thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ

thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ”.
Yo Jonathan here just wanted to hop in and say thank you for the kind words and support on the health update video in really videos in general. It feels good to be making Tech videos and to see you excited in the comments as well means the world. With that. I wanted to take this as an opportunity to give a quick health update on how things are going now, an important milestone for me and more so as a chance to give back to you guys. So, within this article there’ll be a chance to win a brand new iPhone 14 pro, as well as potentially a 14 inch MacBook Pro so definitely drop a like if you’re excited for that. So health update, if you missed the original video long story condensed, is I got shingles which ultimately got into my eye and caused a wound and defect on my cornea to where I woke up one morning, and it was like someone just smeared Vaseline over my entire Right eye just completely blurry, the initial assessment was terrifying in the sense that they said there was a good chance that I was gon na have to live with that forever, because it was right smack in the middle of my eye, even if it did heal when It scarred over that’s where things get permanent. Fortunately, I was able to start steroid eye drops which are kind of wild in their own respect, because you’re effectively suppressing your immune system, so it doesn’t scar over and cause permanent damage, but at the same time, you’re also running up the risk of the infection. Coming back or relapsing, so it’s this juggling Act of the steroid drops and then countering that with antivirals. I would say the biggest side effect for me with the steroid drops is sometimes just randomly. It would dilate my eye to the point where it almost felt like they put my eye into manual mode and then rack the focus up close and then everything beyond that was just gone throughout. That, though I would say, for the most part, there was progress.

thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ

Every single week, with certain exceptions, you have good days and bad days and some days where you kind of feel like you’re going backwards, but it’s to the point now where that initial wound has shrunk about 85 to 90 percent. As of now, it looks like it’s not going to ever go away 100, but the best case scenario, as I finish this last course of steroid eye drops – is that it goes away enough to the point where you can only see something under specific tools or for Lack of a better term under a microscope, and ultimately, hopefully I won’t notice it either way, though, and not that there hasn’t been challenging and frustrating moments along the way from where things are now to how they started. It is night and day, and I’m just extraordinarily grateful to even be here so now. Thank you time and for those who are just about to Tech, videos and the music project of mine. Isn’T your thing I get it. I respect it totally cool for that crowd, to make things simple and for your chance to win a brand new iPhone 14 pro. All you got to do is one be subscribed. Two drop: a comment down below studying what your favorite video on this channel is in three to double your chances of winning.

thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ

I recently dropped a video on a bone, conduction headset from shock. So if you check that video out and leave a comment there, not only will that enter you in that giveaway it’ll, also double your chances to win an iPhone 14 pro now, where things get a little spicy. This week marks the two year anniversary of when the max save video dropped and that effectively launched the music project and things have since transcended into places.

thank you + HUGE Update πŸ™πŸΌ

I could never even imagine everything from working on and releasing a track with loot. Startup recently just surpassed 2 million streams, which is wild so getting a chance to work on things with my favorite musicians and friends and now even getting a chance to mix songs in Dolby. Atmos has been a dream, come true, so to celebrate that in the two years I wanted to give away not only a brand new iPhone 14 pro Max with a pair of airpods, but also a 14-inch MacBook Pro, which has probably been my favorite laptop of all Time and hugely instrumental to both video and audio production.

So what I’ve done is grabbed every song that I’ve released so far, which is now eight and turned that into a Collection Pack. So, by purchasing that pack it automatically enters you in a chance to win that 14 inch MacBook Pro or the 14 pro Max airpods package. It’S worldwide, there’s no limit! So if you wanted to buy five packs to increase your chances of win, absolutely cool of a link to where you can buy that pack, as well as the complete recap and instructions on exactly how to enter.

And aside from that again just wanted to say. Thank you for the support on the health, the videos, the music, and I wanted to figure out a way to give back for everyone who supports me in different kinds of ways again for those who are just about to Tech videos on the YouTube side. I respect it, I get it.

I appreciate you and I am excited to keep making Tech videos so with that again you have that chance to win a 14 pro and, conversely, for those who have rocked with the music, I am eternally grateful. So, thank you guys for everything. This is Jonathan and I will catch you guys later. Um quit acting tough .