Snapchat Isn’t Private

Snapchat Isn’t Private

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Snapchat Isn’t Private”.
Saying that right sure, probably didn’t uh is currently being tried in Spain for causing public disorder over a 2022 airport security incident. He was boarding a plane to the Spanish island of Menorca uh, 18-year-old Verma, jokingly, messaged, the friends he was traveling with over Snapchat quote. Uh quote on my way to blow up the plane and then in Brackets I’m a member of the Taliban, which I have now said uh into a microphone on the internet. Uh. Look I’m not saying Hitler was right.

Snapchat Isn’t Private

Oh, my God, man, I don’t even have to be in the same room and, and you guys just ruin the W show yourself. Oh no, I think yours is worse. Probably oh jeez, according according to court testimony it’s it’s assumed that the message was picked up via gatwick’s Wi-Fi network. No Verma says that he was oh interesting.

Verma says that he was not using gatwick’s Wi-Fi, but it’s unclear whether or not the messages recipients were UK Security Services then alerted Spanish authorities who scrambled Two fighter jets, no way to es what is a fighter jet going to do if someone is on board a Plane threatening to blow it up if you blow up that plane I’ll shoot it with a missile we’ll blow it up before you can blow it up. You can’t quit you’re fire pun intended. That is an interesting that was there’s like. Let me get that for you.

Oh, thank you. Oh thank you. There’S more on the keyboard yeah nice, perfect um, uh, wow, okay, um yeah, the Two fighter jets were were scrambled to escort the plane until it landed. Verma was arrested in Spain and later questioned by British intelligence. Wow note: there are frequent claims on the internet that Snapchat encrypts pictures and videos, but not plain text messages. However, Snapchat’s own website makes no such claim and only says that the messages sent via its service are private private.

Snapchat Isn’t Private

Well, I mean there’s plenty of messages sent on Snapchat that are of privates. I come on. I get nothing for that, yeah, nothing. What I spit on your computer too busy! I I spit on your computer one time I get nothing. It was pretty good. I’M going to do it myself, he’s going to ding he’s going to ding he’s going to ding there. It is very nice without dance mic. Are they able to hear that very well? I don’t know, doesn’t matter it’s the principle of the thing: yeah yeah, fair enough! Um It came, it came through fine, nice, perfect Jessica said it seems likely that if it were end to-end encrypted uh that they would say so, which I completely agree with um, if found guilty, Verma could be fined around $ 24,000 and made to pay over a Hundred grand for the Spanish military’s extremely useful, in this case, Two fighter jets, uh yeah wow, very interesting discussion. Question is scanning messages sent over on public Wi-Fi a reasonable security precaution is the average person using public, Wi-Fi or SnapChat aware that this is even a possibility. Is this a proportionate response on the part of Spanish authorities? So here’s the thing: no Buddy’s 18, I probably would have made an edgy joke as I’m driving to the Border about. You know smuggling something when I was 18, I know better now. I’Ve heard I don’t know if this is actually true, but I’ve heard there are microphones, so they so they can listen to you in your car. While you wait to cross the border, I don’t know if it’s true me neither, but I always say nice things, but I just I just keep don’t say anything. I just keep my damn mouth shut, yeah anytime, I’m anywhere near an airport anywhere near a border anywhere near a customs officer.

It’S just not worth it yeah, but at 18, like I don’t I know man like do we really want to crush his life for a joke, but then, like an 18-year-old, can definitely you know, commit a crime yep. So dude, I don’t know. I um wonder what the age distribution for crimes are. I don’t know Financial ones way over here, other more different ones, probably less there that’s interesting, too type of crime, a age distribution yeah like like.

What’S the average murderer age yeah, you know: what’s the average uh you know, b .