Such… POWER…

Such... POWER...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Such… POWER…”.
It’S ten seconds to midnight, midnight being tech, news and ten seconds being right now. Is it actually ten seconds to midnight right now? Okay, if you’ve been paying attention to trends in the CPU market, you’ll know that it’s becoming more and more common to see consumer processors with tons of cores on them. But raw clock speeds just keep getting faster as well Intel’s upcoming high-end core, I nine ten. Nine hundred K not really set to launch this spring reportedly has a turbo clock of a whopping, 5.1 gigahertz out of the box according to a leak found on the 3dmark database and could go even higher without a manual overclock. If good CPU heatsink is paired with it, although clock speed on its own, isn’t a great indicator of performance these days, it still like raised a few eyebrows, considering that it wasn’t long ago that multi-core designs tended to sacrifice that pure megahertz for thermal management.

However, we don’t yet know the TDP, so hopefully you won’t have to keep your shiny new rig inside of a meat locker. I think the meat locker thing is just it’s not gon na be enough, although there were rumors of a new revision of the Nintendo switch coming this year, Wow there were rumors of that last year. An official announcement from Nintendo’s CEO has put those rumors to bed 99. This might be a little disappointing to nintendo fans, though from Nintendo’s point of view.

They simply may not feel compelled to dump time and money into developing a new model. Although the switches Hardware is considerably weaker than what we’ll see in the upcoming PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the switches appeal isn’t based on its graphical capabilities. It’S based on its cuteness plus sales of consoles and games are still very strong, so I don’t expect them to switch to a much more powerful GPU any time soon switch yeah yeah, that’s the game! Yep! That’S that’s the one, although blackberry phones were everywhere in the mid-2000s, especially in the business world, it looks like they’re finally going to be put out to pasture. Quite soon, although the actual company blackberry, limited, hasn’t actually been making the phones themselves for a long time.

Blackberry branded phones manufactured by TC L are still available. However, TCL just announced that the sales of the BlackBerry devices that they make will end on August 31st. The move isn’t too surprising, as the rebranded blackberries haven’t been selling particularly well and haven’t impressed reviewers just a little too tart.

Such... POWER...

The brand might live on if it can find another partner to manufacture the phone, and they should still be around in South Asia, where a different company is responsible for production. But if you live anywhere else and really want a fruit, themed phone well might had to bite the bullet and go with Apple and now for the Kwok BOTS brought to you today by drop panda wireless headphones sounds great. It’S like drop beers, though THX certified and they claim to be the world’s most distortion free wireless headphones with a clothes designed to keep your sound contained and thx Triple A amplifier technology.

Such... POWER...

You can get closer to your music than ever before. You get 30 hours of wireless life, a detachable gaming, microphone, Bluetooth, support and compatibility with popular home assistance. Pre-Order now, at the link below quackety bat, bats bet, you can’t eat just one.

If you’re, tired of sending in your AI devices, when they’re, broken or heading to your nearest Genius Bar Apple, is now offering house calls in several major metro areas, including New York, LA Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and Dallas. It should be noted that these on-site repairs are being carried out by contractors and you might have to pay an extra fee, though for Californians it may be worth not sitting in traffic, especially if you’re going straight up the 5 toward 99 north before hopping. On the 110, you know what I don’t know what those numbers mean, but I’ve been to San Francisco.

I don’t want to go back. Traffic is just ridiculous, don’t take the 99 voting in elections over the Internet. Has long been a bit of a pipe dream. In most places, but some folks in one u.s.

Such... POWER...

state may get their shot at it. For the upcoming presidential election West Virginia West Virginia’s governor is expected to sign a bill to compel local authorities to allow voters with disabilities to cast ballots online. Although the state doesn’t have tons of time to work out security issues, the limited number of people who will actually vote this way, make it a useful litmus test. Maybe people will actually pay attention to the Canadian elections if the TEC ever makes it? Oh yeah ha ha Canadian elections.

No, the switch has just made Nintendo an extra two hundred and sixty thousand dollars, but not in the way. You’D think. A hacker who breached Nintendo’s servers to download confidential information about the console was fined that amount of money and also prefaces prison time for both hacking, as well as sex crime charges. That’S a spicy combo.

He was actually caught once and asked not to do it again, because that works right, but guess what he started: hacking again, 2018. So yeah, maybe you don’t screw up your second chances. You’Ve been given right. Everybody deserves one.

A startup in Scotland thinks it has an interesting new way to get satellites into orbit. Sky rora not only uses 3d printed rockets for thrust, but also uses rocket fuel made from recycled plastic. How does that work? The engines should be able to get small satellites into low-earth orbit a little over 300 miles above the surface and promises 45 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than kerosene. So I guess you can say this is all pretty cool and the artist just pranked some people in Berlin by carrying around 99 smartphones, not luffa ones that had Google Maps up and running in a little red wagon with that many phones in one place on one Street, at a time it fooled Google Maps into thinking. There was a traffic jam. Google didn’t seem upset at all in its official response, and it could actually make a valuable point into how Google can fix its systems to deliver more accurate results. Of course, here in Vancouver, which is one giant perpetual traffic jam, can confirm. The situation may have made far less of a point. Basically we’re you know, you know the the Viking Hill was Niflheim and it was supposed to be like just frozen over. That’S that’s what Canada is well, that’s our show come on back Wednesday for more free-flowing tech news, just let it flow .