Take Control: Beatbot AquaSense Pro!

Take Control: Beatbot AquaSense Pro!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Take Control: Beatbot AquaSense Pro!”.
Thank you to beb for sponsoring this video all right, so flashback end of 2022. I’Ve destroyed my backyard to build something. I’Ve wanted my entire life this behind me. I built a pool. My kids love it.

I love it not so sure the neighbors love it, but it’s been awesome to have, but I learned a few things about having said pool other the first one is that thing gets dirty and I got a pool guy who comes and helps out, but it can Only come every other week, so in between those times it looks janky in the pool, but like all problems, technology seems to have find a spot to come in there and solve it. So meet the beatbot aquasense pro the world’s first all-in-one intelligent, smart pool cleaning robot before I get to all of that stuff, though I’m sitting it outside. I’M feeling grateful give you guys a chance to win 500 bucks for supporting the channel and just being good humans for all these years. Super easy leave me a comment down below.

Tell me your favorite feature about the aquisense pro. Tell me a joke. Tell me anything. You want be sure to leave either your social handle in the comments or have a way to contact you from your YouTube page give the video a thumbs up, we’ll let it run for 10 days open to anyone in the world.

All the information you need, though, be in the description all right. So when you order your Aqua sense Pro, you are going to get a beautiful cardboard box blocked out my address, cuz y’all are nosy. First thing: you’re going to need is a really good knife got this one. It’S my jurry rig everything go ahead and open the sucker up live on camera.

I’M going to try not to you know, I’m going to slice away from myself. I don’t need to be on camera, how John sliced his chest open all right. There we go that should do it close it up for safety all right, so I saved you the peeling off of all the plastic. It was very satisfying for me, but with a microphone on my chest, uh it might have deafened you, but what you’re going to get inside the Box? You’Ve got some user manuals, quick start guide and that kind of stuff, uh inductive charging dock you’ve got some sand with the inductive charging dock and a hook.

But that’s not why you’re here? That’S not why you bought a cool cleaning robot. Let me show you around this guy, so you’ve probably seen a lot of like similar robots on our Channel, at least for cleaning the house they mop and they vacuum. We’Ve done a lot of videos on them, because I love this technology. This kind of takes that sort of theme but kind of adds to it as well, so spoil alert it’s not going to mop your wet pool, but what it will do that those will not do is climb your walls and then vacuum all those walls.

But it’s doing it with a lot of the same smarts and I think in a lot of ways, a lot more uh, so first ultrasonic AI, uh AI, is the theme here. It’S going to be able to detect obstacles in the pool. It’S going to make smart paths to make sure it’s cleaning your pool.

The best. This thing will do a better job than you ever could, with a net so walking around it. It’S pretty obvious self-explanatory how it works. You got power buttons on and a few other controls up front. Lift this up up, got your basket really easy to clean this.

You just kind of do a little shake out and hose it, and you are good to go so this little thing in the back is where you’re going to put your Clear Water clarifying solution. There are a lot of pool clean robots out there that just get rid of debris. This one’s going to release the fluid uh inside of your pool, help actually clean the water itself. Other things you’re not noticing here is a cord.

A lot of these have a cord that makes it sort of ungainly it can get tacked tied up in itself. It just doesn’t look good often times it doesn’t clean as well as it should because it runs over its cord. So I really like that.

A lot of these two will only clean the bottom of the pool. This will obviously do that, but beyond that, it actually will use these killer Treads to climb the walls of your pool and clean that as well. But if you look at my pool right now after big rain, there’s a lot of debris on top, this will actually lift itself up skim. The top of the pool too so it’ll clean, the top it’ll clean the bottom it’ll go, go all around the sides of the pool, which means I can stay inside on my couch, watching sports, where I’m happy – and I don’t have to get out of my pajamas. So be, but thank you for that. I know I’ve said it a few times here, but if you’ve used a robot vacuum, you know how to use this as well. The app is extremely full featured. I mean from what you can do on this thing. You can see where it’s going.

You can do software updates straight from the app it is intuitive and really full featured. So all that is fine, but the thing is like got to clean. That’S what matters you can choose whatever cleaning mode you want on either the robot or through the app. But if you are going to do it, personal recommendation, uh go ahead and choose the pr mode. That’Ll make sure it’s doing all of its things. So the robot’s going to use its onboard Sonic sensors to map your pool, uh, which vbot is calling Sonic sense and then the robot will use its clear naap technology to calculate the most optimized cleaning path for your pool all right.

So then it just like. Does its thing and cleans your pool and it’s going to do that job really well, so it’s got an industry’s first nine Motors inside that could provide up to 5,500 GPH suction to really cling. This thing to your walls pick up any dirt or debris. It comes across so it’ll clean. The bottom release a clarifying agent to help clean the water, then move onto the walls which, when I said it, climbed the walls. I was not exaggerating, then it’ll surface to the top sort of like a submarine and proceed to propel itself around the waterline surface, picking up anything floating there and again, since it’s a smart robot, it’s not just aimlessly running around your cool cleaning up whatever happens to Come across it cleans in an s and n pattern, making sure it’s cleaning efficiently and quickly, all right.

So this is great uh, but once it’s done cleaning you got to take it out of the pool to charge it next time you need it. Luckily, batbot makes this incredibly simple. It starts with just like literally getting out of the pool, since the entire area is math, it’s going to use what they call memory Park which make the robot go to the remembered spot each time. So it’s easy to get peot made this just really simple and going further. It’S got another good name in it.

Smart drain, which is sort of a submarine inspired water release system, that’ll eject water from the inside of the robot, to make it lighter and easier to pick up, and that means you won’t spill nearly as much water over the ground or yourself when you’re trying to Get this thing out next thing: take it out of the pool you want to clean it out and everything you had it collected this actually clean super easily uh. It’S got 150 micrometers ultra fine filtration, so it screens out a lot and you can just like see how much it collected in the bin just shake it out, give it a little rinse and you’re good to go. It’S super easy uh! Then you take it over to the docking station, where it can be charged for the next use, often times a cleanup process after use can be the most tedious part with these things, and it is really simple and really quick.

There’S a lot of options for pool cleaning robots and I get that it’s a niche product, it’s not for everybody, but if you have a pool I know you’ve dealt with these things. I’Ve tested a lot of pool cleaning, robots to various degree and the only ones I’ve ever tested have just cleaned the bottom of my pool. It leaves the water line dirty. It leaves the wall dirty and there’s no way to retrieve them. When they’re done, they usually stick up a string, and you have to go to go almost into the pool to reach out and pull it. Bot has made every step of this process simple. It cleans the bottom: it cleans the waterline it cleans the walls. Then it comes back to convenient place to pull it up. This is a product that is well thought out, well executed and does exactly what it’s supposed to do every single time, and if you want to check it out, learn more about the aquasense pro or other beatbot products just hit the link down below .