Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony Patents Save Points+”.
Uh, all right, hey, Sony patents. Save states now hold on a second, that’s not quite what they did yeah, because it sounds like the worst thing ever: the sources Insider gaming in Kotaku this month, Sony filed a patent that would allow – and this is a quote users – to track back through a campaign And select a specific moment in time without needing to replay entire chapters or the whole game. The patent titled content streaming with gameplay launch shows that gameplay. This is all quote that gameplay sequences would be split up into sub chapters, complete with trigger points that players can select from.
How is this different? It’S different because, rather than using predetermined chapter breaks, it appears the game data will be used. The game data will be used to bookmark specific interest points like a boss, fight or an achievement. This just sounds like quick saves what like, if, if you have a game that quicksaves when you like, go through doors, fight bosses and in this case also get achievements which I’ve heard of all of them, except for get achievements. But I’m sure some game has that cuz. Why not? I don’t know, then. Is this not the same thing you just keep all of them instead of them overwriting themselves, I was kind of hoping there’ be something there yeah you you game more than me, but um. I was kind of hoping that maybe you would have some kind of light to shut, because when I heard this basically all I heard was Sony patented save states.
So so that headline is from me, yeah um, that that was when I, when I I think I actually sent this to the news team last week, because this is this is a last week topic. I just thought it was wildly funny that a Sony would think to patent this and B that anyone would think it makes any sense to Grant a patent around a method of saving actually granted like they have this. Oh no filed. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry! Imagine that anyone would Grant a patent for this there’s no way because CU, it’s not like when you were first describing it.
I was like oh wow, so they mean you can effectively like you know in racing games where you can rewind like a rewind. I was like they mean you could rewind the whole game. I was like that’s actually kind of crazy and then it’s just like. No, it just quick saves and we just keep the quick saves instead of overriding.
The quick Saves The Insider gaming article about this is kind of positive about it. What says this will be a huge win for Content creators, for example, do you want to make a video showcasing how to defeat a particular boss? Well, with this new feature, you can jump straight to that fight, he’s so upset without needing to tailor a save around it or play the game up to that point, which might be several hours at least, are you drunk like? Have you ever played a video game before? What are you talking about? Was this written by AI? Now there are some cool things about it. These trigger points, these, like save points, will be offered to the player while they stream media watching back through gameplay, which they’ll be able to select at will um. So I think, if there is some room for Innovation here, like a better uh, save point browser like that’s something that many games do a terrible job of whether it’s Auto saves that are only one. So if you didn’t manually, save for a while right and you’ve only got one autosave, if you go through a door in a dire situation with one HP and there’s an enemy there, you basically effectively create a non- progression, bug yeah right like there’s, there’s there’s uh. Oh man, the fact that not every game has a screenshot of what that save. Is that blows my mind? The screenshots are very useful. So so, if Sony is creating a systemwide system for this, so that every game on PlayStation just automatically allows you to pick up anywhere that you leave off and really really easy browsing of these points, where you can, you know, use their hyper, fast, SSD or whatever To load up, you know like a metadata version of rendering through the gaml.
Okay, I’m not saying think any of this is patentable. I’M just saying there’s a lot of room for Innovation here and a patent is not the way to push that forward. Yeah yeah yeah anyway, there’s even games that allow infinite save files yeah for sure yeah, there’s a bunch of them lots so effectively. What it sounds like Sony is kind of trying to patent is a better way of browsing them.
Is it? Where do they even talk about that? That’S, that’s! That’S my interpretation, but they don’t even talk about browsing them at all. That’S my inter! No! No, they do they do they talk about. They talk about browsing them like you could be watching through your gameplay and just be like oh yeah, that point I want to play from there and just and just go so that’s that’s kind of cool.
They say that again they talk about trigger points. Yeah trigger points trigger points that you get to select from not watch through. Your gameplay will be offered to the player while they stream media watching back through gameplay, which they’ll be able to select. It will so it records all your gameplay yeah. Well, I think it would be more of like a recording the metadata of your gameplay yeah yeah, so it can yeah kind of like the rewind feature in a racing game, but again that exists yeah. It’S called the rewind feature in a racing game, yeah um. So I I really think they’re going to have a hard time getting a patent granted for this, but hey if at least this starts the conversation around, it would be pretty nice if saving was better yeah.
If saving was better and loading was better um then hey, maybe that’s a maybe that’s a w. If loading was better yeah like it like browsing and loading the correct safe, I mean the number of times that I’ve loaded the wrong safe, which I mean depending on the game, can actually be a substantial time. Sync like oh! No, if it wasn’t that one okay hold on, maybe it was maybe it was this one. On that level I was trying TR even load from inside the game, so you have to exit to main menu and then search again, just ridiculous. Annoying .