Springboard: The Secret History of the First Real Smartphone | Official trailer

Springboard: The Secret History of the First Real Smartphone | Official trailer

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Springboard: The Secret History of the First Real Smartphone | Official trailer”.
[ Applause ]: this is the story about a device that changed technology nope, not that device every little pocket device in the future is going to have a fast inexpensive internet connection and you’re going to use it for voice and data and transactions, and so on. Just that audacity of a group of eight people making a phone, you know it’s like eight people like a dinner party yeah. So imagine your next dinner party and the host says: hey. Let’S make a phone one of the venture capitalists literally wrote a check to jeff, saying i’m invested before we had a set of slides there, weren’t chips that you could go buy. You couldn’t go to the market and say build me one of these things.

Springboard: The Secret History of the First Real Smartphone | Official trailer

We took off like a rocket everybody wanted this product now guess what you can take a photo right on this thing and send it to somebody and they said nah. We don’t want to do that. Our other devices can’t do that. We look back at it and we felt it was like a camelot period when you’re that exhilarated and you come to work jazzed every day, jeff donna ed, i mean they were mentors, they were cheerleaders, it was really more like a family.

Springboard: The Secret History of the First Real Smartphone | Official trailer

This is the story of the people whose ideas are inside the phones that we use every day over 20 years ago. Nobody believed them, not the company that they worked at, not the carriers that sold millions of phones a year, not even steve jobs. Steve got up to the white board and he said here’s what the future’s going to look like. So i get on the bicycle, i think you’re wrong. I got up and i wrote on the board next to him and i said: okay, we have a different picture. Here’S a handheld computer in the center. We made the decision we’re going to go for the future, so we had this roaring growth and it just cratered.
