Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off – Here Is WhY!

Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off - Here Is WhY!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off – Here Is WhY!”.
So we all know this has been one crazy year with many people really just cooped up inside with nothing to do, but either do some online shopping watch tv. You know, eat food. I mean not a whole lot to do for those people who are stuck at home, and i was one of those people and so over this last year i’ve been buying a lot of different stuff from social media ads. I see them, i’m like, oh, my god that looks pretty cool. I think i’ll bring it to the channel and review it uh. Let me tell you: it’s been nothing but regret, and in this article i’m gon na tell you why.

Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off - Here Is WhY!

So let’s talk tech, but really let’s talk about why you should avoid social media ads at almost any cost. Are you looking for a code for your favorite game, or maybe you need a new windows 10 key, but don’t want to spend a lot of money. Here’S your chance to get the best deals online at cd key sales game codes are as low as 10 dollars and windows keys are under 15 and right now you can save an additional 18 percent by using the code tt18 during checkout. Buying has also never been easier, just create your account, select the items that you want put in the discount code and complete checkout.

All of your purchases will be in your account, asap and all the keys and codes are guaranteed to authorize without a problem. So save big today and buy with confidence with cdk sales at the beginning of the year. I didn’t really do too much online shopping. I really didn’t occasionally get a cd, but as the pandemic hit – and i was trapped at home, i found myself being drawn more and more of these social media ads of all kinds of different stuff, keyboard, stuff, camera stuff, just all kinds of different stuff, and i’m Going to tell you guys right now that every single one of my purchases has been seriously buyer regret. Okay, now before i even go into the video any further, i just want to tell you guys this straight up. You should really pay attention here when i complained about the biggest one of these rip-offs.

I was told by both mastercard card services and by paypal that the biggest amount of fraud going on in the credit card world right now is through social media ads. That’S right! So here’s my first one where i took it up the you know what i’m saying and it wasn’t pleasurable either. So this is this keyboard right here: okay, they advertised it.

Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off - Here Is WhY!

They said it was a full mechanical keyboard, yada yada, yada, yada, yada yada. I got it. It’S a cheap piece of crap keyboard came in a crappy box. Honestly, here’s the keyboard, it is the cheapest pile of shite that i’ve ever bought in my life. It’S not mechanical in any way. It’S some cheesy membrane keyboard. It is totally i mean it’ll, actually bend.

You guys can see it look at this it’ll bend almost as much as some of the headphones we’ve reviewed in the past. Now i mean it’s only saving grace it did work with both a mac and a pc like that’s, really a saving grace, but no it’s a pile of junk. The keys they’re not cool, they bragged about all these cool keys showed all these awards and all these other things and i bought this keyboard and it is just utterly a pile of junk.

It doesn’t work. Well, the membrane keyboard beyond it is just junk. It doesn’t. Even i mean seriously, i would doubt it weighs more than a half a pound.

Social Media Ads Are A Rip Off - Here Is WhY!

It’S just utter junk, so that’s number one! Next up, i was really looking for some different kinds of stuff for my camera, because i wanted to really learn how to shoot. So i found this little thing right here. It says: multi-function, folding, tripod, head, okay, you know online. It said it could work with all kinds of different cameras.

You know it said that it did this and that now i’m not going to say that the quality of it is completely junk. The quality isn’t completely junk. That’S not really the problem with this particular thing. The thing is, is that it’s so small that, with any of the bigger cameras that i tried to put onto it, it would literally just fall over or fall forward, which was really crap.

Now, if i used my zv1, my really small camera sure it was okay, but this thing was 40 bucks and it’s definitely not worth 40 bucks. I mean there is a little thing on top to tell you if you’re balanced. So if you’re putting this on your tripod or whatever at least let you you know, balance it out, and i mean it does have some you know redeeming qualities, but not really that many and it’s not exactly what i thought it would be now the one thing That i thought that it was okay about and why i really didn’t you know, call my credit card company and say i just would really want my money back is for taking pictures straight down. It was okay.

So if i want to take a picture like something for ebay straight down as i drop the box, that was okay, but beyond that it had to be a little tiny camera. It couldn’t be a big camera and i have a big camera, which is what i’m using to film right now and it would not work with my new sony at all. It was just too big of a camera, so that’s number two not total junk but sorry to keep bending down, but not totally worth the amount of money that i paid for it now. Another item i got count on was this is govi and this is a good light.

Okay, this isn’t a junky light at all, but i saw this ad and i was like wow. Okay, these guys have the same kind of lights that govi has and they’re even cheaper, oh wow. This is a cool thing, so i ordered the lights.

I can’t really show them to you because they’re in the other room, but the thing about them is they were supposed to be flicker, free and all this stuff, just like the govi for videos and they suck. They were the most shoddy made piece of shite. I have ever seen in my life.

It was like having like almost like a little tiny piece of tinfoil or honestly. It even seemed like more like somebody, took a cassette tape and dug the cassette tape out and used the cassette tape to make this thing. It was junky it ripped when i installed it multiple times. I had one hell of a time getting it to function properly. It was just utter juck, and that was another product. You know where it’s like, oh, you know, buy one and we’ll give you one free.

So guess what i got two boxes of shite. You know what i’m saying. So it wasn’t worth it whatsoever now beyond. Just hardware and stuff there’s been some other stuff and i’m not going to tell you the worst screw until the very end, but there’s been some other stuff that i’ve tried as well. Let’S talk about thumbnail blaster, thumbnail blaster is all over social media. So i thought you know what i’m new. I really don’t want to have to rely on anybody else, i’d like to try to make some halfway decent thumbnails, so i bought the kit. Okay. Well, you get this this this.

You know this thumb blaster thing and it’s so limited that to have anything decent, you’re, just pouring more and more money into it, and not only that once you buy the these guys, never leave you the hell alone, they’re emailing, you three to four times a day. Trying to get you to buy more expand, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy buy so you go in there. Thinking you’re going to spend this 19 bucks and you’re getting this great deal and it is no deal.

The software is not powerful whatsoever. Any kind of free program out there you could probably get that does more than just paint is probably going to be just as good as this particular program. It’S 19 bucks, it’s a rip-off and, worst of all, like i said these people own the company just keep bugging you.

It’S like they’re at your door, every five minutes, saying: hey! You want to buy more, you want to buy more here. We can give you more. I think that is otter, crap now another company – and i truly believe these two companies are related – is videos, it’s another company that, like basically says they can help.

You rank your video on social media, so i tried using their product. Try to help me after i paid for it didn’t do anything for me once again, i’m getting all kinds of emails from this company telling me, oh, hey, buy more, buy more buy more well. You know when you invest in something you really shouldn’t have to keep spending more and more money as you go along. It’S just ridiculous. I mean come on. I don’t even like it when i buy a game – and i was talking about this about cyberpunk 2077.

Is that the fact that to actually play the game and get everything in it? You’D have to spend 2 000, so you’re going to pay 60 bucks for the game, spend the time for your computer, spend the time for the electricity internet and then you’re going to spend even more money. If you want to play everything in the game, that’s total bullcrap and that’s why i really didn’t, like you know the thumb, the thumbnail blaster or the videos thing, because it was basically you buy this program. That has very very programs in this case that have very, very limited, actual uses, they’re just a con to ploy you in gets you in, and then they start trying to sell you more and more stuff. Like pyramid sales, it’s totally utterly ridiculous. I was not happy with either of those programs i haven’t logged in or used them whatsoever now another one i’m not going to beat up too bad, but i subscribed to this thing about lighting. Okay.

It was like get all your lighting. Do all this stuff, yada yada, yada yada? You can get the same information on. You know online for free i’m not going to throw this guy under the bus because he did take an effort to do it. But it’s not information that you couldn’t get just by going out and watching free videos on youtube. It was pretty much almost like somebody. Just went out.

Watch some youtube. Videos said: oh, hey cool i’ll, make my own tutorial and charge money for it. It wasn’t worth it okay, but these are nothing compared to the ass wrecker that i got from this company called neon beach. So me, and john from tld, were talking about some cooler ways to make my setup in here.

We found this really cool pulse light. That looks just totally awesome. It fits my color scheme, it fits everything and it was like. Oh hey right now, it’s in stock, you can get a deal.

You know it’s normally going to be like 700, something bucks. I got it for 500 bucks. I was actually right on cool. I saved myself, some serious cash, i mean 249, you know, hey, that’s another video card, almost you know, but it’s at least something you know i mean so i was like okay cool, so i placed the order. Nothing happens for two months so then i start contacting the company asking what’s going on asking what’s going on no reply, i keep getting these emails from this. Automated machine said: oh, hey, don’t worry about it. You know eventually we’ll get to you buddy and get your order.

Well, finally, i got pissed off and i called paypal and said i want to file a dispute so right after i file the dispute, their owner starts sending me nasty ass messages on facebook. Calling me a calling me an idiot, you know i’ll save you guys the details of the rougher stuff, so you know i’m going onto their facebook page, i’m looking at their facebook page and i’m seeing that other people are having even more horrible experiences placing orders over A year ago, where their credit card you know, protection is already over and still waiting for orders five months six months a year. So not only is this company i have found out now at the end of the road is a totally fictitious company.

They don’t exist at all. Their address doesn’t exist, their phone number i had a friend of mine who is in europe, i’m not going to say anything about that because might be a little shady, but he checked up on the number. The number doesn’t even exist. It was never a registered telephone number whatsoever.

It actually went to one of those little red phone book boxes that you see in england total bull crap, so they ripped me off for my 500, when i called them out on it. They’Ve called me all kinds of names: they’re doing this to other people, so this is honestly the biggest screw of the year. For me on social media ads and the bottom line, is i’ve tried a bunch of them? None of them have been exactly what they say at all. Some have been a little better than others, but none of them has actually been exactly as described or proposed from the keyboard from the camera thing from the software.

To now what i was hoping to get this really cool light to make my place. Look really nice, i’m out of my money. It takes 120 days minimum for mastercard to be able to review and get your money back. So just think about this.

That’S four months of time that your money is going to be held up while you fight it. It’S strange. Mastercard and paypal have already told me that they now know this company doesn’t exist, but yet i still can’t get my money back. I they were. I was told basically that you know um. Your case is under review, sir, and we’ll get to you when we get to you.

We have a big stack of them. Pretty much. You will rick we’ll get to you whenever we get to you right so i mean so. My thing with uh social media ads has been nothing but a bad experience and, like i said earlier, when you’re getting the credit card companies and they’re telling you that the biggest fraud they’re seeing is through social media ads. You guys should really take heed of my video and not buy any of that stuff. If you want to buy something, just buy it on amazon or a reputable place, you know even ebay buy it somewhere. We’Ve got somebody to protect you because, when you’re buying these online ads you’re, basically hanging your butt out to the wind and just hoping that a truck doesn’t drive by and slap it off, so i’d advise really just avoiding that all together. So i thank you guys for watching and hear what i have to say.

We’Ll see you guys back here on the channel, hey if you, like my point of view, what i have to say, i’d love to see you guys subbed here, just hit that sub, but make sure you hit the notifications bell or you’re, never new that i’m here Also, all the codes we showed you in the beginning for windows, keys, they’re, all guaranteed. I’Ve been working with these guys for years, make sure you use the code tt18 at checkout and save your guys selves, some additional information. So i’m elarik, you guys been watching tech tomorrow. If you want to try amazon, prime for free, it helps the channel i’ll, have a link down below see ya. .