Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks

Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks”.
The Apple Vision Pro is officially here. The first units are in customer Hands by now. You know what it can do. You’Ve watched the early reviews, but it is time to address the one big question left the one question that everyone will be asking starting today: hey can, I borrow it just for a little bit I’ll, give it right back, uh, okay, sharing the Vision Pro headset has Its quirks because it is such a personal device – and most of us are not spending $ 3,500 plus tax of our own money on this right now. But it is a very curious bit of future technology, so lots of people are going to want to just try it out.

Maybe you want to share it with a family member. Maybe it’s someone at your work just when you thought every aspect of Vision Pro has been covered, there’s still one more thing to go over today. How can you share a Vision Pro with someone else? I’M Bridget KY, and this is one more thing. Cet, Scott Stein is our editor extraordinaire.

Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks

That has been reviewing his experience with the Vision Pro hi Scott hi good, to see you again good to see you even through Vision. Pro he’s here with us today to help demonstrate the nuances of how to share this thing, because it is not like sharing other headsets. You can’t just hand it to someone and have it work right, yeah and also sharing headsets is always awkward because people don’t want to sweat other ones up, but here there’s a different fit uh. There are all different sizes of pieces inside and the bands are different and you got the prescription. I wear uh. If you are a person who has glasses, then you’re going to have to get your own prescription lenses for this or find contacts which is unfortunate. Now I don’t need the prescription lenses because I use contact lenses, and so I could just take it, as is you have yours, custom fit to your head size, but if I’m just diving in for a short sample, you know, maybe I could just bear with the Fact that it’s not fit exactly for me, there’s also optic ID because it’s protected so that only Scott can access.

What’S in here, if I use it with my account, it scans my ID, but if you act, activate guest mode, basically you’re allowing somebody else to go in there without optic ID, and you could let them look at everything or just the app that you’re in and Then you can also choose to look at it on airplay, on a phone kind of like the meta Quest where you could just observe. If you want to guide someone through something, if it’s for someone who’s sharing it often like a family member, they might want to invest in other accessory pieces yeah. I think for longer sessions. You’Re suppos you’re supposed to have a better fit, and then you may want to get your your face. Scan with an iPhone, but Apple does say that if you’re going to demo this for a brief period of time, you probably will be fine.

Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks

This is the light seal. It’S padded, it’s like a VR headset, but it detaches very easily the magnets just pop this part off, and this is the light seal cushion. I definitely recommend getting more of these if you’re going to really demo a lot and the two that come with it are two different depths, so like one is a little thicker than the other, which is for prescription lenses. So when I put my prescription lenses in, it tells me to put the thicker one in, but for someone without, I think you’re meant to have the thinner one in so that’s how narrow the measurement range is for this, these bands, snap off and snap on easily.

I would recommend between the two bands that come with the Vision Pro that use the the solo nit this one here, because it’s easier to take on and off, and it just tightens pretty easily to find out my size. I had to go to the Apple Store online and walk through these steps of buying one. It used my iPhone to scan my head size buying an extra light seal is about $ 200 if we have the same seal size, but we just want another cushion. These cushions are about $ 30 each and the headbands, depending on which one you get they’re each about $ 100 and we’re not even talking about the prescription lens cost, because you are using the Zeiss lenses, yeah and those cost $ 99 or $ 150. Depending on what you are reader or prescription, so that’s a lot of money. Now this cushion here, it’s it’s pretty soft and it’s like a fabric.

I’M thinking I have makeup on and I don’t think you’re going to want all this found foundation on here. No, not unless I’m going to dispose of it or find a way to clean it. Yeah.

Sharing Vision Pro Has its Quirks

Let’S do this right. This is how badly I want to try it. I want the internet to see me without my Foundation, but seriously. These are things you have to think about, because this is going to run people up to like $ 4,000 or more sometimes so, they’re not going to want makeup from someone else all over their expensive gear or sweat. Yes, I’ll, try not to sweat, for you keep keep these clean, all right, lit the shering commence. Okay, let’s do this, so these are the steps first of all, um I’m going to take this off, because I got to take out the lenses uh.

My prescription lenses, which I’m going to take care of then we’ll do this. I put the thinner cushion on here so that it should fit you better, oh shoot. I have to use it first see you need the lenses to start the guest mode and then the timer begins. Can we just start yeah? Can we just or let just we get just kind? We just keep the awkwardness all right so going to put it on now, I’m going going to go to guest mode. Let’S just try this out allow apps open apps only and I’m going to hit start. It says: remove your Optical inserts and share within 5 minutes. Now I take out my lances 5 minutes, isn’t so bad that is is not bad, but it gives you enough time to switch out like clock makes me yeah. It gives you time to change headbands to swap out things um and then go ahead. You’Re going to try it on here we go all right, so put it on on and then you you hold it on the edges there and then did you tighten the band.

Do you see the band feel? Oh, I think, even though you’re a medium yeah, I was able to tighten it good yeah yeah make it like snug mhm and then I think you’re good to go. I let’s see press the digital Crown to set up your eyes and hands okay, so yeah. So the digital Crown is on the top. You got to learn to find. Where am I yeah yeah? It’S up here I found found I’m going to polish your to polish your view. Cuz.

It could affect your view of things there. You go shammy shammy your thing. All right, okay, good, look at your hands to set up. Okay, it’s weird! It’S like I see at a distance the instructions, but I also feel like I’m here.

Adjusting lighting this room got dark. Oh now, you doing a hand I at the dot, tap your fingers together to select it. I’M learning spacial Computing and you don’t you keep your hands down too. You can even just pinch like, while now select all the dots on the circle. Okay, it was like a game yeah.

Oh I aced it. Oh wow! Now I see what you set up. I see the spatial videos and your photos Disney plus, oh wow, so you can. You can get anything. You see your photos. I see what my eyes are. Selecting by hovering my eyeballs now you can’t see bridgid eyes yet that you’re in a blue, iridescent cuz.

I am a guest and – and I don’t get Scot eyes – cuz, that’s you, it knows you and I don’t get. I don’t even get Scot eyes. Here’S the other thing you can do. I can Dial Dial your reality out like take that digital crown and just spin it now. Do you see me like peering, through ghost guide, ghost guide, a spirit guide on my journey, I sent you some spatial videos I took on my iPhone.

So, look in this look in the photos, mhm and then look on the left side and you should see spatial, video or media type. Oh, do wow! I’M seeing the depth! Oh yeah! Oh! Oh! I’M! I’M fully in it now with like the Cloudy background. Oh, that is amazing. That is amazing depth. Oh my gosh, it’s huge when it’s this close to you.

It does feel like it’s real I’ve been wondering what it’s going to be like watching these as I’m taking them, because I’ve been taking all the spatial video without being able to see what it’s like yeah like. What does it look like compared to what you were? Shooting I you, it really does look large and 3D because it’s so in your in your eyeballs, my kids look like they’re right there that family stuff is neat. That is super super neat. Why don’t you go to Apple TV, yeah, I’m on Apple TV? Okay, I’m in 3D, so I just pick one of these things.

You think yeah just pick whatever I just jumped to Star Wars. Oh my gosh, it’s ha! So oh! This is crazy. We’Re home, that’s crazy! Ah, no! No! I got to get out of here. Okay, okay: this is a lot to take in very quickly.

I’M a little worried, I’m starting to get sweaty. If you’re by someone’s side, you can kind of be a guide and there’s no like tutorial. Really, I see the menu now cuz. I closed something else. So things aren’t always sitting there, you kind of have to figure it out. I didn’t need a big tutorial, but I did need you to kind of guide me a little bit on using my voice.

I wasn’t thinking about that all the time. Okay, I think I’m ready to dip out you ready to get out. I could be here for a while yeah, it’s a it’s a rabbit hole and you like just take it off, hold it by the metal cuz. This thing could just you know what I realize. Why they say hold it by the metal, because this just magnetically detach it? So if you hold it by this, it could just go Boop and fall off and then you’re like drop the headset. So that’s a thing, Apple Care right, Apple Care doesn’t look too sweaty. No, I wasn’t I’m going to light it air out a bit though, if I try to put it back on, am I locked out of of guest mode like is that it, like is my session over, let’s see by the metal, yeah no enter password, I’m out. I’M locked out unless you know my password.

What’S your pass, what’s your password my password, but I bet if but then, if I give it to you, it could just browse as me and then you could potentially even be my Persona. I could have your eyes do. I do you see eyes, wait. Let me see. Yeah are those mine, though, are they yours how how it can’t be yours, it it hasn’t. Scanmed my face.

Wait are those my eyes. How could that be? That is weird. You kind of look like my mom. I, what is happening so what’, you think that was fun, that was cool.

It was kind of crazy that was cool. I love seeing my kids in spatial video and ah and the it yeah yeah. Ah, that was cool, and I and and and I wasn’t like feeling – uh woozy, even though it wasn’t like a long time – I was in it. Nor was it my fit, but it was definitely comfortable enough for me to just dive in and get a good sense with it.

So thank you for that opportunity. I think everyone should at least get a chance to see something like that for sure. The Vision Pro is an an incredibly personal device. I remember my first home computer was something everyone in the family shared.

That’S how we got good at it and understood how to use it, and you know, sharing other VR headsets – is how many folks really try VR for the first time. This is like having a very expensive private machine to play, games and watch movies. I think until Apple can get the price down, we do need a way to have multiple accounts pre-saved on there. That way, you can switch accounts very smoothly, and that would make it easy easier for more people to experience until then.

If you want to try it see if you can get a demo in an Apple store or just go, find Scott, if you have questions, please share them in the comments and subscribe to the website to see how this develops, because exploring the Vision Pro is a Living review it’s going to change as time goes by and there is always one more thing we can poke at thanks for watching. .