Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine

Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine”.
This is bandy yeah. This little thing i put together recently just to like get used to when it’s fun, to have a nice friend on camera when you’re like talking to people and then two i’m working on uh learning ai systems in python. So i wanted to definitely make a robot that can like stay plugged in 24 7. That way, i can teach it and like see how i just actually have a fully functioning robot on 24 7.. So what’s the ai aspect that you have in there? What what type of board and uh and what’s it doing, raspberry pi and i’m still putting it together still right now he’s being run on a simple uh pro code.

Pro trinket does my random tick server code, but i’m still programming the raspberry pi right now. For i can have the i have the voice board already the ai voice board, i’m just putting all that together still, but i’m still testing them on camera and stuff and seeing the movements, because you know testing if the circle was moved correctly, testing if it doesn’t Break it’s all weight distributions things like that cool. It looks pretty good for just a weekend of work. I do a lot of things. I’M always surprised that people are like.

Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine

Oh you build things so fast and i’m just like that’s all i do. I have no life, just literally come up with new ideas and then start working on them constantly. It was pretty nice, though it’s been a while, since i talked to you, i guess it’s we’ve had uh uh holidays and everything since then, but uh yeah.

Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine

I hope uh, i hope the new year is starting off for you, okay yeah. It was a bit rough at first, but we’re getting the hang of it. Good good well um, i’m going to turn over to mike, but i think he wanted to show you some things.

Surprising Odd Jayy with the cover of Make: magazine

Well, i wanted to i wanted to say uh thanks again for um, if you’re being so uh, so so great to work with on the magazine stuff that we did for this uh upcoming issue um. You know you’re really quick, to get us anything that we asked for and uh you know, information images etc. So i wanted to make sure you got a peek at the article that we did.

We just shipped this to the printer, so it’ll be coming out in the next uh few weeks, so just after the first week of february, so so nobody’s seen this. Yet i just want to make sure you know that you got a chance. You get the reveal for yourself, yeah excited i’m nervous and excited at the same time yeah. So the article turned out really good uh. You know, i think dale dill did a real nice piece. Um, the photos are good.

I think you should be able to see this. Oh my gosh, that’s so cool yeah! Isn’T that great? So you know it’s got some really good info in here uh. I think the photos uh turned out really nicely as well. So it’s a it’s a four-page piece.

This is the first spread uh. This is the second spread. We’Ve got some of your your sketches in here. There’S your notebook and yeah, one of our uh, our colleagues uh rob bullitt. Is that a maker’s notebook? I love these things like. I have one currently on my desk that i just continuously pump out it’s a very useful skill that yeah i wish we could start more young people and say you want to become a maker learn to draw right. It’S a pretty blessed.

Yeah learn to draw a bit yeah reading dale’s first draft of it as it came to me. I just felt, like you know, there’s it’s really unique to you, but at the same time it’s also kind of universal there’s. So many parts of it where i went yeah, i know that feeling and and a lot of the other editors on the team said the same exact thing as it made its way through the editorial process. You know, especially when you get to the part you know at the end where you you got to your first maker faire and you just went you know: oh wow, i miss maker faire so much like it’s slowly, killing me on the inside how badly i miss Maker faires and like seeing other makers, we got to figure it out. You know, there’s another conversation.

We had um as we were working on this. You were asking about um about what the cover might look like, and you know it’s a tough thing covers are hard. Yeah because there’s just a million different things that go into picking a cover, um, so uh, i did want to give you a look at what we ended up going with and we went with. We went with with you, which uh it was all around.

Absolutely the right decision it was it was. There was no question when we, when we saw the the story and the photos come in it was. It was already a slam, dunk so uh. This is. This is actually the real reason why we wanted to have this call we wanted. We wanted to see you and see your reactions. I i i oh my god i am.

I don’t even have the words grateful doesn’t even begin. This is this is so many dreams? Come true right here, guys like yeah ever since, before i even got this good at making. I was reading make magazines for years and thinking to myself, like oh, my god, it’d be really cool to like get to that level and actually being able to achieve.

It. Is i i i’m lost for words? I i that’s great, that’s really great, oh my god, so we are going to ask for you to uh, keep it quiet for the next few days, we’re putting together our big uh. Our big reveal to the rest of the world. Um uh, but it should be. Uh should be some time. Uh should be this week and uh and then we’ll uh, we’ll.

Let everybody see this uh, but you know, like i said it won’t be out to uh to any of the readers for another three weeks after that. So we’ll be doing a lot of promotion around this um feel free once that’s going to uh to help share the world. The word with the rest of the world um i’ve been i’ve been practicing my social media skills, it’s a very fine art to social media. Maybe you should teach us, i don’t even know.

I posted one video on twitter, like a high video to the internet, and i posted on tick tock, and i got like 5 000 followers in like five days and i’m still confused by how that works. So wow. I just try to be my best self and hope people like it well, you are um, it’s pretty great yeah yeah. I think that’s the thing.

That’S resonating with everybody, because i definitely see so much enthusiasm and love for you, uh on on on all the social media channels, and you know we’re definitely feeling it and have been for a while. You know we, we did your project in volume, 73 uh a year or so ago and uh you know, and that was great, but just being able to tell the bigger story. I think it’s just really important too, because it’s a it’s just such a universal and great story, so yeah thanks for letting us help share that so we’ll se, you know you can send them a copy. Can you have the the magazine, or whatever i mean? Can i get like three because i got ta give one to my parents: oh yeah, we’ll get you some copies when it when they come out, but i meant a digital copy.

Initially, i’d like to see your parents look at. You know what i will happily record that reaction, because this is the best thing ever because i know i’ve been published a few times, but i’ve never been on the cover before so i kind of want to dress up exactly like this with the goggles and go See my parents, that’s a funny conversation. Oh that’s gon na be great. I’M definitely have to record that, like that’s, that’s a must record. That’S that’s my that’s a huge moment in my life right there, because that’s just everything. I’Ve been working towards everything. I’Ve just loved to do and it’s being shown to the world and then plus like not to be that person being a a black male in these times. To show that we can make it in technology without having some type of like extra hip.

Hop thing to it or streaming, just by being my crazy, weird self. That is phenomenal. I’M glad to hear you say that that’s that’s really great yeah! That’S that’s what i love about you! Oh! This is cool. Well, i wish that we were able to all be together, so we could do lots of hugs and high fives. I would give all the hugs and high fives now i would probably cry not afraid i would probably cry a bit. I have to say there’s a at least a shout out to our art director, julianne brown, who really puts it together, so i mean once the covet thing is over and people are back in san francisco. I will happily visit because i have to visit san francisco again and say hi to everyone and give everyone hugs i will come with treats.

I would bring chocolates like garrett nelly’s in san francisco. I remember that yeah fantastic, all right! Well good! Well, we hope you enjoy it and we enjoyed uh working with you. We enjoyed seeing your reaction tonight, it’s very special yeah.

This is great guys. This is this. Is so great great to see you congratulations! Yes, thank you.

Take care, big! Congratulations thanks! So much thanks guys take care. Bye, have a good night. .