Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 – Graphics Comparison

Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 - Graphics Comparison

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 – Graphics Comparison”.
What’S up folks how’s it going for watch hope you guys are all doing well, so we did a comparison between the playstation 5 and the xbox series x. A couple of weeks back, if you haven’t, checked that video out, please make sure to do so. But in summary, from a pure gaming performance and graphical perspective, there really isn’t a big difference between the current consoles because they’re running on the same exact hardware you’re pretty much getting a different box for the same internal goods. When you take a look at series x and ps5, but to put things back into perspective, i actually want to take a look at the performance difference of the playstation 5 versus my old 2013 version of the first gen ps4. I dug this thing up.

Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 - Graphics Comparison

It’S scratched up, but it still has a lot of things going for it. Firstly, you can play all the same games currently available on the ps5. We’Re going to be taking a look at a couple of new games available on both platforms. Do a side-by-side, direct head tag, graphical performance, comparison to see whether there is a pure visual graphical difference between the two that could justify the purchase or an upgrade of the ps5 for the time being now.

Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 - Graphics Comparison

Firstly, i’m just going to throw up the tech specs on both platforms. Now our first generation fat, playstation 4 is almost seven years old now and that’s definitely a long time from a technological perspective, and things have definitely progressed quite a bit. But on the surface level looks kind of similar. We both have amd eight core cpus uh.

Sony PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4 - Graphics Comparison

The old ps4 was based on the jaguar architecture versus we’re. Looking at zen2 on the ps5, we also have smt or simultaneous multi-threading capabilities, which gives the playstation 5 effectively 16 threads, as well as eight cores and almost double the core frequency of 3.5 gigahertz versus 1.6 gigahertz, as well as the gpu flow point. Precision is over 10 teraflops versus 1.8 teraflops on the ps4. We can also see double the amount of ram of 16 gigabytes of gddr6 versus 8 gigabytes of gddr5 on the ps5, and we also have more than double the memory bandwidth and a much faster internal ssd drive versus the old playstation 5.

Had our old mechanical 2.5 inch drive, which was quite slow, we also have things like a 4k blu-ray player, ac wi-fi, as well as the ability to potentially output 8k resolution at 60 hertz, as well as 120 hertz at 4k resolution, which the old playstation pretty much Topped at 1080p at 60 hertz now, given all that the playstation 5 should completely wipe the floor with the old seven-year-old ps4. But let’s see, if that’s actually the case, we’re going to take a look at a couple of new gaming titles available on both platforms. Do a side-by-side graphical comparison, you guys be the judge to see whether you can actually tell the difference. Uh we have the video uploaded in 4k, as well as 1080p 60 frames per second and then we’ll come back and reflect on our thoughts.

So, okay, so after reviewing the footage coming out of both consoles, i do have to say that, although there is definitely an advantage from the playstation 5 side from a resolution, color frame rate consisting and overall smoothness of the gameplay itself, there isn’t. I would call like a night and day difference when you are playing the game itself. It’S only when you focus on certain features on characters and certain elements of the scene where you are gon na definitely notice the difference but isolated. I think you’re gon na have a great time playing the game and it’s definitely not gon na take away from the gaming experience when playing any of these games on the ps4.

It’S just gon na be a better enhanced experience, especially on a 4k ultra hd tv. When you are using a playstation 5 but take a look at some of the scenes, and specifically if you take a look at the call of duty over here this bar scene, you can certainly see more details in the distance of the license plate. And you can also see the distant tv playing the football or soccer game a little bit better on the playstation 5. So you can see environmental elements, uh be enhanced and have greater level of detail. Give you a better sense of immersion now, given the notion that we’re rendering almost four times the amount of pixels on the playstation 5, we should be able to see a greater level of details in pretty much all aspects of the game, regardless of whether you’re viewing It in 1080p or 2160p, if we take a look at this scene over here zoomed in we can definitely see a lot more fine detail in the actual writing on this calendar, and everything is definitely going to be a little bit more crisper. Now, if you uh zoom back out to the normal scene, that uh difference, especially in 1080p, is not gon na be that apparent, but certainly, if you’re viewing this on a 4k tv uh, it is a pretty striking difference between the two.

Furthermore, even though call of duty isn’t a game specifically optimized for the next generation ray tracing capabilities on both xbox and playstation, we can still tell the difference on this scene over here with the hubcaps on the car. With the amount of reflection, the spectral highlights are better and we can see a greater level of detail in the reflections themselves versus on the ps4, we’re lacking all that detail and clarity in the reflections in the exact same scene. Since we don’t really have those advanced ray tracing capabilities and plus the tracking of those reflections, are better enhanced and definitely smoother and more accurate on the ps5 version as well. Now, when it comes to color rendition and overall dynamic range, that’s definitely going to depend upon the display that you’re viewing the console through. But, given the fact that we have hdr 10 certification on the playstation, 5 you’re always going to see a greater level of a dynamic range, better details in the shadow and highlights, as well as a better level of saturation and overall vibrancy in the colors. That definitely seems apparent in some of these comparison.

Shots that you’re viewing right now again isolated. The playstation 4 definitely doesn’t look bad and if you don’t have a reference point to kind of compare to you’re, not gon na, probably notice the difference, but, generally speaking, the colors are definitely more muted and a little bit more muddy at times compared to uh. Some of the hdr10 images coming out of the ps5 beyond that, given the fact that the playstation 5 has more than double the memory bandwidth and capacity, as well as the capability of storing a larger amount of a game information due to the fact that the games On the playstation, 5 take up more memory space as well as storage space, you’re, going to see a greater level of details in the world itself, so, for example, in the new assassin’s creed valhalla you’re, going to see that some npc characters, apart from the main characters, Are definitely missing. Some important details in both the facial features, the textures and the hair and skin eyes, as well as essential kind of costume elements, are also missing.

Uh from the playstation 4 version compared to the playstation 5, so the playstation 5 definitely has that greater sense of immersion and world building uh compared to what we’re, seeing, especially on the first gen ps4. Now, beyond these initial launch titles uh we’re only going to see a greater difference going forward from here. Most of these games were developed during the playstation, 4 and xbox one era. We’Re only going to see greater level of detail and performance a difference going further beyond and uh.

Once we get into 2021, we should see gaming titles dedicated and specifically designed around the current generation series x and ps5. But the key thing i want to take away is that the experience on the playstation 4 is still fantastic, especially for the price, and these days you can pick up a used one for next to nothing and uh. All of the current generation games are pretty much available on the playstation 4 and it’s gon na be like that for a while. So you’re not going to be really missing out too much, even if you don’t upgrade right away to the new generation consoles and honestly, if you can’t get a hold of the new ps5 or series x, because they’re sold out, i don’t think you’re missing a whole Lot from a gaming perspective, the playstation 5 and the xbox one are still fantastic consoles that are going to be relevant.

For at least, i would say two to three years from now and if you’re really into gaming at a high level, where you have the option to upgrade and be in full control over your gaming experience, you’re, probably going to go pc anyways, but other than that. Guys, that’s really. It definitely love to hear your thoughts. Are you upgrading to playstation 5? Do you have a playstation 5 right now or an xbox series x and are you planning on upgrading to the new generation consoles? Definitely love to hear your thoughts again.

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