Starfield FPX Teaser

Starfield FPX Teaser

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Starfield FPX Teaser”.
It’S been years since we first heard about Starfield and in the leadup to the broad release. Gamers excitement is palpable. I mean look at them. Trust me for socially awkward Gamers, that’s really really excited, but will you even be able to run it now? Obviously, Bethesda publishes minimum and recommended specs for the game. So, yes, you will, but what they don’t tell you is what kind of resolution and what kind of details you’re going to be running at so we built up three rigs: the minimum rig with a Radeon 5700.

The recommended rig with an RTX 280 and for good measure, a topof thee line machine with an RTX 490, and we are going to be playing Starfield yeah we’re going to start with the recommended configuration. This is how Bethesda wants the game to be played. That is unless you’re on an XBOX, in which case you’re going to be at 4k 30fps on the series X. Personally, I think I’d rather turn the resolution down and go for higher frame rate, but hey we’re going to play around with that all right.

On that note, I’m setting up capture right now and what resolution are we targeting here, I’m capturing at 1080, but it doesn’t really say the recommended specs just give. The hardware doesn’t tell you the resolution Target. Okay, I’m going to capture at 4K and then we’re just going to kind of set it to whatever I can sit cross-legged. Unlike you, you laughing you’re laughing. Mr flexible boy. Let’S see you touch your toes smart guy. I can’t is this.

The screen people hated so much. This is oh, I actually don’t mind it at all, except for that thing in the corner, because you know that’s T yeah they’re, just prepping, you, like hey, there’s, going to be something here. I like these menus, though I think they look great yeah, looks like pretty much all the stuff that I would want to change.

Starfield FPX Teaser

Motion blur’s on okay render resolution. Clearly what we’re targeting then is about 1440p. So, let’s set it to 100 and then set it to 1440p wait. Everything I’m doing is wrong. What we should be doing is running at the recommended settings on the recommended computer, but we don’t know what they are. Oh, it’s whatever’s in here we’ve got a ryzen, 3600x 16 gigs of ddr4 memory, not top speec, but a pretty decent kit, a gen, 3 mvme drive and an RTX 2080, and I’m going to let the game tell me how to run it. I think if this is the plan, we should evaluate what it sets as the default yeah.

Starfield FPX Teaser

I mean there’s some things in here that I super duper don’t agree with. I like that, we’re running it all high, so we’re going to get to see a lot of effects. I don’t like that. Actually I don’t like anything about this. It’S all on high. So for things like crowd density, I can see why they want the world to feel populated. It’S going to make it feel more real. That’S probably good! It’S supposed to be a game. You immerse yourself into yep, they’ve, cranked up the graphics pre set. So we’ve got, you know, indirect lighting and you know High volumetric lighting and that kind of cool stuff like that.

But if I can’t run it my native resolution, you can see we’re targeting about 1440p here with 62 % and then upscaling. Do I really want to be wasting Cycles on postprocessing like film grain and motion blur? Also upscaling is just the default behavior on top of rendering at a lower resolution scale. So this might not look that great, also vsync on by default. Have you played 6 hours of this game? Did you even sleep last night? No, that’s just 6:00! In the morning. That’S 6:00 a.m.

I’m only only like an hour and a half in yeah, that’s so much healthier getting up at 6:00 in the morning to play video games before work. I might have played for around 6 hours, though maybe we’ll have to try Luke, save and see. If there’s some interesting stuff later on, I’m on Mars way to go, Elon yeah, I beat him to it. This looks and feels like crap uhoh. You guys see that there were some hitches and stutters in our screen capture that were not representative of Real World gameplay. So, while all the over the-shoulder footage, you guys see, will be from our gaming session, all the capture that you see will be from a separate recording that was made in the studio at exactly the same in-game settings.

This looks and feels like crap immediately motion. Blur is that motion blur that I’m yeah it’s motion blur and it’s also not running at a very high frame rate. Yeah. Are we going to get frame view or something frame view is on the computer, we’re going to fire it up? First, I want to experience it sure yeah fair enough, but I can tell you right now we’re running at about 35 – maybe 40 FPS yeah.

Starfield FPX Teaser

This feels like what I would expect from a console right now we’re managing to get a ton of tearing, in spite of the fact that vsync is on. I love that you know what to their credit, I really not noticing the FSR of it. Yeah yeah yeah, the render resolution hack is feeling pretty not too hacked together on this. If you asked me what resolution this was running at, I would tell you 4K: do you think it helps being outside? No because outside I can find distant? You know skinny slightly diagonal lines like you know, yeah pieces of scaffolding and stuff. Like that and they’ve I mean look at this. They’Ve done a pretty good job of smoothing it out. This is also creation Engine 2, and this is their first time as far as I know, experimenting with photogrammetry. So some of the objects that they are able to like scan with photos are going to look really good yeah. I don’t think they did it with everything or like sometimes it doesn’t feel like they did. This is clearly I I tried for about 10 minutes.

Texture yeah um, but some of the stuff is really clean, looks really cool, like obviously they’re going to spend time on a gunbox right. That looks really good. Cuz you’re going to be looking at it fairly closely and fairly, often because you’re going to be looting.

These the whole game – sometimes you can kind of feel that part of the game was designed like potentially years earlier than other parts of the game. I don’t know that makes sense. Sorry, I’m just no you’re good, I’m just trying to poke holes in FSI too.

Right now, I think I think you should go talk to the blue, though we’re not actually playing the game Luke. You do know that right. No, I know, but you’re still in the I am busy looking at this yeah you’re, going to see a spaceship coming in which you might want to see fine, it’s probably up. They come from the sky.

Usually, you know you’re a right okay, but how’d that feel. Overall, I want to adjust my settings. I want to do it right now. We do that now yeah yeah yeah or no, let’s uh.

Let’S fire up frame view first and see if uh see what FPS is running out. 34. 36 man, I’m good! That’S about yeah! That’S about! We said: okay, first thing that needs to go film. Grain motion, Blair, Shadow quality, eh, eh, eh, eh eh sure we’re basically going down to medium.

Let’S Lose the vsync, so it doesn’t feel quite so laggy. Would you up the render resolution scale now that you’ve dropped that stuff or just take the FPS inrease? No, I want the FPS I’m running at 34, FPS, I’m not even playing, and it looks rough so yeah. I agree with that massive Kudos. You don’t have to restart the game or anything silly like that. You don’t even have to click to save it. It just works, oh wow, it looks it looks worse.

I think it does what’s the performance, though it feels a little better. It’S not much better, honestly, not that much High, but I got to tell you: I don’t really pick up the difference in image quality that much. I think I think I noticed it in the shadows. Those look like pretty solidly okay Shadows to me.

I’M not sure if this applied turn the Shadows up, just the Shadows, sure okay, yeah they’re, softer yeah without actually being the one playing it. It feels a lot better now, but I think that’s just motion blur being off. That’S just motion blur and vsync being off. It’S still running at like 30 30 FPS. Essentially so this is recommended. Yeah, not minimum.

The series X can do 4K 30. Todd Howard is a big advocate of High Fidelity. The series X is upscaling. This is 4K 30. By that definition, can you not? Oh, it’s actually his whole job to do that. Yeah he’s a pirate .