Sony RX100 MKIII Review!

Sony RX100 MKIII Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony RX100 MKIII Review!”.
Hey, what is up guys, I’m cabby HD here – and this is the Sony rx100 Mark 3 and it’s the best pocket camera ever made now. If that sounds familiar, it’s because I said the same thing about the rx100 mark: 2: hey. What is up guys, I’m KB HD here – and this is the best pocket camera ever made thanks for watching. So what makes this new camera better than the mark? 2. Well, they’ve added a couple of features: they’ve made a few improvements here and they’re added a couple of things that make it naturally a little bit of a step up.

Obviously, it costs a little bit more I’ll have a link in the description. If you want to check this out, but basically it still fits in my pocket and it’s better than the mark 2. Therefore, it keeps the title of best camera that I can fit in my pocket. So what are the improvements that make it better than the mark? 2, so number one new viewfinder number two, the LCD and number three, this new lens, so the EVF, the electronic viewfinder, is a new addition.

It pops out of the top left side of the camera when you want to use it and it shows all the same controls and the same information as the LCD would so, if you’re shooting, outside or in a really bright environment. Where you can’t quite see that already gorgeous LCD, you can use that eyepiece and actually has a proximity sensor to turn on and off when you bring your eye up to it. So it’s really impressive. It looks good. I don’t even know how Sony found the space inside the camera to krema sting in the first place, but they did and it’s not any bigger than the last camera. So one thing to really keep an eye on is that EVF? Now the only thing I don’t like about it is when I push the viewfinder back in the camera to stop using it, it turns the whole camera off I kind of wish they wouldn’t do that. I wish they would. Let me continue using the camera after I’m done using a viewfinder. I guess I should just spend an option in the settings. Alright number two is the LCD.

The rx100 mark one had a fixed LCD on the back, couldn’t articulate it at all. The mark two had an LCD that you could start to articulate a little bit and move it around. This mark three has an LCD that can flip completely around. So you can see yourself for portrait, photos and videos, I’m being nice, I mean selfies and you can take photos or videos and all kinds of weird angles, thanks to the display being able to flip around more than ever before and last. The third new thing is the new lens, so this camera has always had a great answer that 20 megapixels sensor from Sony, but this mark 3 has a slightly wider angle, slightly faster lens, still super high quality Carl Zeiss glass. So that’s awesome, but now it’s the equivalent of a 24 to 70 millimeter lens that goes from F, 2.8 at 70 millimetres to F 1.8 at 24 millimeter.

Sony RX100 MKIII Review!

So it’s a little bit less reach. You don’t get quite the same zoom as the mark 2, but that is an insanely low aperture for such a wide angle and it bests anything. Sony has ever done in the past for both on paper and in practice. All this new stuff has the new rx100.

Sony RX100 MKIII Review!

Looking a bit like a beast of a camera which it really is kind of like a Swiss Army knife of pocket imagery and everything else, though, is really the same, which is good because it’s got that same great battery life. Same great, build quality, same great materials, same great image, quality, dynamic range, sharpness, color same great, easy to understand, Sony menu system and interface same great ring around the front which can be programmed to change the aperture or whatever else you want to change. It can be changed focus, but that ring is actually pretty genius and I’m surprised, no one else has done it yet same great pop-up flash that you can articulate any way you want. So you don’t have to flash directly on your subject.

Sony RX100 MKIII Review!

You can instead bounce the light off of a wall or ceiling for a softer fill effect same great NFC on the side as the mark 2. So you can install that Sony, PlayMemories app on your phone and if you have your phone with NFC, you can just tap your phone to the camera. To transfer your photos, you just took it’s really handy. If you just want to share a quick photo, you took on social media and the photos and videos that it does take are still awesome. The autofocus is super fast, so you don’t have to worry about that. It will nail focus every time and then the photos are consistently really sharp with you know. Nice dynamic range, pretty pleasing color reproduction, just like its older brothers. It’S also a killer in low-light, since the sensor is closer to a DSLR size, it’s much bigger than other pocket cameras and, honestly, the photos you’ll get out of this are very similar to what you get out of something like the Canon, t5i or similarly priced DSLR, And it’s kit lens, maybe even better since you get this nice new Sony lens in this Carl Zeiss glass.

Now this camera will also be awesome if you’re a vlogger. Now, I’m not a vlogger, but if you happen to shoot a lot of front-facing, video or selfie portrait style, video, the wider angle lens and the articulating LCD that lets you see yourself is a huge plus. So that’s something you’re not going to get on the mark. 1 and mark 2, so this combined with the awesome quality video, like I said, the wider angle lens the faster aperture, the sharpness, the great codec, the dynamic range and everything I mean: it’s, not the lightest camera in the world.

But if you want to have the highest quality vlogs in the business, I think this is easy choice. Now, as much of the video side that I like to focus on, I do take a lot of photos with this camera and put I post them all over social media, Instagram, Twitter, Google, even Facebook, sometimes and pretty much every time. There’S someone asking hey! That’S a pretty sharp photo. What did you take that with and a lot of times it’s what this there’s usually a certain character to the photos you take with a pocket camera they’re, usually a lower resolution, they’re, usually a little bit noisier.

I’D have smaller sensors. They don’t do as well in low light. Colors might not be quite as good as a more expensive DSLR, but at the end of the day, when you’re, comparing a pocket camera to DSLRs instead of other pocket cameras, that’s how you can tell that it’s the best pocket camera in the world. It’S just that! Much better than all the rest of the smaller cameras out there.

No one get me wrong. There are other small cameras that don’t fit in my pocket that take really good photos. I’Ve been playing with the Fuji x100s. Recently it’s not going to fit in my pocket. It’S smaller than the SLR and it takes DSLR like images so they’re, it’s really really good, but it doesn’t fit in my pocket and that’s why it doesn’t get the same price. This could even make a great starting youtuber camera if you’re, just starting a YouTube, channel and you’re looking to buy a camera.

That’S going to take awesome videos, it has autofocus, it has great zoom, it has great sharpness, it’s not 4k, it’s still 1080p video, but it has a great codec. It has a 60 frames per second video 30 frames per second video 24 frames per second video. 720P. 120 frames per second video, it’s loaded with features, and, I would actually say, go grab mark 2 or Mark 3 to start a YouTube channel instead of a DSLR and you’ll learn a lot about still the kind of shooting we’ll do later down the road. If you switch to a DSLR, but there are so many features here that remind me of a DSLR, so I’m going on about it enough. This is obviously one of my thing cameras and I do take it with me all over the place.

I’Ll have a link below if you want to check it out. I’Ll also have a link to the mark 2 and the mark 1, like I said, because those tend to be lower priced than the mark 3, but hey. This could be your steal on Black Friday or something like that. This could easily be an awesome gift or something you want to check out like I said, if you’re starting a channel or something so the links are below. Thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and if you did feel free to leave a thumbs up below and I’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace. .