TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix

TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix”.
Thank you all right, sir. There’S your timer, you have four minutes starting now to start, I want to remind everyone of Humanity’s ever-growing dependence on data and communication, which is exponentially growing by the way, with no signs of slowing down. All of this data is hosted within the global data center infrastructure. However, there’s one huge problem with this infrastructure data centers are projected to consume 20 of the world’s power consumption by 2040., 43 percent of which will be used to cool down servers alone.

And although there have been advancements in liquid cooling, there needs to be further advancements in cooling to meet the data demand of tomorrow. Hi I’m Abby, sastry, CEO and founder of fluix, and at fluix through nanotechnology. Liquid cooling, we’re enabling data centers efficient enough to be powered by renewable energy and built anywhere on the planet for fluix.

TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix

This is a huge opportunity as the global data center infrastructure Market is a 27 billion dollar industry with major customers such as AWS, Google and Microsoft. But, as I mentioned, cooling Technologies of today need to improve to meet the data demand of Tomorrow. The two major drawbacks for even the most efficient cooling system stuff today is: they still use a significant amount of energy and moving parts to work. This is where fluix is developing the next generation of cooling, with our pumpless and self-boiling liquid cooler called project Stellar with our solution, we’re eliminating a majority of moving Parts allowing cooling to have net zero energy consumption, but still being able to cool high performance chips.

TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix

And this is how we’re doing it. The next Secret in innovation of cooling, is unlocked in microgravity, because we know that fluids and heat transfer behaves differently in space fluids, don’t boil in space. Instead, the bubbles created by the heat coalesce together and do not separate leading to a lack of heat transfer by solving this bubble separation problem we’ll be able to create an ultra efficient coolant that allows for easier boiling here on space. This is our Innovation. Fluix is developing proprietary, Nano suspensions that have the ability for the nanoparticles to pierce bubbles in space, allowing for a heat transfer and we’re already working with some of the top developers of the Next Generation space station. To make this happen, why are we so focused on microgravity? It’S because there’s no other viable substitute on the basis of nanoparticle dispersion and showing nanoparticles piercing micro bubbles. We have to bring light to the fact that intermolecular forces behave differently without gravity vector and there’s no easy way to simulate this using computational fluid dynamics. So there needs to be the ability for us to do a microgravity experiment and we’re proposing multiple missions to low earth orbit with our partners to be able to do this and having completed microgravity experiments.

And when we optimized this fluid solution, we would be able to implant project Stellar into the global data center infrastructure, enabling data centers so efficient. They can be powered by renewable energy without having built anywhere on the planet without having access to high complex power grids or large water sources. At fluox we have done fifty thousand dollars in Revenue selling our coolers to computer manufacturers. We recently went through a techstars, deep Tech accelerator and we’re looking to build a larger engineering team so for the engineers out there please come and see me and for the government partners and the companies out there we’re looking to build a lab. So, if you’re interested in helping us please come see me after afflux we’re unlocking the next generation of cooling for data centers through microgravity. Thank you, foreign [ Applause ] into that one, so we’re gon na start with her.

Well, it’s because I’m a little blind! So I was trying to to read the slides without my glasses. I love this application. I I very uh Manufacturing in space is usually pulling fiber optic, cables and Z Bland for com, so I will be using another one where the effects of zero gravity has a very useful application. I’M curious I saw because I did read a little bit of it, that you did some tests on the ISS at what scale and you sold that.

TC Sessions Space 2022: Fluix

Where are you at in terms of how much you’re able to produce up there for Meaningful use down here? All that we have done so far, we haven’t done any microgravity testing. At this point, we’ve done mostly simulation testing. That’S what we’ve found out how bad simulation models are in software. So if there’s someone out there that has figured out simulation models using ansys or computational fluid dynamics for specific chemical change, please I’d love to hear from you, but we’ve done a lot of simulation work, but what we have done is work with two-phase boiling immersion: cooling Providers and providers that are already doing boiling for cooling here, but we so we understand a couple of things.

We need to understand the constraints and we understand where they’re lacking and that’s where we want to pull in. So, although this is why we’re here to test, we want to meet people like you, we want to meet the community to really get us on the next payload to to do these experiments great mark, well great presentation, and I could really see your passion for this Business coming through, so that’s that’s, really important. Um tell me a little bit about where the technology comes from. Is that uh? Is it? Is it a spin out of you? Have you licensed it or is it being developed internally? Give us a bit of the history yeah, so our background, currently the product that we sell is cold plates. We attach directly our copper coal plates onto high performance processors found in gpus CPUs of some of the most highest performance servers. So the cooling solution that we sell right now is Coldplay technology.

We are using our third-party solutions to to to fine-tune our our liquid cooling solutions, but what we found is in our lab. We have the ability to fine-tune not just the cold plate, but also the two-phase immersion coolant. So we looked in ourselves. Why don’t we just develop the solution ourselves. So the basis is a nanoparticle solution. It could be titanium dioxide, silver, nanoparticles, metal, nanoparticles in a glycol based Solution.

That’S what we’re trying only testing so we’re looking to develop it ourselves, yeah. I have a clarify clarification just so I understand the the you’re using microgravity to develop this. The proprietary cooling system and then sending it back to Earth for Earth applications like data centers on Earth and other cooling applications on Earth. Is that correct? That’S right: okay, cool yeah! So then my follow-up question: how do you do the like? How do you? How do you compare like developing a more performant Cooling in in microgravity, sending it back to Earth versus just like building more data centers that are maybe potentially less performant um but, like have you know a less expensive coolant like? How did you think about like those two options, and why are do you feel very compelled that um, you know this micro microgravity is the key to unlocking like better data centers in the future great question, so it all depends on the data center application.

Some of our investors previously through techstars, was Oak Ridge, National Laboratory and they learn. They run some of the largest super computers in the world. They run their workloads at 100 workload. So, every only for use cases that Run 100 workload, we’re not geared towards old data center, we’re geared towards the highest performance data centers on the planet.

So where we really see our space is yes, they’ll be hosting data. Centers they’ll buy a server for 3 500 bucks, you use it until land of lifespan, but we’re really looking for a data center that uses their performance. They care about the one to two percent performance and that’s what we play and that’s where the optimizations of what we’re doing with our coolant, really matters so for the the power users out there that really care about that one or two or three percent Improvement. That can mean a lot when it’s 900 servers in datagram space. I’Ve seen a lot of entrepreneurs and pictures over the years and I’ve never seen anybody nearly as enthusiastic about cooling as you are. Why is that? What is this? Well, I got my degree in aerospace, engineering, um and but I I didn’t really go to class as much.

I should have gone to class more, but what I was doing in college. I was building a business building and selling high performance. Pcs. I sold gaming, PCs workstations to scientists even at my school and what I found was even from crypto miners to Gamers to workstation and scientists. Everyone Cared about cooling, so that’s how I kind of got into the space of cooling and guys I’m a tinkerer, whether it’s working on my car working on PCS, I’m in the lab working with my team and my Engineers on this stuff, because it’s pretty damn cool When you can see a water cooled system – and you know you developed something that got that extra boost in performance and that led to someone either saving time or money because they got their processing done faster. So that’s where we geek out oh good, good point or a good answer, any anything left.

I’Ve got one more. Have you spoken to any data centers Data Center owners about this, and what do they say we have and currently that’s the customers that we sell to so we sell to high performance server manufacturers and the end user is Data Center and when we’re looking at some Of the end user, we have five customers right now with a small to medium-sized Data Center and what they’re telling us is you have the Coldplay technology that you’re showing a performance increase for this next performance increase we want to. We want you to show efficiency per square footage so, instead of you developing something where moving Parts can fail or something can fail, why don’t you go in with something where you can sell us on a basis of the actual material that we buy and Implement? So don’t just sell the coolers to us but sell us some raw material that we can use of our current existing Solutions, which is the coolant. So that’s what we’re learning just says.

One lesson I don’t have a question, but you asked for help to get up there and I think I see Sven from ISS cases in the audience who can help you get your payload up there. He can trolls experiments that go up and down. So that is Sven in the audience. Thank you Tess for the call.

I appreciate that that was very nice. Give them a round of applause, [ Applause, ], .