Setup Wars – Seal of Approval Edition #2

Setup Wars - Seal of Approval Edition #2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars – Seal of Approval Edition #2”.
So, in the last episode we went over the first ten setups that received the seal of approval. So if you guys missed that video pause, this video and go watch that first that way you’re all caught up, because in this article we’re gon na be going over. The next ten setups I got the seal so number is 11 through 20 for those who are new to channel. I give out this very special custom-made plaque to set ups to meet the five criteria. It’S a very rare award, but I don’t hand out lightly and to kind of give you guys an idea how difficult it is to receive it. I have shown 985 setups on setup boards as of today, and only 24 people have received it so far, so yeah.

Setup Wars - Seal of Approval Edition #2

What that said, welcome to setup wars, seal of approval, Edition number two, let the show begin, hey guys. I’M super excited to share the sponsor of this video, because I know some of you are gon na love it. It’S filmora a professional video editing program that costs a fraction of what the big guys charge. It is one of the easiest programs I have used to edit videos. In fact, this entire video setup wars was edited on film or online and the best part is you? Don’T have to have any experience in editing, it’s that easy to learn.

Setup Wars - Seal of Approval Edition #2

It also provides a lot of really cool features. Like 4k video support, stabilization, professional 3d lots and advanced color grading to control the colors of your video guys. My editing program doesn’t even have that. I absolutely love how much control I have for color grading. I mean this changes things on top of that it offers so many cool effects, transitions and extra features.

Setup Wars - Seal of Approval Edition #2

That honestly puts my program to shame. If you guys have always been wanting to get into video editing but found it too difficult or expensive, then you should definitely try out film or online. They even have a trial, so definitely give it a shot guys.

I mean what do you got to lose? If you do end up loving it, you can buy the full version for only 69.95 intime payment and you can own the program for life so check it out by clicking the link down below and start creating content today. So we left that sealed number eleven which went to Nathan from episode 114 and it’s gorgeous ultra wide setup. This was one of the first white themed setups that I’ve seen done really on the show. I mean just look at the symmetry. Let’S be honest here: nobody uses two coasters in their setup right. We all use one, but Nathan uses two just for symmetry.

He was also very dedicated to the color scheme. Every single piece of gear he owned was either white or black from his gaming PC to a speaker’s headset chair and even skin his dell laptop and white carbon fiber, and if white is too bland for you guys well he’s even got some RGB to spice it Up a well rounded, clean and balanced setup with great Karel management is why Nathan took home the 11th seal approval well done, who can forget about Zac setup from episode 122? This is one of the first setups that I’ve seen that had a wall mounted PC, but that wasn’t why he got the seal. What blew my mind was the fact that he not only custom-built that wooden backdrop, that’s against the wall, but it actually opens up allowing him to hide all the cables behind that. On top of that, the setup was super unique, symmetrical and color-coordinated. Very well. Even till this day, I’m not sure why Zac frames his acoustic panels, but it looks pretty dope in the setup.

Two years later he came back on the show with an improved setup. He got more monitors. I fitted his PC and he redid his entire wall.

With more acoustic panels, hell he even added more acoustic panels on his cabinets. What really caught my attention at first, though, was the placement of the speaker’s definitely the first time. I’Ve seen them mounted sideways like that, but hey it does work since it’s technically positioned directly at him such an improvement over the last setup.

If I could give him another seal of approval, this setup, what I’ve gone one two, although I think the setup would have looked cooler if the plaque was displayed somewhere on there. So does next setup actually has a funny story. So John came on the show for episode 114, with this custom, black and red setup, in the hopes of winning the seal of approval. But he didn’t end up winning.

Because, then, I meet all five criteria and he told me, after the show that he was kind of bummed, so what they John do next, you might ask: well he didn’t give up. He came back literally six months later with an improved setup. One of my all-time absolute favorite setups even till today, not because he’s into Dragonball Z like I am, but because of his determination in weaning that seal I mean he took my recommendations from the video and he came back strong, building an even better setup. It’S got a custom, backboard custom wall shelves and just the attention to detail.

It now has blew my mind. He even built a custom acrylic Raceway with a courser RGB strip inside to hide all the cables from the setup, exceptional cable management, symmetry and a beast custom. Pc to go with it, which he mounted against the backboard, I mean this goes to show that you shouldn’t give up on your dreams, just because it doesn’t work out the first time. Well done.

John 2018 was definitely the year that had the best set ups on the show. This setup, in particular from FC, is definitely in my top three. As soon as I downloaded the pictures and check them out, my jaw dropped and I had to have it stitched back up. Not only have I never seen a setup, this unique, but I’ve never seen something so beautifully executed. In my life it took FC a whole five months to design and build this setup from scratch and all that hard work didn’t go unnoticed because he took home the 14th seal of approval. You really have to go back and watch the full video to appreciate all the attention to detail that has been put into this immaculate setup.

You know from the custom acoustic panels made out of wood to the amazing ultra wide custom desk. I mean the drop-down 135 inch projector screen that literally comes out of nowhere and is insane thread Ripper sli build. I mean the list goes on and on one of the things I drew my attention to this was the supreme symmetry going on. Here I mean it even made: Thanos look and balanced a well deserved setup for the seal hands down.

This was definitely an episode you guys have to watch if you missed it. Seal number 15 went to david from episode 151, mostly because of the creativity that went behind this setup. This dude designed an entire room to work with this VR setup. He installed a pulley system on a ceiling to hold up his VR headset, which is simply genius. This way he can move around freely without having to worry about tripping over the cables or having the cables wrap up around him. Of course, that wasn’t all he also has a beautiful quad display setup which used for gaming developing and editing. I just love how he’s able to fit four monitors in that tight space by positioning them in a way where it’s very useful for him.

I also like the location of his PC. He made a hole in the wall big enough to display it, but unfortunately the back is facing the setup. Looking back, I guess a simple fix to this would have been to build in a case that can be inverted.

That way. The side panel is facing the setup, but either way it was well put together with creativity and symmetry definitely worthy of a seal. Episode. 152 was a very interesting episode, to say the least because it featured pirate gamers original setup, which I’m sure a lot of you guys remember. It was one of the most popular episodes with over a million views, but he didn’t take home the seal of approval because it just didn’t impressed me as much as I wanted it to I’m sure, there’s a lot of gear and money that went into this setup. I mean his entire mancave was impressive, to say the least, but I just didn’t feel like it was seal worthy. It just felt like someone had a lot of money and decided to populate his entire room with any red or black gear he can find.

There was no synergy between the gear or the setup he built it’s. The very same reason why Yazzie didn’t receive the seal of approval from episode 36, and everyone came after me, with pitchforks choosing gears solely based on their color or aesthetic shouldn’t, be a priority if the product is bad simple, as that so who got a seal of Approval from episode 152 well, it was yellow and his budget set up this setup over here. Guys is a prime example that you don’t need money to win the seal of approval, something I often read about in the comments section. It comes down to meeting the five criteria. I mean sure money definitely helps, but it’s not required.

I absolutely fell in love with how yato designed the entire wall and made it blend perfectly with his monitor wallpapers. That is just insane. He used painted styrofoam to decorate the walls and he outlined it with green glow-in-the-dark marker, so it looks just as badass at night. Some people might think it’s a bit too much.

But personally, I think if you’re gon na do something, that’s crazy. You’Ve got to go all out, and man did he go all out. That’S not even the cool part. This set up is actually powered by a laptop and guess what a laptop is. That’S right! It’S behind the monitors, the creativity and dedication that went into the setup while staying on a tight budget is what convinced me to give him the 16th seal approval well done. Episode 166 was also an interesting one as well, because it featured John set up.

Remember the one with a million nano leaf panels. Well, once again, people were shocked that he didn’t take home seal. I think people always mistake.

Super cool looking expensive setups to win seal of approval when that is far from the case I mean, if that were the case, then I would have given at at least a hundred plaques at this point. No doubt it was a jaw-dropping ball, sweating setup, but the seal actually went to Benjamin. Instead, there was definitely better balance and synergy, and this set up with the right amount of personalization.

The wood countertop surprisingly went really well with the razor gear and the green LEDs. Not to mention is insane wall mounted PC that caught me off guard I mean his entire room is practically a wet dream for gamers speaking of wet dreams. I think we can all agree that pirate gamers improved set up made us all, go and cry in a corner that feeling, when only his nano leaf collection cost more than your entire setup.

Pirate gamers spent about a month rebuilding his entire gaming room. The planning and designing that went into this was seriously insane, like, I don’t think, an actual interior decorator can design something this epic there’s just too much to talk about, so it’s better to watch the video instead, but I think we can all see the reason why He won the seal of approval this second time around the improvements he made were night in day. Everything in the room has it’s very own, dedicated place and nothing seems overdone or forced, like his last set up.

That episode was also the first time the new plaque was introduced. It’S now made out of wheeled glass and a granite base, so it’s pretty heavy weighing a little over two pounds. A nineteenth seal of approval went to Adams upgraded setup because the first one didn’t quite make the cut. I mean it was an awesome setup overall, but there were some questionable choices that docked. A few points like why go with an Apple wireless keyboard and mouse for a gaming setup that made absolutely no sense to me. However, he did come back a year and a half later swinging and knocked my head right off my shoulders with such an improved setup.

You can definitely tell that he put more effort this time around and look. He finally got gaming peripherals for a gaming setup. Some of the things I really loved about this new setup was the custom zelda Guardian swords that he put up between the paintings and they’re. Really clever not only placements, but the biggest upgrade from his last setup was the PC it’s no longer being powered by a laptop, and he built himself. His first custom PC. Well done, of course, who can forget about andrew from episode 186, who wrote a novel for his notes and nearly caused me to die of old age.

His first set up with the teacher desk didn’t really impress me so he applied for set upwards again after he moved into his new apartment and boy. Oh boy, did he make some nice improvements welcomed my attention at first was the wall decoration that he made with the help of some painters tape. But what really impressed me was all the little programming mods he integrated with a set up, for example, talking to Google Voice to control the lighting of his entire setup, the symmetry organization, creativity and being an admin. I’M a discord.

Server are the reasons why I gave Andrew the 20th seal of approval well done Andrew, and I can’t wait to see what you’re working on now and that wraps up this episode, as always make sure to drop a like. If you guys enjoy the show – and let me know in the comment section which of these setups was the absolute best. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you guys very soon in the next one. .