Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Solving Rubik’s Cubes and Multilingual Printing Using EV3 – Saurabh Narain”.
Solving rubik’s, cube and multilingual printing using lego ev3. So to start this presentation, how many of you here can solve a rubik’s cube? Nobody? Okay, one person: okay! Well, this presentation is going to be about solving the rubik’s, cubes and also multilingual printing. Who am i my name is sarob noreen and i’m 12 years old, i’m from hopkins junior high and i’m in 7th grade. When i was little, i used to open everything in my house from telephones to computers, to desktops to flashlights. I used to open everything when i was in third grade, i loved to build computers.
I built my first computer, which was running linux since last year, i’ve been uh, i’ve been solving rubik’s cubes and i got addicted. So i started solving the three by three three by three by three, the four by four by four, the five by five by five and the six by six by six, also, the seven by seven by seven. I i can also solve some irregular puzzles, such as the megamix, the kirby copter and the pyraminx. When i grow up, i wan na be an electronics engineer. I have two robots that i’ve created. One is a lego robot that can solve a rubik’s cube. It’S based on david gildea’s, my cuber design, but it’s been modified to run more efficiently. It also has improved color detection. I also have a multilingual printer. It’S based on ralph medley’s design, i’ve digitized three languages. So far, english, spanish and braille.
I’Ve extended the range to print complete, solid alphabets, so i can print in english from a through z. I can print from spanish from a through z, including the accents, and i can print in braille. These robots are all made by the ev3. The ev3 is a microcontroller which controls the sensors and the motors it is the brain of the robot. The ev3 is programmed by a modified version of labview, which is from lego.
These robots are made from lego technic, which are plastic pieces with tiny holes for them. I’Ve used two kits to make both of these robots. Here is the rubik’s cube solving robot. You can see there is an arm which flips the rubik’s cube, a turntable which turns the rubik’s cube and a scan arm which scans the rubik’s cube, and you can also see the ev3 module itself.
The the scan arm is moved by one single medium-sized motor. The turntable is moved by one large motor and the arm is moved by one large motor. Also, you can also see the base of the robot is made out of four sprockets. This rubik’s cube robot uses an f2l method to solve the rubik’s cube, which consists of solving the first two layers. This root, this robot can solve one rubik’s cube in less than 100 seconds and 30 moves. This robot uses one hand to hold the rubik’s cube and it has one turntable to orient the cube in different positions.
It also uses the color sensor to scan each individual square to solve the rubik’s cube. This rubik’s cube machine has two large motors and one media motor one large motor is used for the arm. The second large motor is used for the the turntable and the last media motor is used for the scan arc. Some problems i faced with the rubik’s cube solving robot. The arm sometimes did not turn the cube properly. My solution was to make the arm go, slow and thorough, so it could turn the rubik’s cube.
The turntable sometimes did not move accurately. My simple solution was to decrease the speed of the motor or to change the gear ratio. I just i chose to decrease the speed of the motor for more preciseness. Sometimes the scan arm did not calibrate correctly, making the scan arm motor go backwards too fast.
This made the robot fail to scan the rubik’s cube properly. My simple solution was to make it look for a gray bar on the rubik’s cube robot, so it could stop. Sometimes the robot moved vigorously and moved by itself, while solving the rubik’s cube. My solution was to add bigger, tires for more stability, some future work on the rubik’s cube solver. I will add four arms instead of one, so the robot can apply more loot moves in less time. I’Ll also use an enhanced version of f2l, which consists of 41 algorithms to solve and permute the rubik’s cube. I will also use a webcam to solve to scan the whole face of rubik’s cube instead of one side, hence faster soft times, for the rubik’s cube robot. Here’S the multilingual printer, as you can see it consists of a pen, a printer head, some weights and paper, and also three motors and an ev3. The two motors are large and one motor is media. One large motor controls, the pen pen head, which makes it go up or down the other large motor controls the paper and take an outtake mechanism, the media motor controls, the printer heads left and right movements. This multilingual printer can print in three languages which are english. Spanish and braille, currently i’m working on the mandarin version. All the fonts have been digitized on graph paper and this robot prints on calculator paper, which is paper that some calculators can print on. This robot uses a print head to move the pen left and right.
It also uses four tires to move the paper back and forth. It uses two large motors which one one large motor controls, the paper intake and outtake, the other one controls the pen up and pen down and the last medium motor controls. The pen head going left and right here is how i plot the letters to form here’s to form. The font.
Here is the letter g. I graph it on graph paper and put each point where the pen is pointing at right. Now is the first point. It starts from it goes to the left. It goes down, it goes to the right, it comes back up and then it goes to the left. Again.
Here are some problems that i faced with the rubik’s cube solving robot. Sometimes the calculator paper did not come out towards one side or the other. It didn’t come out in the middle. The paper got crumpled and crushed. My simple solution was to add a paper guide, so the paper could move in a straight line.
Sometimes the pen was not pressing against the paper, so it could not write. My solution was to add more weights or to make a stronger pen holder that forced the pen to be put on the paper. Another problem was that when the paper went inside and outside the printer got jammed, my solution was to let the paper be pre-cut or add.
Free rotating rollers, which allowed the paper to go in and out here is some future work on the multilingual printer i’ll use. Less i’ll use letter paper size instead of calculator paper, so i can put more let put more words on one line and have more words on one piece of paper. I will also use a keyboard to type in the letters directly to the ev3 with the usb port inside.
This would allow conversion of english to braille or english to spanish, because i will be using an english keyboard to convert to those two languages. I would also add a light center to the head of the printer, so i could not only print but scan it could scan braille fonts and convert them into spanish or english. I will also program the printer to print in more languages such as hindi, mandarin or arabic. Do you have any questions or comments? You can email me at my email, which is curious.rob gmail.com or you can go to my website, which is http colon forward. Slash forward.
Slash robosrob.weebly.com or you can meet me at my booth. Now we will be scrambling the now. We will be scrambling the rubik’s cube. So does anybody want to scramble it right now? Okay, i’m 12. yeah. Does anybody here have any questions? No okay, mm-, okay! So right now the rubik’s cube robot is scanning the rubik’s cube it scans five sides of the rubik’s cube.
It does not have to scan the six side because it already knows that there are nine of each color and it can find out the bottom bottom side automatically. It’S found the solution, so now it is going to take so so. Thank you. You .