Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SWITCHING TO BLACKBERRY”.
( inhales ) Yeah., What’s up guys. Louie here back with another video., It’s been a little while.. I have something cool, though, to share with you. Something a little bit different.. This is the new Blackberry., The Blackberry Priv.. I know kind of a weird name. Priv. Jack.. This is the thing..

You can see right on the box, here. Privilege, Privacy. P-R-I-V in both cases.. So let’s call it the Priv..

I don’t know. The interesting thing here is. We now have a Blackberry that runs Android.. It’S been out for a minute or two, but I haven’t played with it yet..


I haven’t really tried it out, and so I thought “, Let’s actually see if I can convert myself “ to a Blackberry user. Now that it’s running Android “ – and hopefully that’s a little easier to do so – I am going to switch.. Now I will share with you that this S6 Active from Samsung has been in my pocket, ( exhales ) for a long time, but I think it’s time to really get out there and start experimenting.. So I’m gon na use this Blackberry Priv for a minimum of two weeks..

I’M gon na start opening it up. A minimum of two weeks and I suppose I’m gon na report back to you guys on what that experience is like.. The Pros the Cons and so on.. What do we have here Made in Mexico.? That’S interesting., RIght away: you’ll notice, SD expansion., Sim card slot over there., Actually not bad looking..


I will say. Screen protector.. There’S the magic trick. A keyboard.. What do you think Jack? Are you gon na type on a keyboard or what Wow okay. First impression here.


This thing is grippy. Croidsnock. Croidsnock. A little bit of paperwork..

Thank you very much., A little sim card tool.. This device supports quick charge, so you’re gon na wan na use the brick that comes with it instead of a different one. Micro USB.. Actually, these look pretty decent. Three different sizes and in-line microphone, remote answer your phone calls or don’t answer’em., It’s up to you.. Look at that.

Blackberry, powered by Android. About time.. I had been thinking the whole time like man. Blackberry actually makes some pretty nice hardware..

It would be cool to see what an Android device from them would look like, and this is essentially it. Now a lot of you probably don’t believe me that I’m really gon na switch phones here.. This thing is gon na be in my pocket.. If you see a photo on Instagram in the next two weeks, starting now, it’s gon na be shot on this device..

If you see a Tweet, it’s gon na be typed out.. This is how you make a real commitment.. I have wait thanks for that Samsung.. One. Last dying breath as I remove my sim card., It’s kind of it’s gettin’ emotional in here.. Look at that., That’s in direct lighting, so yeah.

Comparable., Better than expected.. I can essentially over on the righthand side of the screen customize my various notifications, so they can live in one place. Again. The magic trick here is slide out.. This is kind of a way of keeping the onscreen keyboard out of your productivity space.. Let’S load up on box therapy.

How about that Look at this. Gettin’, my Tweets.! So let’s say: if I go down like this and then I get this keyboard., Let’s see how this works. Tons of haptic feedback here. Lots of power. Now. Another thing I’m noticing here is this: what looks like a big speaker on the bottom., I’m hoping that’s what it is..

Let’S see how loud this is., What’s up guys. We’re here back with another video. Mmm., As you can tell, I’ve got a very funny: ( mumbles ), Kinda disappointing.. They get you really excited with that giant.

Grill there right here and then you get this really lousy. Tinny audio. There hasn’t really been a great camera on a Blackberry before so we’re gon na test this out right now, real quick., The image quality looks pretty good right, now., Not bad though.. You guys know I’m all about that. Selfie game. Not really., Uh decent.

Jack. Can you see that there? How dare you. Need the whole ( camera click )? Oh my goodness. Gettin’ out of hand here., Of course, they’re gon na try and get you back into Blackberry messenger. So you’ve got this Blackberry hub, which aims to put your email, bbms, just social media text message all in one place., I’m gon na experiment with this after I get everything connected of course. So far, it really to be honest with you. It feels like any other Android phone, which is not a bad thing.. The physical build feels really solid.

Beyond what I expected.. I really like this grippy texture. Way too many phones are slippery., The camera seems okay.

Got ta. Take it outside.. Do that whole dance.

Expandable, which I like. Agian? This is the beginning of something very special.. This is the beginning of a new relationship..

I’M gon na give this thing a legitimate, shot., Two weeks, minimum.. Let me know down in the comments. If there’s any specific questions, you guys have. Things, you want me to test out.. I think this is gon na be an interesting experiment.. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video.. If you did make sure you leave a thumbs up down below..

Thank you very much for watching and I will catch you very shortly on another video and eventually an update on what my Blackberry lifestyle is like. Catch. You guys on the next one. Later. ( claps, ), [, Voiceover, ], Amazing .