Taiwan is Special

Taiwan is Special

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Taiwan is Special”.
Hey LDL a few Wan meets ago. You talked about silicon Fabs. How hard do you think it would be for a developing country like India to set up their own silicon Fab as good as tsmc and Samsung have impossible, and I don’t even mean that, as like a knock against India, I just mean, if you don’t, have the Expertise, cuz it’s not about access to the water or like the equipment from asml um. It’S about expert te. It’S about intellectual property like if you are not tsmc, Samsung, Global foundaries or Intel um you’re, not building a Fab at the tier of of those guys, and even those guys uh, you know, even the second place Fab is, is significantly different in terms of its approach And capabilities compared to the first place Fab, you know, even if you’re, on the same node, I mean we’ve seen this time and time again, with Sam being on the same node as tsmc, but their power characteristics suck or whatever the case may be um.

It’S it’s as much black magic as it is science at that point, and I just don’t think it’s um. I just don’t think it’s realistic. I mean China’s trying and they are achieving some pretty amazing stuff over there, but no they’re, not on the same level as tsmc and Samsung at least not yet yeah. This is a good Point. Even tsmc space Razer brings this up in float, plane chat. Even tsmc is having trouble building a Fab like tsmc they’re, trying to build one in the US and they can’t find a Workforce for it.

Sorry go ahead, bur, sorry, another Interruption. Bernie said India is launching Ro Rockets, So it seems it’s easier to put something in Sp. Oh, my goodness, it seems it’s easier to put something in space than make a chip. Well, yeah they’ve been putting rockets in space since the 60s, like exactly they’ve, made it more like cost. When computers were woven together by hand like burning fuel and like rocketing something into space very complicated.

But it’s more of like a mechanical engineering problem and less of like a a nano manufacturing problem. Yeah yeah .