Special Announcement – UnboxTherapy.com

Special Announcement - UnboxTherapy.com

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Special Announcement – UnboxTherapy.com”.
What’S up guys, it’s unbox therapy here, and no that is not my real name. In fact, this is going to be our formal human introduction. My name is Luis and I’ve been the voice behind unbox therapy. Up until this point, you could call me the man behind the machine, the man behind the genius that is unbox therapy.

Special Announcement - UnboxTherapy.com

Now, I’m just kidding anyway. No I’m just a regular dude, and you know this is one of my passions. So, let’s get that part out of the way and move on the reason for this video. The reason that I am gracing your screens is because I want to formally announce our new webpage unbox therapy com. I’M gon na go ahead and show it to you in case you haven’t visited there. Yet I follow the same sort of design scheme that already existed on the YouTube channel and also on the Twitter page, which I’ll talk about in a second and in case you’re wondering why would you guys need your own webpage? My answer is pretty simple. That YouTube is fantastic when it comes to video, but I wanted another outlet for high resolution images and extended descriptions and reviews in text.

So this is going to be a supplementary kind of thing. It’S not going to try to overtake what’s happening on YouTube, we’re not going to be posting independent videos over there. There will be some embedded YouTube videos, but it’s going to be more of a supplementary thing that you’re going to have in conjunction with the YouTube channel. Like I said before, to have those high resolution, images and extended reviews, there’s also a comment section for each post in case you want to chat over there and there might be some exclusive posts regarding things that don’t necessarily turn into videos so anyway definitely check out That webpage, let me know what you think and hopefully you’ll visit it often. The next thing I want to talk about is our Twitter page and for anybody who’s in the contest or the giveaway for the book sleeves you probably already know about it, but for everybody else who doesn’t it’s actually pretty sad right now we’re looking pretty weak? We got about 29 followers over there on Twitter, so I’m fairly embarrassed. Now, I’m just kidding.

I mean it’s, nobody, we just opened the page, but at this point with 29 followers people are standing a pretty good chance of winning those free sleeves. I think, since I’m giving away 3 there’s a 1 in 3 chance right now, the people that have followed us on Twitter 1 in 3 chance that they’re going to win one. So if you’re watching this – and you haven’t already followed us on Twitter and you haven’t – entered the giveaway for the book, sleeves then jump on it, I mean, even if you don’t have an iPad, maybe maybe get the sleeve and it maybe you’re convinced you can iPad. No, I’m just kidding, don’t do that, but in all seriousness, more people need to jump on this contest because it’s really a sweet giveaway.

These sleeves are not cheap. The 30 bucks apiece right and they’re not run-of-the-mill and nothing you’re going to find everywhere. They got a some different, styling, cues and really nice all around. So definitely take advantage of that and that’s about it, I’m going to get my ugly face out of your screen now and you can get back to my other videos or whatever else it is you like to do on YouTube and until next time, thanks for watching Guys, .