Tesla Master Plan 3 in 4 minutes

Tesla Master Plan 3 in 4 minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tesla Master Plan 3 in 4 minutes”.
All right master plan part three. There is a. There is a clear path to a fully sustainable Earth uh with abundance. In fact, you could support a civilization, much bigger than Earth than much more than the the eight billion humans, so we’re going to walk through the the calculations for how to create a sustainable energy civilization.

The the thing that is needed in at very large scale. That’S not currently present is a vast amount of battery energy storage. Our rough calculations are that this is about 240 terawatt hours or 240 000 gigawatt hours. That’S a combination of electric vehicles and stationary storage, so we’re assuming sort of an 81 ratio of uh stored energy to power, and this is across mining refining. You know battery factories, recycling vehicle factories, all the things that we’re going to talk about needing to invest in to build the sustainable energy economy in terms of wind and solar.

How much land would be used? It’S less than 0.2 percent of the land area of Earth. Anyway, what is that um? With a pretty really a remarkably small amount of of Earth’s land area? We can go fully sustainable. So this is the plan and now we’ll get into a little bit more of the details of the plan. Basically, five areas of work. First, early power, the existing grid, second switch to the to electric vehicles; third switch homes, businesses and Industry, heating to heat pumps, uh; fourth, high temp, heat delivery and storage for high temp industrial and chemical processes, and a little bit of green hydrogen in there for chemical Processes that need hydrogen and finally sustainable sustainably fuel planes and boats. So when we stack up all of these efforts, we end up with the numbers we shared at the beginning of the presentation: 30 terawatts, 240 terawatt hours, 10 trillion dollars and you’re.

You may be saying like I need some context. Is this feasible spoiler alert it’s entirely feasible, just looking at it from a growth rate, growth rate perspective? How much do we need to grow the deployment of these Technologies, we’re talking about only a 3X growth rate and solar and wind deployment? When we look at the electric vehicles, they have to grow 11x. Well, they grew 60 year on year last year and, lastly, storage um, you know Tesla’s energy storage business has grown at 65 kagger since 2016.. The global you know, energy storage business is is accelerating Pace as well. I mean all these gaps are going to close, especially as as this momentum of the transition to sustainable energy accelerates and what about on the mineral extraction side. So this is a cartoon that sort of gives you a sense for all the ore and the like extracted minerals that are coming out of the Earth every year it’s about 68 gigatons um, so each truck has a good ton.

What does this look like when we’re in a sustainable energy economy looks like that the resources are there to support the transition? You know this is cumulative demand to move in the sustainable energy economy Direction until 2050 relative to USGS resources. Today, what people think happens is: oh, there’s, this many resources next year, there’s going to be less because we’re going to extract them. What actually happens is as we extract resources, we we find more and you can see on the right what has actually occurred with the key materials to the sustainable energy economy since 2000, as the sustainable energy economy has been growing and Tesla’s been growing and all the Industries around us have been growing, the actual resource availability has increased, not decreased Earth can and will move to a sustainable energy economy and will do so in your lifetime. Yeah I mean my personal opinion is that as we improve the energy density of batteries, you’ll see old Transportation go fully electric with the exception of rockets.

That’S awkward! .