So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?

So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?”.
Should I update right away, How much slower is this gon na make my phone iOS 15 is out and the question always is: should one update to it? Are there gon na be good changes? Is it actually usable? Does it look good? Will it make my life easier? Am I gon na get all the new features? These are important questions to ask because in the past there have been updates that have been not quite ready., iOS, eight and 13 standout, as updates that were released before their prime and full of bugs. And who can forget the jarring visual change that was iOS seven.. Remarkably, you don’t even have to update to the latest version. Anymore. Apple will still provide security updates to iOS 14 for the foreseeable future..

For those who do not like change, this is actually really great., But for the rest of us who are open to change, is iOS 15 worth updating to ( upbeat music, )? No and yes, starting with the iPhone updating this to iOS 15, will probably be fine., But I think the advice to hold off for a little while before updating still holds true here. Some bugs need to be worked out and many app developers are still working on their updates, but there’s also the fact that a bunch of features shown back in June aren’t ready and will be coming later, like share play over FaceTime a feature that lets you in A group FaceTime call synchronize content, you’re viewing or listening to., So you can watch a TV show, listen to music or even workout together, but not until later this fall. And then there’s maps.. You can now get feature routes to plan for traffic, but the biggest changes with more detailed 3D models and typography in map and navigation view is only available in San Francisco New York and Los Angeles, which leaves out the rest of us..

So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?

This means I can’t demonstrate Apple’s new AR guided immersive walking directions. Perfect for unfamiliar cities.. These fancy 3D maps, along with a number of other features, also require that your device be sufficiently powerful within an A12 chip, which means iPhone 10S, slash, R, iPad air. Three and last year’s eight gen iPad.

So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?

If you’ve got one of those iOS 15 offers a lot more take live text which you can use now.. It’S a feature that provides on device, live text, recognition from the camera or any images.. It’S pretty neat simply by aiming your camera at a clump of text. It will notice words that are there and highlight them in a square., Then tap this word recognition button and the text becomes highlightable. For printed stuff. It works pretty well, but with my chicken scratch of handwriting, not so much., Still, it’s pretty neat to be able to scan a business card for an address when drafting an email and translating a piece of text on a road sign when you’re out in a unfamiliar City, something you could do with Google translate if you trust them., It’s not just visual text, recognition that the A12 affords but auditory as well.. Yes, Siri is now processed locally.. That means that Siri can understand what you’re saying when you don’t have an internet connection..

So should you update to iOS 15 NOW?

This is great for when you’re deep into a road trip, far away from cell service or if you’ve reached the limits of your data. Plan. And Siri works great.. The word recognition is just as good as before and it’s faster, but if you don’t have internet functionality, is limited.

Siri remind me to have a group FaceTime call in three minutes. [ Siri ]. To do that. You’Ll need to be online. Hmm.. I do have music saved on my phone.

Play: music. [ Siri ]. To do that. You’Ll need to be online.. Add to my notes. Siri is having trouble doing basic tasks that can easily be done on the phone locally.

[ Siri ]. To do that. You’Ll need to be online..

This isn’t the first time the iPhone has processed voice commands locally. The feature voice control was unveiled in 2009 on the iPhone 3GS and it continued to be available for those who turned Siri off.. It was very basic in nature, letting you start phone calls and music.

Well, it would be nice if I could still do that. Play music. [ Siri ] To do that.

You’Ll need to be online.. If you are online, Siri has become more contextually, aware, letting you send things you’re. Looking at with the sound of your voice., Send this to Anthony. [ Siri, ], Okay, it’s sent., A bunch of apps have been improved for iOS 15.. The standout for me is the weather app on iPhone. It’s much more informative, now., Thanks in part to Apple’s purchase of Dark Sky last year..

The high low scale shows temperature trends for the week., But what I like most is the map view which beautifully shows world temperature precipitation and air quality.. I found this quite handy during this year’s smoky summer forest fires.. There may not be a ton of reasons to update to iOS 15, but there’s certainly no harm if you do it’ll be fine. But it’s a bit of a different story on iPad which I’ll explain in a quick sec, because this video is sponsored by NordPass. As I’ve ranted about in the past. Remembering passwords is a big hassle.. Nordpass is a password manager that automatically fills in your login details and helps you create complex and secure passwords on new sites. You’Re signing up for. NordPass premium starts at only 2.50 a month and gets you additional features like data breach alerts, password health reports and up to six active devices..

You can go to and use the code. Mac Address to get 50 % off a two year. Nordpass premium plan, plus an additional four months free. Now back to the weather., Conspicuously absent from iPad, is a weather app.. Despite this widget, it’s really informative. But when you click on it, it leads you, the weather network, website. Ew.. Now, if you are a keyboard user on iPad keyboard options, word prediction shortcuts and dictation have been moved to this floating pill shape.

Before they had their own space, that spanned the bottom of the screen., But now apps that don’t consider this floating shelf might end up. Having their lower controls, covered. And some that have updated, still have the gray bar like before., So you can move this thing out of the way, but the gray bar remains rendering this whole interface endeavor useless.. Also, I found the keyboard option floats over the send button when I’m replying to Teams notifications.

Get out of the way., But before you think that iOS 15 isn’t ready for the keyboard. It’s worth, knowing that there are more keyboard shortcuts, that power users can learn by Holding down on their respective shortcut keys., And it’s even searchable., That’s pretty great, even though keyboard shortcuts are one of those things that take forever to learn but make using a computer. So much faster. Stylist wielding iPad users might find quick notes, handy.

Swipe in from the bottom of the screen. And from there you can scribble or type a note. And depending on the app you have open, underneath you can add a link to that content.. They are organized in a quick note section in the notes, app but ultimately are saved in your iCloud’s notes.

List. Now didn’t I set a reminder for something right now: Oh yeah FaceTime., Just in time for COVID’s fourth wave group FaceTime has some neat new functionality.. When you’re scheduling a FaceTime call, you can now send links to people to join the call.. This is great for friends and family members who are sticking stubbornly with Windows and Android.

Group FaceTime also now supports spatial audio, which means that the voices of your callers should sound like they’re floating in front of you.. I was expecting this to work with my AirPods, but the spatial audio button is great out.. It does work with the built-in speakers, though, to a limited effect..

However, more dramatic are the additional microphone filters. Voice, isolation, effectively, drowns out environmental sound to a really dramatic degree.. But if you do want your listeners to hear the environmental sound, you can select wide spectrum which enhances everything going on around me.. However, wide spectrum didn’t seem to work with my AirPods though. And since we’re in the weeds here, here’s some other very specific new things.

I noticed while using iOS 15. This week. Exit information is in the photos. App.

Finally, Safari supports extensions now: memories in the photos app have been bolstered with music suggestions and easier ways to edit. Any photos, websites and content from Apple’s media services that was shared with you in messages will appear in those respective apps. And there’s now a conversation mode In translate for traveling., If you’re running an iPhone and find the new features that are available today useful, I have no problem telling people to update now.. If, however, you’re a power user on iPad who uses a keyboard., I think holding off a little bit until at least the next release might help make sure apps are ready or just don’t, update at all..

The choice is yours. Thanks for upgrading to this Mac Address.. If you haven’t actually updated to iOS 15, yet give us a like., And if you have, why not Subscribe. And for those who have I’m curious, what iOS 15 features cause there’s a lot of them. You find really useful that I haven’t mentioned yet. .