Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SWTOR – Story Mode – i7-6700 – GTX 960 – Game Performance – Lenovo IdeaCentre 700”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance, review, time, star wars, the old republic on this lenovo ideacentre 700 gaming desktop computer. Now I’ve previously reviewed this computer before and a link to that review will be in the video description below, but in short, it has an intel i7. 6700 cpu. It comes with a new video geforce gtx 960 dedicated gaming graphics card. It’S a great machine.
I highly recommend you go check out the review if you have not already seen it now. We are currently doing player versus environment in player versus environment in story, solo player mode. I will tell you this game performs just fine. I do have the detail turned all the way to ultra I’ll pull the graphic settings up, so you can see them.
We are vertical, sync is turned off: fullscreen, windowed, graphics, quality, preset ultra and I’ve not changed anything. Everything anti-aliasing is turned to very high shadow quality. Is high everything is that their default ultra detail settings and if you look at the fraps counter up here, you will see that we are running at about 100 frames per second in previous videos. I’Ve always just left the fraps kind of running and I’ve run around and done things I’m going to do this a bit differently, I’m going to press f11 because i have frap setup to record frame rate for two minutes.
When I do testing, I usually do it longer than that, but nobody wants to watch longer than two minutes and unfortunately, while you’re recording fraps, it takes your frame rate counter off the screen. But here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to run around and pretending we’re doing story mode. I am going to randomly engage enemies because it does tend to slow the machine down more and I can feel it a little bit super.
I have a slow cast on me, but the idea here is to engage enemies for about two minutes and then see what this does to our frame rate, because we are in full screen windowed. I can very easily alt tab over and I will show you the results just as soon as we’re done so this will not take very long as we play. You can certainly see the performance it plays just fine.
I have no complaints if you want to play star wars – the old republic in story mode on this computer. The answer is yes, it does it beautifully now. War zones are a different thing.
Operations are a different thing. It’Ll do flash points just fine they’re, not they’re, not that bad um. I have done I’ve done flash points on a computer at home with a gtx 960.
I’Ve got actually at home a an i5 20, a 23-10 sandy bridge chip with the gtx 960. Frankly, it’ll do story mode and flashpoints just fine. I have not done operations or war zones on that machine because it doesn’t do them as well. It struggles a bit with those now this has an i7 this machine and it’s a current one.
It’S a it’s skylight gets the latest and greatest 6th generation chip. I actually think this machine would do operations very nicely. It’S got plenty of processing power, and this game wants CPU power and lots of it. The other thing is this: chip in here will turbo boost to 4 gigahertz, which also makes a big difference in games like this. This game, ok, the frame rates back great, so I’m going to come over here to benchmarks and hang on.
Let me close this because I was doing some other stuff all right. Our average frame rate was 94.5 frames per second with a minimum of 67 and a maximum of 10 3, so in story mode running around course at running around Alderaan running around half. Absolutely this thing will will easily, even in busy or environments than what i’m currently in you’ll do 60 frames per second all day long. Now, if you look at the numbers on the screen, i did some player player recording earlier. I haven’t taken those off, yet those are actually all pile on ancient hypergate. It’S called on the same graphics detail. You just saw me playing at the average frame rate in ancient hypergate.
Eight verses, eight player versus player was 31 frames per second. I then adjusted the graphics detail twice, which is why there’s two other numbers there, but in short, you lose two-thirds of your frame rate in player versus player in this game versus player versus environment. I will show that in another video, but that’s: what’s there that’s what I was doing earlier so star wars, old republic. Will it play story mode? Will it play in flash points which I have not demonstrated here, but I assure you it runs them fine. Yes, it will on this machine it does it very very nicely if you liked this video give it a like, if you didn’t, don’t remember, to leave your comments in the description below remember, to subscribe to my channel and remember, to go check out the link to This awesome nine hundred dollar gaming computer in the video description below. Thank you very much for watching, and I will see you in the next article .