Siri vs Google Voice Search!

Siri vs Google Voice Search!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Siri vs Google Voice Search!”.
Hey, what’s up guys, I’m Kay PhD here so basically, ever since Android 4.1 has been announced at Google i/o, one of the main features that people have been looking at is Google voice search and Google now and the comparative side on iOS being serious. So what better way to compare the two than to do a side-by-side head-to-head comparison, a battle of Siri versus Google Voice Search, let’s get started so start off easy with basic factual questions, questions about the weather, questions about you, know, data and information, and that we’ll see Has a pretty one-sided bias and the results let’s go ahead and hook. Is it going to rain tomorrow? How hot is it in Topeka, the high temperature in Topeka Kansas will be 99 degrees. What’S the weather in Belgium convert one pound, two ounces? I found this for you: what is the capital of Florida? I found this for you who is the president of Egypt for you. I found this for you. How big is Japan? How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? This might answer your question.

How tall is this Sears Tower? How tall is yamin? Would you like to search the web for how tall is young on a when is Tiger Woods’s birthday? Ok, here you go so there you go. That’S a look at the easier side of the questions and now a slightly more difficult set of questions. By the way you can see all the questions, I’m asking in the link in the description.

Take a look at this. Did the Yankees win? Okay? How about a web search for? Did the Yankees win searching the web for? Did the Yankees win? What movies has Brad Pitt been in 22 of them are fairly close to you. Where are nearby theaters? I found three local theaters fairly close to you. Where can I get sushi nearby? I found 17 sushi.

Siri vs Google Voice Search!

Restaurants. 15 of them are fairly close to you. What is the area code for Beverly Hills answer? Your question remind me to go to the gym tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. here’s.

Siri vs Google Voice Search!

Your reminder for tomorrow, at 9:00 a.m. shall I create it. Okay, I’ll remind you, set a timer for two minutes note to self pick up some more cereal note to self okay. I can take that note, for you just tell me what you want it to say.

Pick up some more cereal noted so overall, what did we learn? Well, Google, now and Google Voice Search tend to be really really good with factual stuff asking you birthdays, whether very straightforward information like distances and sizes. It’S really really good and fast at that. That’S thanks to Google’s algorithms Siri, which is a lot more conversational, can tell you jokes can have conversations with you can give you advice. Google search won’t do that, but Siri also uses a lot of Wolfram Alpha and its results. You’Ll notice, when I was pulling up certain results that had information in them, you’d get a whole cart of information. Siri won’t read you off the Wolfram Alpha card, but anytime you see a car like that. The source is Wolfram Alpha and you get a whole lot of information, and that is also something that happens to be used by Samsung’s s, voice with Google now and Google Voice Search. You can actually see the source, that’s being used with everything, that’s being displayed in the card. So if you get a card for an answer, it’ll give you a source and if it gives you an image, you’ll also get the source for that image and, of course, both of these competitors. If nothing else works, if you ask a question, it can’t answer it.

Just defaults to a Google web search, so that says a lot about Google. So that’s, basically it guys. What do you think I mean? I personally think that Google Voice Search is really impressive. My actually started using it for more factual stuff.

I know that Siri was considered a bit of a gimmick by a lot of people at first, because it was very, very gimmicky seeming. I don’t know how to describe it, but it had a lot of features that people would never use. But the factual stuff is very helpful and, as a side note, I was going to include Samsung’s s voice, but it was incredibly slow and not even worth trying and including this comparison. So there you go thanks for watching.

If you want to check out all the rest of the awesome features of Android 4.1 jelly bean, you can click that annotation right there and it’ll take you there and without any further ado, I’m going to go ahead and sign off here. Go ahead and leave your thoughts in the comment section below and they feel free to thumbs up this video. If you agree and subscribe more, thank you for watching and I’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace you .