

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Struggling…”.
Yo Jonathan here this is a video about struggling and I know I’ve gone through my own set of health challenges and obstacles recently. That is not what this video is about, though, specifically it’s aimed at creating creators in general, but also at the same time, in the tech space, the pressures of being consistent, the analytic side being creatively happy, which is something I think I’ve tried to put first, but Also known at the same time that it’s probably going to be detrimental performance, wise or on paper. So if you are struggling or have struggled, hopefully this can help in some way shape or form. This is something I wanted to make and talk about for the better part of at least a year. Now to the point where six months ago, I actually sat down and talked about this with my good friend judner AKA, your average consumer.

Honestly, I I feel, like the biggest thing for me, has always been uh, not knowing when a video will tank. You know that it’s it’s been really difficult to. You know you you pour time into something uh, you know you, you think you you’re putting out the best version of this video that you can and then the algorithm says yeah bro. This is not the one, it’s not a lot.

This is not the one uh that we want, people to see, uh and and and that can take a toll and the fact that that carries over uh and it’s it sets the momentum for the next one. It’S been fascinating to watch things grow and develop over the years and to see how things shift to the point now, where even the audience is aware and programmed to pay attention to subscribers to views and even to an extent, use that as an attack before it’s. Like oh bro, you’re ugly, but now it’s like bro you’re ugly and you got no views. I think people lose sight of you, the fact that we’re all people behind this the human side of it yeah it’s simple in practice to not let performance or views get to you, but as a Creator, the way things are wired if you’re hanging out with other Creators, ninety percent of the talk is about analytics and as helpful and as useful as analytics can be at the same time it’s also exhausting. Sometimes you get you get lost in the grind. You know everyone kind of just they they glamorize the grind.

You know, and it’s great it’s great to have that dedication and you know, but it is physically and mentally taxing, sometimes where it’s it. It hits way harder than some people might think. You know you think it’s just oh they’re, just making a video, but it’s it’s work. You then have YouTube, which gives you really useful tools and there’s no denying when you pop off and you get that one to ten and confetti that it feels good. But at the same time, when you get smacked with that 10 to 10 or that nine to ten and YouTube is saying, hey you kind of suck today it’s hard to not let it consume you it’s easy to feel like you, you you’re, in a slump. You know and when you’re, in a slump where it’s like man, people don’t like my stuff anymore. You know like what’s happening right now and I think that part is tough, um, just kind of feeling like like the people like you know, because when you’re building your audience, you know you feel super connected with them and you’re you’re, getting to a point where it’s Like yes, a lot of people are liking the content. This is I’m on I’m on track, but once you get that shift in momentum going the opposite way, uh it just it’s, it’s really draining, and it’s just it’s just it’s just really difficult to try and put your best foot forward with your content and then just Not and just not hit what your your goals uh, for whatever reason, whether it’s the algorithm or maybe people falling out of love with you. I don’t know, but it that’s that’s tough. Now, I think a lot of creators in the tech space can probably relate to the fact that things feel in general, very toxic over the last few years to the point where you’re not really allowed to like anything and that’s with almost like everything right.

People love to see you climbing and you know getting to the top they they’re down for the journey, but once you get once you get there they’re like dude, you kind of suck. Now you you shell, it’s like what yeah yeah you. You literally helped me get here.

I appreciate it yeah yeah bro, we did this like you were, you were saying, go, get it man and I got it and now you’re like why’d, you get it yeah getting back to then the pressure on views and performance because of that, especially in the tech Space things need to be edgier and honest because trashing on something that’s going to get the click so because of those aforementioned things, I’ve found myself in multiple times over the past two years, probably where I’ve recorded something and never uploaded it in a lot of ways. Once you put it out into the internet, it becomes not yours, so I think at the same time, it’s also been a way for me to enjoy that Tech without the noise. Now, with that on a YouTube level, that’s not a good idea.


I think it was a conscious choice on Mayan, knowing that it’s probably going to hurt things on a performance level, but again that was kind of at the Forefront of my goals, one to be creatively happy, but also to find peace in not obsessing over numbers. Now, for me, alongside all of that, something that I’ve struggled with is the music Journey and path that I’ve been on, because in the back of my mind and in my heart I knew that if I put my head down and just worked that it’s going to End up being the thing that makes me the most creatively happy, but at the same time, it’s also going to fuel the tech side of things in a way that I couldn’t have done without during the process, though man, you have moments of doubt, and questioning yourself And just asking am I crazy and wrong for doing that? I’Ve had people that were close to me, just kind of look at me and question: why aren’t you putting everything into the tech Channel you’re losing out on views and money? What is wrong with you again for me, though, the end game isn’t about views or money, and I know that’s probably to a detriment of myself in terms of performance or the YouTube game. But if you’re watching this – and you do have a goal, I would say believe in yourself when it feels like no one else does know that it’s going to be challenging you’re going to have good days and bad days and days where you question yourself and ask Yourself is this worth doing the one piece of advice I could give with that is: try and take the step back and look at the progress from a bigger view, because when you’re dissecting things day to day, it feels small and it feels like there’s so much More you could be doing, but when you take that step back and look at things from a bigger perspective, more often than not you’ll see how much you’ve accomplished. I think a turning point for me this year was the video that I did on the Dolby Atmos setup. It was such a challenge in the sense of the amount of time that went in to get everything done, not only the time that went into the video but the research, the installation.


I just wanted to make sure things were done at the highest level, because I knew that video was going to be the one that propelled me into the next way of making things. At the same time, though, knowing all the time that I took off knowing the videos and the momentum that I missed out on doing all that you have that fear in the back of your mind, asking yourself man. What, if I put this up, what if I put all this hard work into something and it bombs? I kind of told myself if this gets a hundred thousand views.


That’S my goal I’ll be happy, and I know that sounds wild. But there are people, especially on this channel, who will see a hundred thousand views and use that as an attack in actuality, a hundred thousand people watching something is kind of crazy. But again, because of how things are wired down to Performance or analytics, sometimes that’s not seen as enough again it’s not that performance or views or analytics aren’t important because they are to agree. I think my message I’m trying to get across is that, ultimately, you got ta find balance.

There is nothing wrong with having an alternate thumbnail or two or title, but when you get to the point where you have 10 15 and you’re just obsessing, it’s gon na make you lose your mind in general. I’M excited to make videos and Tech videos specifically, and hopefully we can all find that joy and that fun that I think was there early on, because even with you like me and you when you used to come out with like the great looking videos, I’m like. Oh, I I need to say I need to get a shot, that’ll make John say like yo.

How did you get that shot man? You know that’s what it is right like it’s like when I see something good. I just want to be better in like in the sense of like it makes me want to work my ass off, like how can I do that it? It was a. It was a fun time to just be able to just make content everyone’s.

Just like. Oh okay, I see damn like not to get like a little knot in my throat, but, like I appreciate you and uh, you know throughout this whole thing like you’ve, always been a great friend brother and like anytime, any YouTube pops up like you’re, always there, and I appreciate it yeah, absolutely man, I feel like listen. I feel absolutely the same. I attribute a lot of where I am to just being friends with you and you sharing knowledge with me.

When I Didn’t Know Jack Diddley Squad about cameras and whatnot man, you were you’ve always been like an awesome friend and resource, and if there’s anything I can ever do you know I’m always here always so, hopefully this helped in some way. Thank you guys for being awesome. If you missed it, I got a giveaway going on a very cool headset linked up here and down below. This is Jonathan and I will catch you guys later.
