Smart rings are here! – Oura Ring

Smart rings are here! - Oura Ring

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Smart rings are here! – Oura Ring”.
We’Re sort of in this weird place when it comes to iphone rumors. So, like you probably heard the phrase and i’ve said it a lot of my videos, i’ve been using this product for x amount of months, and this is my experience. It’S all over youtube. So, in this case, so i’ve been using this guy for about six months and i’ve been really vocal about my issues. I’Ve had with insomnia and anxiety and how those two have gone hand in hand. One thing i’ve never had was way to understand my sleep, to sort of see my information on how i was sleeping and then use that information to try to solve my kind of underlying problems. This is aura ring, and it’s doing just that so again been wearing this for six months long before aura, and i were ever talking about doing something sponsored but they’ve. Seen me tweet about my results. They’Ve seen me talk publicly about my sleep issues and they reach out to see if i wanted to do a sponsored video where i talked about the ring in kind of an honest open setting.

Smart rings are here! - Oura Ring

So while this video is sponsored, this is a product that i have been using again for over half a year and it has become completely invaluable in my life and it’s been so important to me – actually got one for my wife as well. There’S a lot of other technology on the market that can help with sleep. Some of it is probably really good, but it hasn’t worked for me. I’Ve got an apple watch on there’s sleep tracking on here, but somebody who has sleep issues again is also a very light sleeper wearing a watch kept getting caught on my pillow when i kind of stick my hand underneath it at night, and it became really uncomfortable For me to wear like this is the time in most videos where i kind of like run through the specs on something i thought: it’d be a lot more fun and a bit more genuine to kind of show you my whole day from start to finish and How the aura ring plays a role in it, so after i get up generally, i will either take my phone or my ipad and i’ll check.

Smart rings are here! - Oura Ring

Email see what i got going on for the day i’ll check my calendar i’ll check the stock market that day, which either will get me excited or send my heart rate crashing one of the two uh, but usually after all those things when the first things i’ll Do is check the ore app see how i slept and like last night, for example, i think i slept really well. I went to sleep a little bit later than i’d like around like 11 15, but i don’t think i woke up throughout the night and i woke up feeling. Okay, so i’ll go ahead and open up the app here. As long as you have the ring close to your phone, it will automatically transfer in your night’s sleep, and now i can see what i did.

Okay, so uh. I did not sleep as well, as i thought i was in bed for just about seven hours and slept only five hours and 46 minutes, which was not awesome, for somebody didn’t think they were awake at all all night. I was awake one two, three four and the fifth time woke up for the morning, so that goes to show you. You don’t always realize how well you slept and that translates to how well you’re going to be prepared for the day.

So i can see that every time i went into deep sleep almost immediately afterwards, i woke up, which is not like the best, for you know, keeping your your head ready and your mind ready. So i’m able to go ahead and see all these things. I can see what my readiness score was, for example, um, and i can see my sleep score and generally i’ll use my readiness score versus my wife’s readiness score and see whoever got the highest one. Let’S get the kids up that morning in this case uh.

Definitely not me so this is where, like my day, really begins. I generally get like 10 minutes to myself down here before the kids come down for breakfast and i got a jet off to take them to school. This is really where i’ll sort of go in and sort of figure out what my day is going to be, and usually i swear if i’m doing stock trading that day i’ll actually go through and do my trades.

It’S also where i kind of go into aura and kind of learn about my nightstands. At least i can know what i’m getting myself into during the day, and if you go inside of the app there’s a lot of information there, and sometimes it can be hard to parse it out and understand what it means and for the first like three months, That i used the ring, i completely ignored something called an hrv score and i had no idea what it was. It stands for heart rate variability and that’s sort of the fluctuation of your heart rate.

This is something i never knew about myself. You would want a higher hrv instead of a low one, so looking at it on a chart sort of the higher one indicates, your heart adapts better to change and can sort of limit your stress and anxiety. My number is not that, and i do have a healthy heart, something that i get checked pretty regularly because i have heart disease in my family.

But it’s a big indicator for me of sort of incoming stress or anxiety throughout the day. So other things with the hrv, the lower the score, the more susceptible i could be to panic attacks or to big anxiety throughout the day. So again, just another indicator sort of gauge how i’m going to be that day for us to give my wife a heads up that maybe i’m extra cranky uh throughout that day, which is true so the app has been really useful for me for sleep.

But it does a lot throughout the day to help it better understand you and you can sort of add things called tags, there’s a little plus. But when you go into the app and you can add a bunch of crazy things in there, you could add exercise. You could add naps, you could add good meals, you can add a bunch of things and the app can understand sort of what happened at that moment and give it context, sort of better recommend things that you can do throughout your day and it doesn’t have to Always be like huge things that you’re doing kind of experimented with different routines, and things about my diet see how they impact my sleep, so in these insights and recommendations tend to like get better over time, as the ring learns more about you. In fact, some of these recommendations have turned into long-term habits for me, which ultimately has made me healthier, even without the ring like so, for example, if i have a glass of wine at night, i can indicate that a general thought is wine. Helps you sleep? Sometimes it does help you do that, but the quality of sleep leaves for me. I found to be worse. Did i take melatonin that night did i take some sort of sleep aid sort of all those things i can let the app and the software know give me better information throughout my day um. I just got a peloton contraction.

Smart rings are here! - Oura Ring

That’S all i’m about to talk about. Now for the next three months, but if i’m going to exercise for example again, i can let the app know that as well and if you wear an apple watch. For example, while you’re working out aura lets, you add your workout data to the app. This is pretty awesome, they’re kind of working with what you already have to paint an even larger picture of your your general health.

Ordinarily, my thought was more exercise the better. I will sleep that sort of always made sense to me. Not always uh has been the case. Sometimes it’s reversed, the better.

I sleep, the better. My exercise, uh, can be and ors kind of given me insight to that. So, for example, last night as a perfect example, i thought that i slept a solid seven and a half hours of sleep.

I woke up checked the app and i was up several times and only slept about five and a half hours and you can check on what your rem sleep is. And if you don’t know, rem, sleep in your body does a lot of the healing and it makes the human growth hormone. It could let your body heal and also gets you ready for a workout makes it work out sort of the best that you can do or will tell you like. Hey. You didn’t get much last night.

You may want to take a day off and who am i to argue with ai when it comes to not working out um, so we’re just giving me more information as to what i want to do for working out and how my body is going to uh Respond to it in general, all right, so tiny, violin, sad story about my sleepover i’ve had breakfast got. My kids fed put my kids in the car, drive them to school, uh next step after that is to head down to the studio. So once there i’ll get together with whoever is shooting the video that day i’ll go over some notes and sort of talk about the video and then sit down to essentially shoot it.

It’S a pretty simple process, we’ll run through the outline, i’m not a very good actor. So we don’t generally script out my videos. You can usually tell when i’m reading sort of go through what you want to film that day, i’ll give my thoughts and opinions uh. The director that i’m working with at that point i’ll give their thoughts and opinions and then we sort of sit down. And this is what i see for most of my day and especially like this point of sitting in this chair and getting ready to do. My job is where that readiness and restful score really kind of comes into play, and i can see the difference sort of physically on my face and mentally how sharp i am when i’m sort of doing the on-camera portion of my job. I don’t have many talents in life, but the one thing that i’m able to be okay at and build a career on is speaking and being able to speak quickly on my feet and if i didn’t sleep well, if i didn’t get a lot of restful sleep That limits my ability directly to do my job and also makes me look like garbage um on camera, so being more aware of that and sort of letting the guys know like hey, i didn’t sleep that well last night, giving you a general heads up. Um sort of helped me kind of prepare to – i guess, make better videos so, like i get that this is a unique situation, you know what i do for a living, but this relates to anybody’s job anybody’s day at school. Whatever you are doing throughout your day, you’re, not gon na, be able to do the best version of that.

Unless you got rest, unless you got, you know your rem, sleep and your body could recover this. You got your deep sleep and your mind could heal and get better throughout the day. It helps you know what you are getting into and sort of make changes, but during those technobuffalo days i would leave the office leave the studio and i would go home and keep working now to physically be at home, but the work never stopped. I’D.

Wake up, work would begin, go to bed, and that was my only break throughout the day and it wasn’t a healthy way for me to live. It was sort of again wonderful career, but bad for my head and bad for my body and that’s sort of oddly one of the reasons that i’ve been wearing the aura ring so regularly. The past six months and sort of given me an opportunity to be more introspective, to understand my body better and to see how good it is physically for my health, when i prioritize my my home life and my happiness over sort of the grind of of work And sort of the aura ring has again given me an insight to understand things like that better and now, i’m in a more fortunate position in lucky position where i can choose to end my day in the mid-afternoon. If i want – and i can go pick up my kids and i could be home for them, i could take them to their soccer practice.

I could take them to swim lessons. We could just hang out and be a family, and things like that are so important to my own mental health, to the health of the business and something i never prioritized before really ever in my life. That was a mistake that i made and one that i’ve been trying to work on and now i can tangibly see the benefit of that on my health. I can see how taking that time can help me sleep better can reduce.

My stress reduce my anxiety, reduce my panic that you sort of just come on at a moment’s notice and again being able to talk to my body. I keep saying that, but it’s a it’s very true. I sort of armed me with the tools i need to take better care of myself to be a better father, to be a better husband and to ultimately do a better job, making these videos .