Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Star Wars Battlefront – GTX 970 – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance, review, time, star wars, battlefront we are playing in a 40 player, match 20 verses, 20 Walker assault on this Zeus, m32 ad desktop computer. I’Ve previously reviewed this computer and a link to that will be in the description below, but wait I’ve upgraded it. We now have a GTX 970 in here. That is a nice substantial upgrade. So let’s take a look at what kind of performance to expect.
Fraps is running up here in the corner. I will press f11 to start a two minute recording that will record our frame rate, minimum maximum and average for two minutes, and I’ve started that and let’s see if we can. Oh well, that’s! Okay! Let’S do better this time shall we the walkers are coming. We need to destroy them.
Oh, that is an eight EST. Sadly, my little rifle is not going to do anything. To that eight EST say eight EST destroyed me. I know better than that Lex.
Come over here and get a power up, shall we well that was dreadful. I like the fact that you don’t have to wait to to respond. We are clearly playing against a good team and Boba Fett has the jetpack yeah, of course? Well, I know which way this battle is going to go hey.
I got somebody, but the eight EST killed me again. Hey I got one well, we just can’t even get out of the base now. Can we hey I’ve got somebody.
No pulse cannon. Got me. Okay, fair enough: what do you guys think the odds are that we’re going to stop these two? I doesn’t do anything. Does it handheld weapons do not damage an at-at walker go figure. I see some bad guys out there. Our frame counter came back.
You know what I’m going to record one more and if this isn’t interesting i might edit it short, but otherwise, let’s see if we can make a dent in these guys. Well, this this is just depressing. Oh and our frame counter is back well what the heck ultra detail: 1080p.
Full HD, 93 frames. A second never drops below 60 perfect performance, my gameplay sucked, but the performance was awesome. I can’t turn the detail up any higher we’re running at ultra detail.
So will star wars battlefront run at 1080p at ultra detail at more than 60 frames, a second all the time it perfectly on a gtx 970. Yes, it will perfectly this by the way, not a high-end machine – intel i3 processor, but it just goes to show how important the graphics card really is. Further side. Note i’m filming this in june of 2016, the gtx 1070 has been released, but it’s still very hard to find and expensive.
If you can find a 970 in the 250 ish range or less closer to 200, it’s definitely a buy, especially with the 10 70s. Over 450 AMD is in the next week, going to release. There are X 480. Now I fully expect supplies to be scarce all throughout the month of July, but of course, if you’re watching this in september-october, then that doesn’t matter that card is supposed to have about the same performance of the 970. That’S in here for two hundred dollars. If that turns out to be true, I obviously don’t have one yet then it’s definitely worth taking a look at and considering.
I will get one in you it as soon as I am able to now. Did you like this video, give it a like? Did you not that’s? Okay, too, remember to subscribe to my channel. It’S the big huge red button down below the video questions, comments, thoughts, feedback suggestions, that’s what the comments section below the video is for. Tell me what you’re thinking do you want to see a different game tested? Do you want to see? I don’t know tell me what you want to see thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next article .