Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive

Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello there and welcome viewers and lurkers alike. I’M muse – and this is a ps5 – that’s right. We got our hands on a ps5 and today we’re gon na unbox it for you. Today’S video is brought to you by backblaze the leader in online backup services, get a free two-week trial with no credit card required, using our link in the video description, more details after the video. This is one big box. Am i right wow, you barely even see me. I can hide back here. I’M gone [, Laughter ]. This is a very big box, so let’s figure out how big the system inside here really is.

Custard rawr, okay wow all right, so it just has this uh thin outer box? It’S interesting! Oh! Let me let me turn it around, so you can see the sexy side there. It is. This is the box. They wanted to release nice.

Modern, simple sleek! That’S all you need, so you need all right. What is this? This is instructions for opening the box. You didn’t think i knew how to open a box.

Are there people out there that need this instructions? I sure hope not because they’re gon na have a heck of a time playing any of the games. They don’t know how to open a box they’re, definitely not strategist players. That’S for sure! All right – let’s see here, i’m gon na use this tab to get this off of here all right, another box within another box, so many boxes.

I understand the instructions. Now it’s a little heavy. So maybe i don’t want to pick it up by the eggshells, but you know this is very heavy. I really hope that that means good quality hardware. All right go ahead and take your hat off there, okay and then take off your bridges there. All right.

Oh, my goodness wow nice sleek, i dig it. I dig it. It’S actually really big, though, like it’s very tall, i feel like, even if i, if i stand this up or lay it on its side of my entertainment system, i don’t know that it’s going to fit either direction. It’S also a different color every other system. In my entertainment system is black and this one is white. Luckily, though, i believe they said they would be releasing side plates, so you should be able to interchange these side plates here, and so we should be able to switch them out for black. If we decide to instead of having the the white – because you know all of their other systems, were released in black, so it’s interesting. They went with a different color on this one.

Now, what’s really neat about, it is the white on the inside. It’S covered in teeny, tiny, little x’s, o’s squares and triangles so you’ve got your your your x circle triangle square. Just like your controller, so you’ve got your little. Your little keys in here from your controllers, probably the uh the number of times that we’ve pushed them to enter all of our codes from back in the day, just decorating the inside of your console there. So it’s a really nice touch. We, of course, have our classic playstation emblem here.

So again, this sleek modern look with just the emblem, because that’s really really all they need on there. It doesn’t need a three or anything, it’s clearly the more modern version of the system, and then it’s the shiny. This really shiny, reflective black on the inside here, there’s actually no peel protecting it, which is a little uh surprising. It’S just already bare.

Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive

It seems to already have a lot of dust stuck to it. So that’s clearly going to uh be an ongoing issue for this uh, this bad boy, it’s gon na be hard to keep that clean and it is fingerprint city, so good luck, keeping that clean. So first in our separate little box here we have our controller. Now the controller also has the x circle square and triangle pattern going on here.

Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive

So you have your your controls printed on the plastic just for the backs of the handles, if you get real real close, but it’s very, very tiny. Now the issue i have with this is not only is it a white controller which is going to get dirty so so fast that embossing of those shapes back there? It’S a cool design, but it’s on the back of where you’re gon na hold it. And since that’s your handle, that’s where all my hand oils are and that’s where everything’s gon na sit. I don’t know anyone who didn’t play this system well, the playstation and playstation 2 uh without eating pizza, pockets and pizza rolls back in the day. So this is gon na, be the dirtiest controller ever so fast. It actually already has a couple of spots on it.

I think just uh dust inside the packaging even just settled into a couple of the shapes here so yeah, it’s gon na, be the dirtiest controller. I own, but other than that it looks really nice. Now it does look bigger than any other playstation controllers it.

Sony Playstation 5 — Unboxing & First Look — Former Member Exclusive

It feels a little bit thicker sturdier, which it’s a good handhold, but i must say it looks like a hybrid between a playstation and an xbox controller. So they’re definitely skirting the line there on uh, just looking like an xbox controller, but it’s a nice feel the triggers are really nice really sturdy, really smooth. Honestly, it doesn’t.

The top ones have that that same old click to them, but then the bottom ones feel more like you’re pulling a trigger as opposed to the old ones, just having click and click. So it does have a different feel to it. It feels more like a trigger which is pretty neat and then you’ve got your menu and start buttons, of course, um. And then you also have your connecting to your headset is on here as well, so that you can connect your headset and then you’ve got your charging port, of course, and then this right here is for, if you’re putting it on a charging base. It’S just a really nice controller, but it definitely reminds me of xbox quite a bit so there’s our little controller bad boy there and let’s see what else is in this box, really quick while i’m over here in this box and then i’m gon na come back To the system, but let’s just look at everything: we’ve got here, so we got the system, we’ve got, the controller talked about him a little bit and then we’ve got our charging cord here. So, of course you have your cord for your controller and that’s going to be a usbc charging cord 2 usb, and i don’t see the block for it in here just yet, but it might be on the other side of our box. This is our power cord that actually looks just like the power cord for the ps2 slim. Honestly, it has the same look there.

Actually, it looks like a little eight figure or infinity symbol uh. However, you want to look at it that plugs in there. They have gotten rid of the external power brick, which is nice, that you don’t have that big bulky separate thing with two separate cords coming out of it and everything, let’s see here, and then we have our dock. So, of course, you want this to be under the system at all times, whether you have it vertical or horizontal. You want it to be on the base, because it also helps with your cooling and it lifts it off the table. So it’s not getting scratched up or damaged, and it’s just supporting it really well. The other thing is if you’re docking it horizontally as opposed to vertically um. This helps to balance it out too, since it’s not particularly flat entirely now, if you get the one with a disk drive, it actually is shaped a little bit differently, so it’s even harder to balance it on its side, but either way you really want to use Your dock, so let’s go ahead and set our system on our dock.

There we have it so we’re set up properly there and it slides in there real nicely there we go and then, of course we can also dock it on its side and, let’s see here, we’ve got our hdmi cable, it says it’s a high speed, hdmi, cable. So the xbox actually says ultra high speed. I don’t know that the cables actually have a difference. I will be unboxing an xbox soon, so i will let you know if there’s anything else different about it, because i don’t know that there’s a difference between the ultra high speed and the high speed hdmi cables for these systems, but we shall see seems seems a Little a little bit, uh intriguing there, let’s go ahead and close this up.

These are our manuals, of course, but you know it’s it’s this century, so i’m just gon na google that if i need a manual you know so now we have all of this laid out. Let’S talk a little bit more about our system, all right, so looking at the ports on our ps5, we’ve got our usba and our usbc and then our power button. If you have the disk drive version, you will also have the disk eject button there.

So you’ll have that disk drive button and then on the back of our system, we have two more usb ports here, our lan cable connection, our power adapter connection and then our hdmi port. Of course, i do find it surprising that the front only has one usb port, though considering you’re probably going to be playing multiplayer games time to time they do make that wireless charging base that i was talking about earlier. That looks like a small ps5, which is really cool, but if you don’t get it, i am curious if the usb ports continue to charge when the system isn’t on, because my ps3 did not.

I really hope that these usb ports do charge even without the system running but we’ll see. This is just an unboxing for today, so i’m not going to get it up and running just yet or do to get gameplay unboxed and talk to you guys about my initial reactions to it and my initial feel for it now, if you guys do want to See gameplay, i would love to hear about it in the comments just so that we know exactly what you guys would rather see, we’ve been debating, doing more um game play on the new systems or doing gpu reviews or doing gpu comparisons, doing some benchmark comparisons. So you guys be sure to let us know what it is. You would prefer that we start to gear towards just because i only have so much time in the week. While i would love to do all of the ideas that we have time doesn’t really permit. For me to do all of the ideas every week and we need to have regular content rolling for you guys, so let us know what you’d like to see, and this is everything you get with the system itself.

You get the system, one controller, your controller’s cord, the system’s power cord and an hdmi. Nothing else comes with the system itself. Everything else is sold separately. You can get a headset, you can get a webcam there’s a lot of fun little toys.

You can get a remote control for the tv, so there’s a lot of fun, different toys that are available for the ps5, but just for what comes with the system. It is just these items here. We may review other items in the future, especially if you guys show us interest so again, be sure to let us know down in the comments what you think about this system about the thought of unboxings and what you guys would like to see in the future. So this is everything i have for you today.

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I’Ve been ready, maybe point to the port one more time and then turn it back over shiny is pretty when it’s not sticky was that a good delivery. Backblaze is the leader in online backup services, backup everything on your computer, including external, usb hard drives for just six dollars per month, with no limits no file size limits, no backup size limits. No throttling and multi-threaded upload support multiple security options, including two-factor authentication and private encryption keys, rapid restore with file downloads, plus the option to have your data shipped to you via usb hard drive file version support keeps multiple copies of files, as you change them to allow Recovery of older files or accidentally deleted files with the option to keep locally deleted files in your backup, forever sign up for a free two-week trial. Using our link in the video description below no credit card is required, give it a try to test your backup speed.

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