Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat

Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat”.
Uh schools are struggling with AI as the academic year ends. American schools are approaching the end of a full semester, with widespread access to Ai chatbots and AI enabled cheating has been predictably rampant, especially now, because a lot of schooling, a lot of your grades, are kind of like end of term or semester weighted. So it’s going to be a big project. You know yeah one big project, one big final stuff, like that, it’s unclear to what degree this is an actual increase in academic dishonesty, because, like are more people cheating or is it just more rampant for the people that are cheating or is it making a bigger Impact or something like that, um Chegg, a tutoring service, widely criticized for allowing students to buy the answers to homework and also Tess, has told investors that chat GPT has likely damaged their ability to attract new customers. The company has since lost one billion dollars in Market valuation.

Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat

This happened a while ago. Isn’T it wild that, like a test, cheating company is worth any billion dollars? I like the fact that they could lose. That much is like whoa, okay kind of nuts uh complicating matters. How can students no seriously? No, no. I want to come back to this for a second. How can students with the tuition they’re paying afford cheating for answer sheets or wait? How can they afford not to cheat yeah? It might be. They can’t repeat this course, and it might be more time effective, like if you just don’t study but go to work right. Okay, all right, fair enough! I got it now complicating matters.

Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat

Plagiarism and AI detectors are imperfect, and the growing number of different AI models has dramatically increased. The number of false positives and also negatives, less technically sophisticated educators are prone to accepting these results at face value, including is this one? Yes, okay, I’m happy. This is in the doc infamously a Texas college professor recently accused all of his students of using.

I thought it was like half but anyways of using chat GPT to write their essays, leading to over half of them being held back from graduation. The professor had not used an AI detection tool; instead, he ran the essay through chat GPT, which claimed it had written them because AI hallucination, because it just like it, was just like. Oh that seems neat yeah sure.

Why not like sure, I know that’s not designed for that at all. I did that, while a 100 AI generated essay is clearly cheating and I’m gon na paraphrase you for a second we’ve, seen a bunch of examples of this of teachers showing uh like halfway through an essay it’ll be like now, I’m not entirely sure certain about this, Because I am an AI generated model, blah blah blah blah and they catch people with that which is kind of hilarious um. They don’t even read it.

That’S awesome: okay, brutal uh, while a 100 AI generated essay is clearly cheating. More nuanced uses of AI like using a chat bot to help generate ideas and reword awkward sentences can and sometimes do get flagged by anti-cheating software. The same may happen if a student simply writes in a highly predictable manner, reminiscent of AI, yes, Bruce say I’m still happy with it.

Don’T worry about. It sounds good uh. There’S a discussion question. Should schools be responding to AI? Also, why do porn Bots still? No good at the talk, yeah! Okay, have you noticed this? Have you been on YouTube lately? Yeah, you see them in the comment section. No, you can’t see anything but did them like honestly. It’S at the point now, where again I am asking you once again YouTube.

Students use Cheating Machine to Cheat

Do something like okay, if, if a handful of people that just have asses in their profile pictures, but are real people end up getting Shadow banned? That’S a price! I’M willing to pay at this point because we cannot just have I I I sent my I sent my YouTube rep, just like a screen recording of scrolling through the comments on one of our videos and literally ninety percent, of the top comments within like an hour. After it had been released, were these like? Come have tap to have sex with me like porn Bots, and I’m sitting here going. These are. These are very easy to identify.

I haven’t seen any of the WhatsApp scammers anymore. No they’ve they’ve shifted so clearly YouTube. Has the capability to ban every possible iteration of WhatsApp from usernames? So do the same thing? Why does anyone need a a luscious ass in their profile picture? It’S not necessary what, if the, what if they, what, if they’re a hot tub YouTuber? What, if that’s literally part of their brand, then they’ll be verified, there done okay or they can. If they’re on the uh apply for an exception, I don’t care figure, it out figure it out. It should be a way to apply for it and figuring it out. Needs to involve just getting rid of this if you have to over correct over correct it’s ridiculous ideas.

Well, you have to use the word luscious. I thought it was good. I thought it was funny um, I’m like yeah, it’s bad though, and they they sometimes. I will say uh: they they and this should potentially even be easier to detect.

But I guess there’d be a lot of false positives here as well. Uh, but they’ll they’ll copy, other people’s comments and just post the same thing. Yeah yeah I’ve seen that a lot. It’S pretty common yep to me.

The biggest thing is just like, and I understand this is easier to do with with human eyes and comprehension, but we’ll see how long that lasts. Um you scroll through, and you see the usernames and it’s just like this – is so obvious and like half the fact that it will take many months to like pattern detect this stuff is just like what like the WhatsApp ones like come on. Didn’T uh didn’t Theo Joe make something for that yeah. What’S that one yeah like better than YouTube, this shouldn’t take Community efforts to solve this stuff.

Like man, I don’t know, and it’s frustrating because like on the one hand you’ve got Google doing, you know their Google. I O keynote all about yeah AI, this and machine learning that and use it. Yeah turn it on yeah. Why? Why can I still like this? This is why this is why you’re you don’t call Hoffman Wong.

Do you want to call Hoffman Wong? Sorry, I’m not finding a match in your contacts. Tell me just the first name or feel free to use the screen feel free to use the screen. That’S not a solution. This is this.

Is the same. I’Ve been ragging on Google for a while for, like it’s literally yeah, it’s literally it’s just Hoffman Wong, it’s it’s not like he nicknamed it or anything like that. It’S just Hoffman has two ends, which is a legitimate spelling of Hoffman yeah, and it’s like.

I don’t know: do this huh, I’m sorry, I don’t have a number for Yvonne home. I understand you absolutely shouldn’t have to do this, so I’m not using it to I’m not saying this to defend it. One thing I’ve done call James stribe.

Sorry, who do you want to call James stribe? Sorry, there’s! No, no one in your contacts! Sorry, I’m not finding a match in your contacts. Tell me just the first name or feel free to use. The screen feel free to use this.

How about this? How about I only have one James in my address book, call that one I I nickname I put people’s like an identifiable nickname that I will remember as people’s first names and then their first name is their middle name and their last name is their last name. That’S a stupid workaround that you shouldn’t need the year is now present year, yeah and that should be entirely unnecessary. Absolutely it should have phonetic whatever cash of everyone in my address book, and it should just use that yeah because holy sh.

How is it not already doing that yeah, and so I I don’t even remember the other thing we were talking about, that they were useless at um. I was just saying like in general, like the fact that they haven’t applied this stuff to deal with comment. Moderation. Oh yeah comment: moderation, that’s the one that, like whole core concept, the fact that they haven’t done that you can extrapolate that into entirely why they’re losing ground, unlike everything, that they do: yeah they’re just they’re, just not shipping they’re, not acting they’re just sitting. It doesn’t work, frustrating people are going to come steal your lunch. .