Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+

Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+”.
Thanks to synology for sponsoring this video, so this is the mac studio and it’s something that i’ve been waiting for for a while and apple has. Finally given it to us. So, with the work that we do here, it would completely transform everything that we do, but in typical apple fashion. It’S almost perfect and i have just the thing to unlock its full potential and we’ve been doing this again for a while. It’S an awesome way to say thank you for supporting us supporting the channel.

We got a 500 giveaway going on a gift card of your choice, open to anyone in the world. So let us know in the comments what you do with your synology setup and your mac pro and be sure to leave your social handle on the comments. So i can contact you if you win so do that and give the video a thumbs up running for 10 days opening around the world. All the information will be in the description. So if you have not heard of synology uh we’ve been talking about it for years, but it’s a brand that we’ve been using here at jfl for a long long time uh. It has been a lifesaver for storage solutions for us and some of the bigger reasons we use it goes way way deeper than that so well, yes, this is a sponsored video. This is a sponsored video on products that we have been using legitimately uh in the studio i think going on almost five years now. So, as you can imagine, uh we use up like a ton of storage here uh we use professional cameras that all shoot in raw and pro res.

It means those file sizes are between huge and gi mongoose, so with a-roll b-roll effects, the whole shebang or around 350 to 500 gigabytes in sizes, and some of our projects go up to one to two terabytes. So, needless to say, storage solutions around here are a precious and generally very expensive commodity with apple they keep out doing themselves with processor speeds and the mac studio specifically is really no different. When it came out, though, a bit of a surprise, you couldn’t upgrade the storage ram or anything and apple being apple, they’re, happy to sell you internal ssd storage for all the money, uh, that’s where synology has come in for us. They offer an awesome selection of high quality, versatile storage drives that can give you four times and sometimes eight times the amount of storage that apple is trying to sell you for much much cheaper, bring all of your storage solution problems to an end. So for us it lets us save that money upgrade ram, upgrade processor and not have to worry about the storage side of things all right. So here’s how we use it.

Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+

It’S like i mentioned: we’ve been using it here at jfl for a while, and at this point it’s become a staple in our workflow. But again it goes beyond just storage. For us not only does synology, let us safely store products, we’re working on and archive older ones. It also allows the entire team to work off the same storage unit remotely.

Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+

So, for example, we are not full time back in the studio, i’m only here when i’m shooting matt gonzalez, who made this incredible riven video moved to utah uh during the pandemic. So he has a synology set up at his place and it’s made things really easy for us to access footage and share and collaborate with very rarely all of us being in the same place at the same time, and we haven’t seen any drop off in the Work or the output that we’re able to do so, the one we’re using here at the studio is a very long named ds1621 plus. So it’s what’s known as a network attached storage device, mostly you’ve, heard it probably referenced as an ass. Think of it as a big storage device, but also its own kind of mini computer as well. So not only will it store everything you need, it can also run apps and automate almost everything, so you don’t have to really interact with it that much at all matt’s, for example, he says he’s got a hardwired and he doesn’t think about it. Uh really at all anymore, since he set it up and because it’s basically a mini computer and connected to the network, it can be accessed by at least in our case, the editors of our team, remotely, instead of needing to get multiple at-home storage solutions, their editors Need to sort of lug around to and from the studio when they come to film.

Solve your storage problems: Synology DS1621+

Having a centralized storage solution makes it so much easier here and again going back to that matt living in utah and the rivian video it made. Videos like that, so easy to do, and we have footage. We had drone footage uh. We had off-road footage, we had driving footage, we had home footage, matt came in for a week and then left and we are still sort of shooting footage for him. This solution made all of that possible easy, honestly, totally seamless. Now you can fill this with any brand of hard drives. Uh that you want, so the setup process is actually pretty simple too. So once you have your drives installed, synology software does a really great job of walking you through step by step for a surprisingly easy setup.

It also guides you to the type of raid that you want to set up with your synology, so you don’t have to have a knowledge of hard drives or pc build, or anything like that to get this working, it’s really very, very simple for any sort of Knowledge or experience base, you can pick different type of raid setup that you want. They offer different types of redundancies who don’t lose data, which has happened here a few times at jfl uh. So for us setting it up, that means raid five, which means that we could lose one of our six drives and absolutely nothing would happen to our data uh. The other five drives will store copies of what’s on the fail drive and you swap out the bad drive or back up and running without having to reshoot anything uh. So i mentioned before it could run apps and there’s a long list of very useful apps to choose from, but the backup solutions have been is personally pretty helpful. I like to use these as backups personal computers as well. It’S nice to have now all my files are generally stored, not on my local computer. So all my files from the technobuffalo days, all my files from the technobuffalo sale, the jfl files, all legal documents, all the stuff that i need to run a business – are all stored, remotely and kind of my own personal cloud.

So i don’t have to rely on google, for example, for storing things. That’S awesome also. My pictures are backed up as well. So the worst thing that can happen is my cloud: storage dies.

I’Ve got another backup of my photos and i don’t miss sort of my kids growing up that i’ve been saving out over these years, so as amazing as technology has been as a storage solution for the home and office as well. It’S also, probably, most importantly, but a huge savings on my wallet so, like i said apple, is happy to sell you, internal storage solutions for your mac, but you’re, paying a hefty apple tax with extra space if you’ve got the mac studio and want to upgrade the Ssd to one two four or eight terabytes you can see you are paying an additional twenty four hundred dollars for eight terabytes of extra storage with synology. You can get double that 16 terabytes for way less around 600 bucks and take that all the way up to 96 terabytes. If you wanted uh with the price breakdown apple charges you about 300 bucks per terabyte of storage. If you want their maxed out synology, that would be 96 terabytes. It would cost you around 36 dollars for terabytes, so pretty big difference there.

So synology offers a bunch of different products. So if you’ve got the mac studio, uh the ds 1621, plus that we’ve got makes a lot of sense. You also have the ds 1821 uh that could work perfectly as well, so the one that we have, we can add a 10 gig ethernet card. If we want, but if you want to make it easier and that’s something you need the ds 1621 xs plus gives that to you uh right out of the box. So they have a lot of different solutions, for whatever your needs are, whether it’s professional backing up a footage or your own cloud, or you need way way more than that. Uh synology generally has an affordable option.

Uh that can work and again a company that we’ve been using here for many many years, so yes sponsored but also a personal recommendation. If you want to check out any of the products, synology offers we’ll link to them down below .