Ten Years of Maker Faire

Ten Years of Maker Faire

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ten Years of Maker Faire”.
I making is so basic and fundamental to who we are that all of us are makers. It’S not just some special group who went to the right school. It is something that’s in all of us and it’s something that’s very broadly available in our culture, hi Maker Faire. It’S cory doctorow here in my kitchen in london, wishing you a happy 10th birthday and hoping that you have many years more, showing people that they can’t open their devices. They don’t know happy birthday Maker Faire 10 years. It’S been a long strange trip and it’s still going strong. Have you guys they mate, but sadly, OH a birthday is Maker, Faires birthday how exciting! Oh, and what’s that you say sheep, you want to thank Maker Faire for making our story part of the world. Thank You Maker Faire, happy birthday, happy 10th birthday Maker Faire from Adafruit keep Megan happy 10th birthday Maker Faire. I can’t wait to see what happens when you turn into a teenager you’re going to get into all sorts of mischief you.

I am lindsay and russel and rear say happy 10th birthday from the electric giraffe project hi, I’m Neil Gershenfeld. I direct the Center for bits and atoms of MIT congratulations. On the 10th anniversary of Maker Faire, the last decade of the maker movement has grown exponentially around the world. It’S been exciting rewarding hard to keep up with, but that was the easy part.

If anybody can make anything anywhere, it really challenges fundamental assumptions about the nature of work, education, entertainment, and so the task for the next decade is to finish the research roadmap for the replicator and really at heart, to invent the new kinds of organizations that can keep Up with this new world we’re creating, I can’t wait to tackle that with all of you at the anniversary, happy birthday you make it fair. Well, then, keep on making .