for Ultra today, how do you think it’s gon na fare in two or three years when Ultra is the new medium? Not good? You know it is good, though our new stick locks joystick covers who needs your sticks, getting knocked around when your console, your controller, is in your bag check them out at, with that out of the way, if we look purely at today’s performance compared to the Rest of nvidia’s lineup, the 46 DTI, looks like a pretty decent buy. It costs 40 percent less than the RTX 4070, while being only about 20 slower, except in The Last of Us, probably because of that vram issue with that said, that might be more to do with how bad the 4070 is.

THANK YOU NVIDIA!! - RTX 4060 Ti Review

If we add some inconvenient truths to our numbers here, the picture gets a little less Rosy AMD has made some very aggressive price cuts to their last gen and the 6700 XT performs nearly as well, sometimes even beating the 4060 TI all while costing about 50 less And while including 12 gigabytes of vram without a hundred dollar up charge, so if all you care about is Pure rasterized Performance per dollar, you should probably be making the switch to team red. That being said, there is an efficiency story here that we’re going to get into later. First, I want to talk about higher resolution gaming because even if Nvidia isn’t talking about it because only Ray tracing exists for them now this is a very solid 1440p rasterized gaming card. Most games had one percent lows that were either close to or above 60 FPS at ultra settings with Ray tracing and dlss off, meaning that, on a 60hz monitor, you can expect a consistently smooth gaming experience want even more frames, hey just enable dlss or turn down Your settings to a more modest, preset and you’re Off to the Races 1440p is just such a great middle ground.

It offers a much Sharper Image compared to 1080p, assuming the same screen size, but without the same Major Performance hit. That comes with 4K, and it also comes with this message from our sponsor pulseway. Managing it systems can be a pain, but with pulse waves, remote monitoring and management software. It’S a breeze.

You get real-time system, monitoring, instant alerts and audio remediation all from one platform at any time, using any device start your free trial. Today, with the link down below speaking of 4K, you can but shouldn’t some of our results were okay, and if you’ve got a nice 4K TV nearby or a secondary 4k monitor depending on the game and settings, you could expect anywhere as high as 68 FPS average. In Forza Horizon 5, with even Ray tracing staying playable to as low as 11 FPS in cranked out cyberpunk games, though, who needs them right, blender loves Nvidia, and if we only look at this productivity Benchmark, the 4060 TI slots in exactly where you’d expect. We take a closer look at say: DaVinci Resolve with av1, h.264 and h.265.

Well, now we’re losing to not only several AMD cards but sometimes Intel’s Arc a770, and this one Hurts the Most even the 3060 TI and the worst part is. This isn’t isolated digging into our spec view: perf benchmarks, the 6700 XT and the 3060 TI often come out ahead or basically on par with nvidia’s new hotness. But why? Okay, while I often say that the specs for a GPU don’t matter what matters is the performance? Sometimes the performance makes no sense and we’ve got to dig into the specs to find out why the 4060 TI is based on an 8106 die that boosts up to 2.5 gigahertz with 4352 Cuda cores 136 4th gen, tensor cores and 34 3rd gen Ray tracing course.

All of which sounds sufficiently next gen. What doesn’t is that the eight gigs of vram that we’ve talked about so much already is on a 128-bit bus compared to the 3060 TI, which had double that. That is a major cost, cutting measure that seems to have significantly harmed the 4060 TI in memory intensive applications for context, guys back in the 600 series days.

You had to go all the way down to the 650 TI which cost 150 dollars to find such a budget conscious memory interface, but to nvidia’s credit, cheap bastards that they are. You can’t ignore how well it kept up the majority of the time and according to Nvidia. This is largely thanks to the 4060 TI’s massively upgraded cash.

They claim – and our numbers do bear this out – that it improves performance, reduces latency and increases power, efficiency, so yeah a narrow bus does limit data transfer speeds to vram and in a perfect world we wouldn’t have to give that up, but the more we can store In the cache, instead of vram the better, now I’m not a GPU architect. So I can’t say this for certain, but it seems like this trade-off might be contributing to better performance in hybrid applications like gaming, while also taking advantage of the 4060 TI’s Ray tracing course and its AI engine. I mean looking at performance in games with Ray tracing. It’S clear that this isn’t some feature: that’s tacked on now it’s actually usable and unless you have six hundred dollars to blow on a 4070, this is the best next-gen gaming experience on the Block, and the same goes for when we turn on dlss AI upscaling, which In general turns playable into smooth and smooth into smoothlier, you isn’t perfect, there are still some visual anomalies from time to time and we did find outliers where performance did not improve. For example, using dlss3 and returnal resulted in a degraded experience. Whether we had frame generation enabled or not so super bizarre, but it has improved to the point where some games not only look the same and perform better but will even look better with dlss. It’S definitely a nice to have, and what makes it even better is that the 4060 TI draws significantly less power than its predecessor, sometimes staying within 140 Watts, depending on the gamer workload.

That is really impressive and could even be the difference between needing to upgrade your power supply or not needing to upgrade your power supply. This part’s anecdotal we’re still waiting on our Sound Chamber, but in terms of Acoustics, while gaming, it’s no louder than really any other card, which is good. I guess considering that it only reaches 66 degrees on average during our f-122 loop with a Max temp of 79. On The Hot Spot, we’re going to have way more concrete testing on GPU noise and thermals down the line so make sure you stay tuned for more Labs updates. So then, at four hundred dollars, is it a good product at a good price? Let me put it this way when Nvidia CEO Jensen told all of his Pascal gamer friends that it’s safe to upgrade. Now it wasn’t 3060s and 3060 TI’s might as well have been made of unobtainium, but now honestly yeah.

I agree. The only question is whether it’s safe to upgrade to Nvidia the 40 series is already a mixed bag, and now the 4060 family looks like it’s going to be. Similarly, all over the map at 300, the non-ti version could make sense. But then, if these specs are anything to go by you’re going to be leaving a lot of performance on the table, then at 400 we’ve got good performance. But do you really want to hamstring yourself with only eight gigs of RAM and then 500? I mean gee. That’S an awful lot of money to spend on an entry-class Cheapo 128 bit GPU! That’S masquerading as a performance to your card seems like Nvidia, has just completely decoupled their manufacturing costs from their retail price. Here, look no further than the 100 op charge for 20 bucks of memory. So if I was a cynic – and I am – I would say that the pricing structure here is just a way of manufacturing fomo, so that you’ll upsell yourself to spend more than maybe you should.

Thankfully, though, we do still have some competition in the space you power, consumption, Ray tracing and dlss aren’t major concerns for you. The 6700 XT from AMD is a compelling option with more rumored to be coming, and this one was a big shocker Arc actually put up a pretty decent fight today, especially if you consider the 350 price, and especially if you consider our sponsor gorgeous gorgeous help desk Is a customer support platform that aims to revolutionize the way that businesses interact with their customers, their single unified dashboard makes staying organized simpler than ever. We’Ve even utilized gorgeous on to help with our customer support big part of why it’s a lot better. Lately, a big part of that decision was how easy it is to integrate gorgeous with platforms like Shopify and Facebook as the business grows, so does their need for efficient and effective customer support and gorgeous can come in clutch with their automated systems, as well as their Insight and analytics tools, and since everything is centralized, you can respond to customer inquiries via email chat and social media messages without drowning in a sea of chrome tabs. Our switch to gorgeous help desk was simple pain-free and it fit our customer support needs. It’S certainly been easier to provide customers with fast and personalized support, so see if they can help you too, by checking out gorgeous at the link down below.

If you guys liked this video make sure to check out our 4090 coverage. It’S super expensive, but it’s a really impressive card. .