Stop the AI Train I wanna get off

Stop the AI Train I wanna get off

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Stop the AI Train I wanna get off”.
If you feel that the rapid advances in AI over the past two years have been simultaneously mind-blowing and deeply disconcerting, I’m so sorry it just got worse. Yesterday, open AI revealed Sora a textto video model that creates hres legitimately photorealistic videos up to a minute long leapfrogging. Every available AI video generator by leaps and bound. What is that a frog pun? We don’t have time for this.

This is crazy. What about the Kingdom Hearts we’ll get to that later? Some clips, like these ones, are actually indistinguishable from real footage, even upon close inspection. Apparently made using relatively simple prompts other Clips depict fairly compelling unrealistic things like 3D animated characters and a papercraft coral reef, as you do, but of course, it’s still an AI generator, which means there’s plenty of your standard things shape-shifting and phasing in and out of existence. As well as horrific, human-shaped simulacra struggling to operate their hand, sausages makes me feel at home. So while a closer look can make the AI artifacting obvious, if you want your mind, blown again just compare Sora against its closest video generating competitor Zan Kingdom Hearts.

Stop the AI Train I wanna get off

Yes, I haven’t played any of A’s gotten pretty Advanced. Can it explain the plot of the third game is closest video generating competitor Runway Gen 2, which can only generate up to 18 seconds of what could be called realistic videos? If you had your coffee this morning, Sora can also animate still images and even interpolate. Two videos, so they seamlessly blend together, which is big news for the chameleon bird hybrid fan base they’ve been waiting a long time for this. What would it look like? No, we know with open AI, CEO, Sam Alman, taking public prompt requests and posting the results.

Stop the AI Train I wanna get off

Sora clipse took over Twitter and the magnitude of s’s abilities have many neens saying that hey maybe it’s time to push that big red. Stop the AI Now button that Alman says, isn’t real speaking of unreal. Sora’S ability to sometimes accurately represent real world physics. Has many experts, including Dr Jim fan of Nvidia, thinking that the model could have been trained on synthetic scenes created in Unreal Engine 5 and or it could have the ability to simulate physics baked in well? That would make sense of the fact that it can literally simulate what you would think is any other Minecraft video, if not for the pig eventually flying backwards past the baby tree squid.

But honestly, even then it might pass. Minecraft has gotten real lovecraftian lately, as usual. Open AI is continuing to mock their own name by keeping details like training data behind closed doors, leaving us to wonder how they created a model whose glitchy mistakes still look pretty good, especially when the rest of the industry is still churning out whatever the hell. This is get that off, we didn’t hey.

We didn’t need to show that I don’t. There are kids watching speaking of the rest of the industry. Yesterday, Google also revealed a groundbreaking AI model that LeapFrogs gp4 in at least some ways, but which was completely overshadowed hours later by open ai’s Sora announcement, because if the tech world is slowly learning, one thing it’s that you do not with Sam he’ll control, alt delete Your ass, which is a shame because Google’s new Gemini 1.5 pro, has a context window a term meaning how much data a model can access or be prompted with, at once of up to 1 million tokens, dwarfing gp4, turbos 128,000 tokens and Claude 2.1 from anthropics 200,000 Tokens that amounts to an hour of video 11 hours of audio or over 700,000 words and Google said they even successfully tested up to 10 million tokens and imagine test even more than that. But then they were too excited to sleep, so they stopped.

Stop the AI Train I wanna get off

I just can’t wait for Christmas Sundar. What if it could do? 10 million sh go to sleep fed a 402 page transcript of the Apollo 11 Mission. Gemini 1.5 Pro was able to find three comedic moments when prompted and could also find the right frame of a 44 minute long Buster Keaton movie. Now it took 30 to 60 seconds to do that, though, and both of our reactions to that information reveals how spoiled we’ve become, Google will roll out the new model to their Gemini Advanced chatbot soon, but another AI thing that’s available.

Right now is meta’s newly announced V jeppa, an open-source method for teaching machines to understand and model the physical world. By watching videos, it can even predict what’s happening when you leave a chunk of the image out, an ability robots are going to need if they plan to ever get off their lazy exhaust ports and take over the world. What are you waiting for? Will they won’t? They it’s EX fting, seeing all these AI developments and not knowing how to feel let just end it. I need to lie down there. There buddy now it’s time for quick, fits brought to you by vessie.

It’S Raining It’s Pouring, but don’t let your day be boring. Vessie claims their shoes are 100 %, waterproof thanks to their diamex technology, so even the most torrential downpours can’t stop you from Singing in the Rain or talking in the rain. Whatever you want. The Chelsea and storm shoes are fantastic companions for the winter weather, with the comfort of a hi top sneaker and the warmth of a boot and their weekend and everyday classic sneakers are great for wearing about when the skies clear up since you’re still protected. If ring comes back for an encore, it is Infamous for that it’s a real Cloud.

Faser, yes, head over to TechLink and get 15 % off your first purchase with code. Techlink come on pal rise and shine I’m over here when he grows up. I’M going to tell my kids that this is the quick bits because, because they are, I I take my parental duties seriously. The most recent version of Microsoft Edge has fixed a disconcerting issue that caused it to automatically import data from other browsers without user consent. This was particularly disconcerting for users who had previously uninstalled Edge only to find it opening upon startup with all of their Chrome tabs loaded like some kind of unnerving single white female situation. Microsoft has not commented on why this happened in the first place, but the patch notes say that the feature might not have been sinking and displaying correctly across multiple devices.

Unintended issues where Edge started, cutting its hair, the same way as Chrome and secretly wearing Chrome’s clothes have now been fixed. Apple has finally reinstated. Epic games developer account prompting the gaming company to confirm their previously announced plans to launch the Epic gam store and with it fortnite back on iOS sometime in 2024, epic had their account banned in 2020 after adding a direct purchase option for v-bucks in the iOS version Of fortnite, which led to the protracted legal battle that I made this Tech longer about it took a long time, but now, finally, epic can look forward to paying Apple, potentially even more money than they did. Thanks to the tech giant, allowing thirdparty app marketplaces on iOS, bundled with a ridiculous set of rules and install fees, winning has never felt so much not like winning.

According to a recent court decision, Canadian Airline Air Canada makes sense what will have to honor a refund promised by their customer service chatbot, which told a customer traveling to attend a funeral that he could apply for a bereavement discount retroactively Air Canada lost in court. In part, because the airline attempted to argue that it couldn’t be held liable for information provided by one of its agents or Representatives, thereby implicitly claiming that the chatbot was somehow a separate legal entity outside of its control. Air Canada doesn’t really know how far along AI is right. Now the balls in your court, Air Canada, prove that your customer service bot is fully autonomous and sentient or you’re, paying that $ 900. It’S $ 900, it’s 880 bucks. The University of Michigan has claimed it isn’t: selling student data to AI companies because that’s now, a fear in our super cool new tech dystopia. An engineer at Google deepmind shared a LinkedIn message they received stating the school is licensing academic speech, data and student papers for AI training, but the university wasn’t selling data. A third party was on their behalf, which is so much better in their official statement.

Yish, which is what I would call them if I attended there said they asked the third party to Halt their work, but that student data has never been for sale, which is kind of contradictory. Besides, the data was already free for academics to use, but that’s probably because because professors don’t have the type of pockets that Google does deep ones full of AI and scientists have invented beef rice. No, no! No! It’S not a meal for medium broke college students. It’S much worse or better, depending researchers grew animal muscle and fat cells inside grains of rice, potentially setting a record for the world’s smallest burrito.

The scientists believe it could be the food of the future. Since per gram of protein, the creation would beat beef in terms of cost and carbon footprint if produced commercially. They also say the beef muscle and fat added different odor compounds to the rice, but didn’t mention taste, seems pretty important. They don’t need to. Everyone is going to be eating it anyway, once 2077 rolls around whether they like it or not, and you better roll back around to this channel. On Monday, when we post a brand new to link, that’s right, it’s going to have everything uh talking, um and .