SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes”.
Spacex Starship successfully explodes okay. That’S that’s not actually that misleading, yeah, yeah, okay yeah, pretty much – do go on. Spacex launched its new starship rocket system. Yesterday, a few minutes later the rocket experienced what SpaceX, twitter account called and their live stream and lots of other things.

A because I It’s actually an actual terminology, a rud or a rapid, unscheduled, disassembly before stage separation, I.E, kaboom much online commentary has framed this as a failure, but it wasn’t. It was a test flight for a new, more powerful rocket system. The flight was unmanned and there was no reported injuries, oh or damage to property beyond the rocket and its payload. That is not true at all, but I’ll go into that in a second SpaceX has previously warned that the odds of success were low and the primary purpose of the launch was to collect data and data collection. Did they do um? A bunch of things was very useful. The launch pad is gone, so there was damage to more things than than just the rocket and its payload uh, because the launch pad was like burnt to an absolute. It’S literally gone, there’s a hole right um so that wasn’t intended uh and there’s some there’s some ideas.

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes

There um there was environmental damage, yeah, I’m I’m assuming so the uh the whole launch pad is gone and there’s a huge hole. So I you could call that environmental damage. They have some plans of how to deal with that in the future. A lot of them actually and I’m sure, they’ll address it. But that’s! This is one of the whole goals of this thing.

Right unintended, someone at twitch that unintended launch pad removal yeah, you know they they rapidly prepped the site for new development, Kerbal Space Program style. Let’S go yeah yeah, so I I think is sweet um. Someone apparently got hit by debris: did they actually uh? That’S what someone’s saying a car got hit 500 meters away, which is 500 meters from a launch site, probably shouldn’t park your car there well nope for next time I mean yeah, but also like it could have been a lot more than 500 meters, too yeah um.

I’M not going to believe any of those things unless I see official details. Oh is this a screenshot of the launch pad yeah? Okay, I’m coming over to your laptop yeah, so damage to only the Starship is a not so much uh because there used to be a flat launch pad there. We call that a whoopsie Doodles yep, but again like they. As far as my understanding goes, they were aware that there might be some problems there yeah, and they already have plans for fixing it for next time. This is what tests are kind of about right. Like there’s gon na be problems. The fact that it blew up was not um was not actually like an issue.

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes

It was fine. They went into this 100 expecting that that could be a very likely outcome right. If, if my understanding was correct, they expected it to land in the water and be like not properly recoverable, even if it didn’t blow up so like yeah, it’s a thing yeah, but yeah, that’s cool! If you haven’t seen it yet, I don’t think we’re going to show the footage here, but you should go watch it because it’s actually like really cool yeah. It’S pretty wild yeah. I’Ve read some theories. I don’t know how much of this stuff is true, but some of the issues with the launch pad are why some of the boosters didn’t actually fire properly um. So the booster is not firing properly might not be as big of an issue as we initially thought, because they think it might be related to the launch pad. I don’t know if that’s true or not, I’ve seen a lot of information on this. That has already been debunked um, so yeah look into it yourself.

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Explodes

If you want the amount of armchair, scientists has been very fun to watch these idiots. They should have done this thing, yeah sure dude yeah, like there’s all there’s plenty of things. As far as I can tell from actual real sources that, like they did, think of but you’re going to think of different things forever and at a certain point, you just need to test what you got. It’S kind of it’s kind of like a lot of the things that I see in the comments under our videos like a really good one is at some point I was talking about how we’ve reordered more screwdrivers and someone basically was like, after the failure of the Backpack and screwdriver, how could he possibly be ordering it okay come outside your your little bubble that you live inside for two seconds and or like? Would you even be willing to consider that I am a just marginally rational being for a moment and that I wouldn’t throw good money after bad if I’m ordering more okay, if we’re working on Luck’s backpack, if we’re working on new colorways of the screwdriver, if that’s Happening, could you not consider a reason other than me being phenomenally stupid that I might be ordering more of them right like I’ll write? If it sorry, I actually worded that wrong. Maybe I am phenomenally stupid, but it was probably successful right.

Otherwise, I would be phenomenally stupid to be ordering more so if your brain can’t handle any reality where I am not just spectacularly dumb, and these were a failure, maybe the problem is you and it’s the same for you know looking at stuff like this, like uh Yeah, a lot of experts do work at SpaceX and they’ve done a lot of stuff. That’S quite frankly, just mind-bending game, changing yeah, utter failure. Ltdstore.Com says HP curb over on Twitch orders, more failed products that mysteriously sell out. It’S probably a conspiracy, I’m probably hiding those products in a warehouse somewhere just shoveling in them in there, so that I can pretend they’re sold out so that I can order more. Apparently there was yeah I have so there’s. I don’t know if this is legit at all: I’m not even gon na show it, but there’s there’s a van and it shows it getting hit by what looks like some flying yeah. No, apparently it was parked there to record the launch and they knew the risk. Yeah, and that is real yeah okay, yeah uh chat was talking about that a fair bit before well, okay, I mean, if that’s the case, then it sounds good because yeah when like, if you go to watch these things, you have to be really far. That’S still damage for sure, so it definitely still wasn’t just the rocket yeah.

I never thought it was just the rocket um, but yeah really really really cool to see. I’M excited. I have had like no time since the launch to actually like look into it, because I’ve just been very busy, but I’m excited to look into it more um and I’ve Heard lots of really cool things, and I want to see more of it. I watched like just the little like you know three four minute clip yeah and that was awesome.

So I’m excited to watch more nemzy and Float playing chat says these guys clearly don’t understand the concept of a whale or how many you have it’s, not actually the whales that drive the store success like what do you mean what I could totally see a whale Buying 50 000 screwdrivers. Why not? That’S not how that works like we have stats, and there are people whose lifetime spend is very high because, like as they’re as as much of their wardrobe as LTT store as mine is uh, but there’s only so many shirts. You can buy yeah like there’s a limit right, you can. You can’t go full like um, you know I’m trying to think like Candy Crush whale on this uh rise of Kingdoms or whatever the mobile games are called. What’S what’s that cringe one that everyone’s mad at people for taking sponsorship money from not Clash of Clans uh raid Shadow Legends right like we’re not talking about people spending tens of thousands of dollars on You can only use so many screwdrivers at once, uh! No, we actually just really did sell over a hundred thousand screwdrivers. I think we’re up to about 125. 130. 000.

Now we’re moving. We we removed the counter, but I mean I’m all about transparency, guys uh, so we’re still moving well on average about 200 to 250. A day it’s wildly successful and no it’s not because we have somehow Bamboozled people into buying there’s just one person. It just takes them that long to add 250 to the cart. It’S just it’s I’m telling you man, it’s just it’s just one way.

One whale runs. The whole store: okay, yeah, oh yeah. How do you think everything released is successful? Yeah I mean it’s got to be just that one night: it’s not because they’re good products, it’s just one big wheel, yeah any any opposition.

I’Ve had to anything that Elon Musk has done, is actually just a big smoke screen because we’re BFFs and he orders everything off of, just as a personal favor yeah, and then I I’ve got to kind of run interference on this whole thing. That’S where my like 4D chess theories about him trying to offload Twitter while he secretly turns it into the everything app. But people won’t see it coming because I’m out here talking about how he’s actually trying to get rid of it and then the value is going to go up and the shares are going to be worth so much it’s a it’s a brilliant plan. .