Should Luke Update his Resume?

Should Luke Update his Resume?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Should Luke Update his Resume?”.
I also want to talk about LinkedIn verified yeah. Speaking of everything, apps LinkedIn has gone from somewhere that you go just for the exclusive purpose of updating your resume when you’re looking for a job to. As far as I can tell the primary social network for I’m just trying to think probably most of the working adults that I know like and I – and I don’t mean I’m aware of like I’m not talking about people – that I’ve added a couple times on Twitter Or whatever else, I’m talking about people that I know who mostly I I only work, so I mean most of the people I know are – are through work. The amount of just sort of random crap posting on LinkedIn and just life updates.

Should Luke Update his Resume?

People are are posting on there, how active it is because I I don’t. I don’t really engage with it. So almost everyone that I’m connected with on LinkedIn is someone that I added over 10 years ago. Back when I was updating my resume, because I was looking for a job right like that’s how I used it, but the way that it’s used has evolved so much now, and this is cool, they’re rolling out a verification program. So it looks like by confirming users, identities and their workplace.

Should Luke Update his Resume?

It’S going to start to work kind of like blind. So, in addition to being a social network that you just generally engage with your uh, your Professional Circle through and then just apparently engage with just about anybody based on the messages I get on LinkedIn, it’s going to become more like a private version of your own Internal work chat, slash board, slash Slack, I mean it’s owned by Microsoft, so it might, it could tie into teams, even if you wanted, but without without the filter of being worried that your you know your system administrator or your boss is going to Archive and read Any message that you, post until LinkedIn, has a data breach until LinkedIn has a breach. I mean you just said owned by Microsoft. When’S, the last time Microsoft had a major user data Branch, but nobody’s like no, it’s perfect we’re not we’re not saying it’s uh, that’s impossible, but that is fair. Microsoft has been pretty solid for quite a while now so they’re going to send a security code through your work email so that they’ll actually verify the domain of your workplace. Make sure that you have a functioning email that makes sense and even have people submit their government ID to a third-party verification service. This is basically what Google tried to do with Google Plus. I barely remember how Google Plus functioned to be completely honest.

Should Luke Update his Resume?

Google, Plus the concept was circles, circles, yeah, okay for one thing and that that okay yeah word we’re not going back to circles, but also you know creating. You know, PODS of the well here’s my Professional Network, here’s you know whatever else. I I think that you could easily use it this way if you really wanted to, but the the big one was when they integrated Google, Plus with YouTube, was they wanted to cut down on spam? Apparently Azura just had a breach. Oh awesome, are you kidding me? Okay, great timing, um, okay, so your data won’t be safe but hey at least you can send snarky messages about.

You know Jeff from accounting to Sue from you know, uh Logistics or whatever else anyway. That doesn’t change my point. The point is that YouTube was attempting to not that recently to moderate the conversations that were occurring on YouTube by having everyone verify their identity use. Real identities and Facebook tried to do something very similar when they cracked down on people having just sort of nonsense, profile names and had people, they restricted your ability to change your name all the time they had.

You actually submit uh it would. It would call you on it if you submitted something that didn’t sound like a real enough name. It feels like we frogs have been kind of boy like remember Bob and his tank Army, when Google integrated YouTube and Google Plus and wanted everybody to use real identities. The kind of of rebellion that took place on the internet, and now I’m even looking at this going this is this is kind of this is feels like a feature.

This is apparently part of an effort to crack down on fraud and impersonation on the site, which would be which, which would legitimately make it a much better experience which isn’t really different from what Google was trying to do. Would we have yes? It is, I think it is I was having. I was actually having this conversation with some friends literally last night um, not this exact one, but about like your Frog’s comment. Sure about how a lot of people have just kind of given up on privacy when that used to be like a huge conversation and genuinely a massive percentage of the population is like yeah I’ll.

Just have like Amazon Echoes all around my house and ring doorbells and whatever, and I don’t care um. I think this is a little bit different, because LinkedIn has never been anonymous, yeah and Google or YouTube comments, and all that kind of stuff they were Anonymous, and then that was taken away. Linkedin’S like whole purpose was like look.

This is who I am. This is my name. This is where I work. This is everything I’ve ever done all that kind of stuff. So I don’t feel like it’s really a change of tone for the platform.

So is it just a change in Attitude for the user that they enjoy and appreciate the more meaningful interactions they have on this platform? I could definitely see that being and are gravitating towards using it, even if they’re not really thinking about why it works. So much better, it could be that in this, like era of the internet, we’re now kind of separating like the same person might still want their anonymity on Twitter or YouTube comments or whatever else, but then want to have more direct know. The person you’re talking to conversations on another platform somewhere else like potentially LinkedIn. I could totally see that being a thing I would have to purge my LinkedIn because I just like I’m gon na go to Luke’s LinkedIn at some point in time.

I just like added everyone: oh were you job searching? Did it seem like we were going through a rough patch? Oh, I think this was when you were doing it too. I think we were both in panic mode. I think I’ve updated. My picture now hold on a second you.

Actually, no you haven’t. That’S really old. Is that from Taiwan? I actually don’t know. Brandon clearly took that, but I don’t know where we were.

That’S got to be in Taiwan. You’Ve you’ve updated. It recently updated it slightly because so many people were contacting me so you’re LinkedIn for work you’re all over that you’re all over that LinkedIn. No because they wanted jobs here.

Yeah because you, you know, updated your updated your title. So, oh, no! No! No! No! What shops have you got playing the last time? Oh, no, that’s ancient! Oh! I see yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, 500 plus connections. Yeah, I ruined it. Good gravy! It’S like a lot more than that too.

That’S just what they do. A cool certification, bro, hey! It’S real! I got it, I mean yeah, I guess so yep neat, oh, this was while you were working here. Did I pay for that? You don’t remember that. No, you didn’t! Oh okay wow! You should have uh had me paper that was well before we had that program.

Oh, that makes sense, uh yeah. Okay, no wait! Oh yeah! We didn’t have any money, no right. This is when you kept talking about gamifying the Forum yeah and you wouldn’t shut up about it. It’S because you took this course. Yeah got it okay, yeah! So, what’s the point of listing your University of Victoria education, when I didn’t finish it very clear from the date range that you uh did not complete, I didn’t finish the other one, either foreign that doesn’t really answer my question at all. Did you include yours um? I’M checking because if I’m gon na shame you, then I guess I better check my own shiz over here.

You got your Secondary School uh. Oh yeah! That’S pretty cringe! I don’t know if that’s better, to be honest, founder uh committed to delivering YouTube videos, social media project coordinator, what a title yeah I made it up right. Obviously, like I didn’t have a title, I don’t think I ever got a formal promotion. The entire time I worked at NCIX, but I definitely got paid a lot more, so I gave myself my own title. Everyone kind of picked their own title there. So whatever yeah, um retail sales representative student Works, painting lifeguarding day camp counselor yeah, I got my no. I didn’t put University on there because there, because I didn’t get a degree and I didn’t get a diploma, so I only counted. I only count this as possible on there.

I have one hold on. When did you update this hold on hold on? I have what sorry go down further yeah. Well, we started fast as possible for six days after lmg was officially started because remember the idea behind it was that it was going to be that soon, yeah yeah, fast as possible was so important because it was going to be the vehicle by which we were Going to get way more views on our paid video production work for Brands, we were going to create this channel. Oh yeah, that was little explainers to get people subscribed and get momentum, and then it was going to also be just like fully paid videos. For you know, Corsair or Samsung or whatever the case may be, I would totally stupid plan based on how YouTube works now, where it’s a lot more important, how good the quality of the video is and a lot less important. How many subscribers you have, but it seems like kind of a good idea at the time um yeah.

We started it pretty much right away and we, it was also at a time when pretty much everyone on YouTube had a secondary channel of some sort. You know whether it was a vlog Channel or behind the scenes Channel or like even a lot of them were just called like two cooking streams: yeah yeah, just just two yeah. So I wanted. I wanted some kind of second identity, whether it was if the main Channel went down or stopped growing or something I discovered very recently.

This is super off topic, but that there’s a bunch of channels that just mirror themselves they’ll have another channel of a same similar or even completely different name. That has all of the same content and really some people that do that have gotten mad, because YouTube has like gotten rid of their Channel their additional Channel because of impersonation but they’re. Like no wait, that’s me I was like. I had no idea.

This was a thing that people did interesting. Apparently they do it not actually for like algorithmic gains, they don’t promote the other channels. Okay, that’s what I would have said if the first channel just gets, they have the second one still so, if they get like content strikes on one of them, they can survive and just remove the chain, remove the videos that they got. The content strikes from and then just keep going at least that’s what the like one person I saw talking about it. I’M sorry. I don’t believe that that might not be real.

I don’t know which I just saw one person commenting, but that’s how that’s what they do. .