Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone

Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone”.
Hey guys, I’m fly with a Burchard IVA 2016 and I have Sony’s new flagship for this year: the Xperia XZ. Now all the action with this phone is around here at the back, because Sony is doubling down tripling down on its camera technology. You still have the 23 megapixel sensor from the Xperia Z series, but this time it also has laser detect autofocus. So as a second sensor and a new RGB IR sensor dedicated to white balance and getting just the right colors. So these are really the standout features.

Apart from that, you have the metal back design which Sony introduced at MWC and it’s its feature for the Xperia X series /. Besides them, this is really quite a regular Android flagship. Smartphone Sony’s of differentiation here is design and the camera in terms of the specs of Sony’s new flagship. You would have heard them quite a few times already this year.

It’S a snapdragon, 820 processor, 3 gigabytes of RAM 32 gigabytes of expandable storage, both of which are actually quite limited. We’Ve seen some other flagships coming out with 6 gigabytes of RAM and plenty more storage, but you also get the usual fingerprint sensor integrated into the power button. You get USB C, naturally for 2016. Also, something that’s quite unique.

Sony nowadays is having a dedicated shutter button, which again goes through the whole point about this being a camera phone. First and foremost, them says that there’s also an expiry ex compact, which shares the same strengths of camera and design. So you have a choice of sizes.

The 5.2 inch xperia x ii or the 4.6 inch xperia x compact, the xperia x compact, actually downgrades quite a few of the specs. It doesn’t have the metal back. It doesn’t have two snapdragon 820.

Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone

So what you make do is we’re Plastic back with a ceramic style coating and a Snapdragon 650. I think that might be sufficient to get most people the performance that I need, but again isn’t the top-tier level. There are just a couple of specs that might disappoint people. One of them is a resolution. The Xperia XE still sticks with 1080p resolution. The xperia x compact still has a 720p resolution on it.

Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone

Neither of them is bad per se and both displays have very nice. Viewing angles looking at them now, but it isn’t the latest it isn’t pushing any boundaries and for Sony, that’s what we usually expect. Besides, that both of these phones seem to be running Android 6.0, one at the moment. No promises from Sony with respect to Android new get the latest version, which would be really nice to see. Other companies like LG are just about to launch android new get phones. So before seeing these new Sony phones in person, I was actually ready to criticize them. For not having any breakthrough specs aside from those new camera systems, but getting in my hands. What I’m finding is that I really like them.

This is typical with Sony. They do design really really well. They have this new loop design as they describe it. There’S a whole bunch of symmetry going on around each phone and it’s tangible.

Sony Xperia XZ: the new flagship cameraphone

You see. Failure in your hands, particularly the xperia x compact. I’Ve always had a soft spot for so many smaller phones. It’S just a joy and a pleasure to hold in terms of so many living up to his strengths and extending them. These phones are just classic sell me. So Sony hasn’t yet to announce the pricing for these new phones, but the X compact can respects to be a little bit cheaper and it will be on the market sooner next week. In fact, the Xperia XE will be out there in October, thanks for watching our first look at Sony’s new exterior range here at eco 2016 for more of the fun and whimsy of covering the show here in Berlin, stay tuned to, slash The Verge and the Verge to come, Xperia Z – this is cardio. This is good.
