Tesla FSD Review!

Tesla FSD Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tesla FSD Review!”.
Thanks to roborock for sponsoring a portion of this video, all right, i’m gon na turn it on. Let’S see if it works. Let’S, let’s see what happens there, we go it’s on see what happens. Tesla like a lot of huge companies is polarizing. I think people are really in one of two camps, then elon himself is polarizing on top of that, so you take polarizing company, polarizing leader and then polarizing technology like full self-driving. You got a lot of people with a lot of opinions and when you hear the name full self-driving beta at least my first thought was like this. Sucker is gon na drive me i’m gon na get in my car, i’m gon na type in work address, and it’s going to drive me there. So i was excited when this beta program opened up and after sort of broken promises or at least over optimistic promises. It’S finally an option, and after kind of jumping through hoops and proving i could be a super safe driver uh, i got access to the full self-driving beta. So i want to talk about tesla’s, full self-driving beta, what it is and probably more importantly, what it isn’t.

All right, so the first thing you’ll notice with full self driving, is visualizations. You can turn this on or off. I like it on uh, but you get that little tadpole little tail you’re wondering kind of what that is.

That’S where the car thinks you’re going when you don’t have a destination put in the the full self-driving part. As far as the self-driving uh, it’s got to know where you’re going otherwise it’s just kind of like autopilot on city streets. So i’m gon na go ahead and put in an address so found a costco um. It doesn’t automatically start driving itself. If you put a destination, you still have to activate full self driving, which i’m to go ahead and do right. Now i have to be moving to do it and it very gradually will start to creep out and the line changes where the car thinks you’re going to go, and it renders everything around you now.

Tesla FSD Review!

I want to get this out of the way at best. It drives like a 15 year old who just got their learner’s permit, and it is their first day behind the wheel. There’S a lot of like a lot of this happening, there’s some floor in it. There’S some random braking. It might make a left turn when it’s not supposed to uh i’d argue: you have to pay more attention when this is on, then you have to pay when you were to sort of regular driving, uh listening to the radio um, and it’s see right, there saw A car coming faster on the corner, despite it not being in our lane it jammed on the brakes, and i want to be like very, very, very clear about this. While the name says full self-driving beta.

Tesla FSD Review!

This in no way is true, full self-driving when it works. It works very well, but you always have to be aware and always very actively paying attention. I’D even say paying more attention than you are when you’re regular driving, because it’s not perfect again it’s in beta, it can suddenly turn left.

Tesla FSD Review!

It could suddenly jam on the brakes. You could think and see something, that’s not there, but you can see the visualizations happening. You can see the cars going by and it’s happening really well, and this is happening in real time, rendering things that are actually going on in the real world taking those cars that it sees and rendering them here on the screen.

So those are making a left turn. It seats a car in front of us. This is a spot where there’s not a stop sign, but i have to stop because there’s oncoming traffic coming both directions. It goes really slowly and says autopilot creeping forward. So it’s creeping there’s a truck coming right here and i just stepped on the brakes.

The car was still moving um and that’s sort of a perfect example of what you need to be aware of it’s good, sometimes until uh. Until it’s not, it does have some weird behaviors if you’re on a road, for example, that doesn’t have a middle lane market separating both directions. Uh it’ll drive right in the middle, as opposed to splitting it and driving off to the right. That’S weird, but if it sees a cart coming, does a nice job of moving off to the side.

I live in a community that has a roundabout. It does not like roundabouts right now. It’S not handling um u-turns, for example. Now the car is breaking for some reason: um, but as we drive past here, you’ll notice there’s a big truck and it saw the big truck here on the screen, which is awesome, see how i just stopped. I don’t see it stopped here as that truck passes, and now it’s allowing us to to go, and then it’s gon na kind of floor it to the red light and then quickly jam off to the right to make a right turn. But again it is doing it on its own.

I mean so like that cool factor is, is definitely there, but every time you just got ta pick extra attention and it told them to totally drive us to costco and uh. If you look up ahead, i mean we did, make it to costco all right. So taking a step back and like actually thinking about what just happened, i got in my car same car.

I’Ve had for two years set at waypoint. My car basically drove me there. Uh, that’s incredible somebody who loves technology and cars that is mind-blowing, but it’s clearly not just interesting to me this benign 21. Second, video that i posted on instagram did 2.6 million views. People were interested in what i had to say the same thing on tick tock interested in this technology. So what it is is nowhere close to finished um, and that experience is where you can start to see at least what tesla is trying to accomplish and where they’re trying to go is a very impressive vision.

Uh when it comes to, like quote unquote like real autonomous driving like when you can sleep in the back of the car and not even have a steering wheel, the only experience i’ve had that even comes close to as of right. Now full autonomous driving uh is waymo. I was able to ride in a waymo test vehicle way before they launched a pilot program in arizona and as impressive as that was, and that was about three years ago. I think tesla’s approach longer run might be better. So tesla’s, building upon thousands and thousands of computers on wheels with cameras that can see the world and processing that can sort of make some sense of it and at the flip of a switch they can make every single one of those cars data points. And now that i’ve got access to the beta after driving the most careful i’ve ever driven in my entire life to get my score up, i am sort of one of those data points on sort of that tree of machine learning uh.

So when i’m driving the car and make a mistake, that’s one data point that can make it better or if the car is in its full self-driving bay, and it makes a mistake – it’s hopefully a mistake that it won’t make again. So while the tech in the tesla is polarizing how they use it, one piece of tech that is not polarizing um is vacuums, especially vacuums with lidar built in this is the robo rock s7, and it’s got some tricks up asleep. This thing has been roaming around. My house sucking and cleaning and doing an amazing job at both of those things.

You probably know robo rock we’ve done videos on the past, they’ve been in my house now for the better part of four years, but the s7 does everything that the previous models i’ve had did, but does it way better and has a bit of a secret? So the big one that’s awesome to see is this thing: will clean itself it’ll go back to the dock it’ll empty itself and then it can go back out and finish clean again when you’ve got three kids and a furry dog at home? That’S awesome! But beyond that, the cool little puck on the top has kind of become a hallmark of most modern robo-rocks. It’S using lidar that same tech, that is in other cars, uh self-driving, will fully map your house. Nowhere to go. It’Ll know where to vacuum. It’S got mop functionality, you’ll know where to mop, and then you can take that thing and move it upstairs or to a different room and it’ll map that area and know exactly where to go. So if you’ve got a house that needs to be mopped and cleaned and you don’t really want to do any of the work to do it, 100 look no farther than the roborock s7.

So if you do want to check it out, if it sounds familiar uh, we actually did a whole video on it, so you can see it doing its whole shebang and looking good while doing it otherwise you’ll link to it down below alright. So there’s a lot of things that i like about it. I think, as i talk about it, there are two very clear camps when it comes to tesla’s, full self-driving, beta, there’s a camp of this is incredible. This is amazing. This is a glimpse of the future, and tesla is trying to get us there trying to get us to robo taxis, trying to get us to full self-driving. And it’s incredible that this technology has been developed in the open, letting people and millions of cars serve to make it better.

Then there’s the other approach of that’s going to kill me uh. That is not safe. That should not be on the road. I trust myself driving more and i, in my opinion, the real version of it is probably somewhere in the middle, so i’ve had the full self-driving beta now for coming up on three weeks, i’ve had several updates that have come in to me.

The coolest part of the whole thing is the visualizations being able to see what the car is seeing. So this is an awesome opportunity to see how it’s rendering out, so you have a pedestrian walking across the street. We have cars that are turning to even showing that as a truck, you can clearly see there’s one two, three four traffic signals um up ahead and it’s really showing the stuff, as it’s happening in pretty much real time, differentiating between pedestrians, cars versus trucks and doing A really admirable job of that – and this is necessarily what the car is seeing at that exact moment, just sort of for driver and passenger confidence, david’s representation of what the car is seeing and it’s crazy, because my car is two years old like i said so, It still has radar, but none that radar is being used here. This is all cameras and be able to drive and see bikes and pedestrians and differentiate between cars and trucks, and i would try to render where things i’m going to go.

That’S awesome and then you go ahead and tap that stock twice and you go into the full self-driving and obviously you have to have a direction set. It has to know where you want to go so put address into gps and in theory it can drive you there when it works. It is like a glimpse of the future. The fact that it is turning and the fact that it’s putting on signals and doing all that stuff is bonkers to see in real life.

You want to impress your friends, you want to impress a lady friend or a gentleman caller show them this uh. I think you’ll be you’ll, be okay, but then show them this for like 15 minutes consecutively and i’d be like turn it off and that’s where i stand on on full self-driving beta. I thought that’s something that was going to be very close to full release. Elon’S been talking about a cross-country road trip, full self-driving for four years. This technology, as it exists right now, is nowhere close to being ready for prime time and by prime time i mean every car using it, and people inevitably not paying as much attention as they should. It is not there.

It will cause a ton of accidents. It’Ll get a lot of people hurt, but if you use it the way that it’s supposed to be used right now like really hand on the wheel, foot hovering over the brake, making sure it’s not gon na do something crazy, dangerous. It’S awesome and it really is sort of crystal balling. You know five or ten years in the future to see what things are going to look like and that’s cool. I love the fact that my car is a waypoint and that my car is contributing to the sort of machine learning to making this technology better.

But i’m diligent about how i use it, and so i think, by being diligent and using it. Even when i don’t necessarily want to to try to train the machine, i think that’s really cool. So here’s something that it does very well put on a freeway put in destination. You’Re going to be cruising really happy, not much improvements over what we’ve seen with navigate an autopilot that’s been around for a few years, but a little bit better, where you got to be extra. Careful is on city streets where it starts having to do roundabouts where it starts to maybe have to do a u-turn which, as of right now, it can’t handle where there’s multiple pedestrians. But there could be cones, there could be emergency vehicles and it could decide it’s out of the blue to just stop in the middle of a street. Those are things that you have to be very, very aware of, like i said it’s fun very cool to see, but it is very clearly not ready now in those videos i talked about earlier that kind of went when semi viral on twitter and tick tock. There were a lot of comments at the same thing. I don’t trust this.

I don’t trust my life to a computer. I’M gon na drive myself, and will i get the sentiment behind there that they don’t trust a computer to drive themselves? I think their vision is that you can sleep in the back of the computer drive itself. What i think that approach sort of omits or forgets is that there are other drivers on the road and there’s other people driving. You have to always pay attention to anytime.

You get behind the wheel of a car, you are risking your your safety and this is no different uh in all candor, but if you’re alert and if you are using it the way it’s meant to you can contribute to something very cool and whether or not This approach or the lidar approach, other companies, especially like waymo, are taking will eventually succeed or whether or not this never happens. I don’t know, but i do know my car two years after i got it can do things that i could never do the day. I drove at home as somebody who loves technology. I am absolutely here for it. I just don’t trust it all the way. .