Telecoms Are Literally Evil

Telecoms Are Literally Evil

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Telecoms Are Literally Evil”.
Old U.S Telecom cables are leaching, lead near children, a recent and other people. A recent investigation by The Wall Street Journal has uncovered significant lead leaching from over 2 000 lead insulated Legacy Telecom cables. The journal took soil and water samples from nearly 130 cable sites, which were then tested by several independent Laboratories. These tests found significant leaching in 48 locations, including sites near Popular Community fishing spots, neighborhoods playgrounds and schools.

The cables were part of the Old Bell system and were mostly laid from the 1880s up to the 1960s. The cables were then inherited by modern telecoms, who abandoned the cables and left them in place after they were replaced by fiber optic cables sheaved in plastic. According to the investigation, the companies knew the risk posed by these abandoned cables, but failed to properly monitor the cables for degradation. Successor telecoms, including at T and Verizon, have stated a willingness to address concerns, but have likewise denied that the cables are a public health hazard. Obviously, because why would lead be a public health hazard? It’S great tastes, good yeah! I don’t know, I’m not surprised at all um the the various ways that telecoms and isps in the states have just completely screwed over the countries kind of fascinating to me, like the billions of dollars that the government gave them to do fiber stuff, and then they Just like read the contract and realized that they never actually had to do it and they’re like oh okay, cool and just actually never did.

It was astonishing. Wendell, I think, did an amazing video on that yeah like wild. I think the fact that people aren’t like absolutely insanely up in arms over that is crazy to me, like man, ah man, how do I find that? I don’t know, I don’t know what it’s called. I’M sure there’s like some name for it. It might have been back when he was with tech Syndicate, I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure that he did a thing on that at some point guys, if you know, if you can find the video posted in the Philippine chat, uh or maybe I’m just completely. Imagining it, but I’m pretty sure, that’s the sort of thing he would talk about too.

The book of broken promises: 400 billion dollar Broadband scandal and free the net. I’M not sure if this is exactly what I’m talking about, but I think so by the end of 2014, America will have been charged about 400 billion dollars by the local phone to come. It’S Verizon at T and CenturyLink for a fiber optic future that never showed up yeah, I’m pretty sure this is it 400 a billion and they were just like nah crazy, oh, my goodness, actually, nuts, the like the fact that this isn’t talked about all the time Is wild to me? It comes up. It comes to about four thousand to five thousand dollars per household from 1992 to 2014, which would have actually been enough to run fiber to every household yeah like like America, actually had a plan to invest in high-speed fiber optic. Networking like no to every address in the country is going to be the best in the world and then it just wasn’t and they spent the money to do it. And then it just never happened like whoa, I don’t it’s just wow and you you think like right, this 400 billion dollars that’s back in 2014.

interest baby. It’S way more than that. It’S so much money! Oh man, let’s see today 515 billion nice with interest or inflation .