Setup Wars Episode 335 – Budget Edition

Setup Wars Episode 335 - Budget Edition

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars Episode 335 – Budget Edition”.
I hear you guys loud and clear, okay, so in the effort to please your holes, I am bringing back ear and eye holes. Don’T make this weird, I’m bringing back budget Edition so with that said, welcome to set up fors episode, 335 budget Edition in the hopes to help Inspire and motivate some of you guys watching so with that said, sit back and relax and let the setup Wars begin. [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], [, Applause ], so you just finished: building a PC and you’re greeted with this horrendous message on your screen. Well! Fear! Not because I have an easy solution for you, guys, head on over to your CD and pick up a Windows, 11 or Windows 10 Pro CD key for around 15 bucks just put in the code ts20 to get that extra 20 % off and afterwards they Will email you the CD key and all you have to do – is go into your activation settings on Windows and put it in afterwards. The Watermark will disappear and you can enjoy all the features from Windows kicking off the episode.

We have a very peculiar setup by David who’s, a waiter from Portugal now what’s interesting about the setup, is that it’s a wallmounted setup, meaning everything is attached to the wall. The main benefit for this is obviously for space saving, and that’s exactly why David took this approach, you see this is actually his living room and in order to take up as little space as possible, he had no choice but to hook up everything as close to The wall as possible – and he did all this under a tight budget by using leftover furniture that wasn’t being used, he created a floating Mizer with a modded pull out drawer for his peripherals. That way, the desk doesn’t stick out as much when it’s tucked away very clever. He does everything on a budget Acer monitor with a pair of budget speakers, but he does swap to the void Elites that he has tucked away on the side for gaming or a bit of privacy.

If there are other people in the living space. I do want to give David some points for being so committed with the white color scheme. In fact he’s so committed. He ended up skinning a part of the keyboard and the speakers, but if I can speak freely here and ask what in the Smurf’s butthole is up with the wall, color, it legit looks like a set from Blue Clues up in here I mean if your main Goal was to make an impression you certainly had, but realistically it’s very distracting and doesn’t really complement the rest of your house.

Setup Wars Episode 335 - Budget Edition

But I digress. I do love that you added some extra shelving units to help with storage and to keep stuff off the ground, and is that a piece of wood being held up by cinder blocks. The PC power of the setup is also kept off the ground on its very own wall shelf, although I’m not sure if my anxiety levels would allow me to put the dogs home right underneath something so heavy. I hope the PC is somehow secure to the wall or the Shelf in the event of an earthquake. Maybe that’s what that giant. White block is for. It looks like it’s attached to the case near the bottom, but it also looks like it’s blocking the rear exhaust. I don’t think it really makes a huge difference with thermos, considering he has five more exhaust fans in there there’s actually a lot of modded Parts he painted the GPU.

He installed a metal PSU shroud. He also made a custom cover for the bottom motherboard and I just realized the custom acrylic piece in the back of the case is actually to hide the rear io on the cables from the PC. That’S pretty cool, but I will still find a way to secure the case to the shelf so that it doesn’t accidentally fall off mounting an entire setup against the wall certainly has its challenges like cable management, for example, but David did not disappoint here. He nicely zip tied old, the cables and the power strips under underneath the shelf, and he took it a step further by also wrapping it in vinyl, so that it Blends in with the color scheme.

This setup certainly has a lot of strengths and weaknesses, but I have to admit it’s a very clever approach in solving space limitations with a few tweaks here and there I’m confident this setup will improve significantly. Thank you, David for starting off the show. It doesn’t take. Much to make people happy, you just need a small amount of space in your room with a good looking setup.

Setup Wars Episode 335 - Budget Edition

Hudson setup is a prime example that you don’t need anything super flashy or over the top, with RGB lights to play, games and get work done. This is a very modest setup, especially for a 13-year-old, and you know what it’s perfect. The way it is – and it’s got all the essentials for a fully functioning workstation – that he can also game on a 24-in curve, monitor a nice set of gaming, Prof rols and a headset with a dedicated mic to game with the boys. Now, even though it’s a simple and straightforward setup, what really makes this stand out is the desk.

In the background I can guarantee, if you use the same Gear with an Ikea linman against a white wall, this would have looked like another cookie cutter setup. I guess what I’m trying to say here is: if you’re looking to stand out and build, build something unique, spend a bit of effort and look for a desk from a furniture store. If you must shop, online wafer has a lot of really neat options as well. That will complement your style and space if all else fails go Ikea, so this desk goes for $ 27 on Amazon and what I like most about it is the built-in USB hub in the front for easy access, the Shelf in the back to help store the Power strip and the cables – and it even comes with a remote to control the RGB lights.

Setup Wars Episode 335 - Budget Edition

Behind the desk same thing with the wall, you don’t have to go out there and do a full custom wall. Something simple like adding a wallpaper or even changing the color. Will go a long way, but if you do want to take it to the next level, adding accent panels is the new trend for setups, my good friend Britney added one in her living room. In fact, I did the same thing with my background.

In my YouTube, studio and I’ll be doing something similar for the next setup makeover as well. There is this company that makes it very easy by selling individual slat panels that you can buy in different designs and colors I’ll drop a link below. If anyone is interested and checking them out for their own space powering, the setup is a pretty sweet mid-range build, that’s equipped with an i7 9700f and a Zotac RTX 360. However, you do have the bottom fans set as exhaust instead of intake. So when you get the chance, just flip them upside down, because you have no intake in the case, you got to remember this one simple rule: when building PCS, you always want to have the bottom fans as intake aside from that, it’s a killer setup that you’ve Built for yourself, thank you. Hudson for coming on the show coming at number. Three is another person who has made the most of his current situation. Jamie is a student from the UK who loves to game, but there is one big problem: he’s a bit tight on cash and doesn’t have a whole lot to splurge. On a high-end gaming setup I mean my dude doesn’t even have $ 15 to drop on a Windows, CD key, so he’s stuck with that nasty Watermark I’ll. Tell you what, if you’re watching this video? Let’S Get You activated hit me up on Discord and I’ll.

Send you a CD key for either Windows 10 or Windows? 11. Your choice, anyways. His primary display is a 24-in from MSI mounted to the desk next to a 22in in vertical mode, and I love that he skin both of the chins and white to match the color scheme. I noticed you’re using two separate marar mounts and you did mention in notes that you wanted specific Heights, but there’s a much better option for you. You don’t need two separate mounts. You can just go with a single dual Marr Mount and use this adapter from Vivo to get your desired height. In fact, I featured this in a previous Cool Tech video because a lot of people don’t know this adapter exists and it’s the perfect solution to align your monitors together by providing them height adjustability.

This is perfect for people who have multi monitor setups I’ll drop a link to it below. If anyone is interested. Finally ping, the PC is a pretty nice white themed budget, build featuring the ryzen 5 3600 and the evgi GTX 1060.

I would eventually save up for some cheap white cable extensions to complement the rest of your build, but if you’re dedicated enough paint the CPU Cooler shroud, which is very cheap and easy to do, I have a pretty cool guide on how to do it. If you want I’ll drop a link to it down below, it might not be much but hey, at least it’s his it’s a fantastic starter setup to build upon. Thank you, Jamie for sharing this with us.

This next setup nearly hit the cap of the $ 2,000 budget with those Nano Leaf lines, but luckily the rest of the gear kept the total cost down. It’S also worth noting that he paid for 90 % of the setup by selling candy at school. This is probably the dude that brings in $ 2 Hot Cheetos and sells them for $ 5.

So lewiis is a student from Singapore who likes to do it all gaming streaming, content creation and a bit of video editing as well, and he’s got a pretty nice setup for it. All dual moner is mounted against the beckam desk just high enough to fit both of his z200 speakers, underneath that is very satisfying to see for pereral he’s using a custombuilt TM 680 board with lubed Gaton Inc V, 2’s paired with the Razer Lance head Mouse and The TS too white FYI, we do have a new toppo design on the deal sour shop. Personally, I think it looks cleaner but, more importantly, the logo is a lot smaller, so it doesn’t stick out as much if you’re watching this video hit me up on Discord and I’ll, send you one for free cables are matag beautifully thanks to the included net and A few zip ties and the PC powering it all has another ryzen 53600 X and a GTX 1080.

Once again, I would recommend flipping the fans on the side so that you can get some fresh air in your case, because you have all the fans set as exhaust and that is not good for air flow, all in all a very nice budget setup. Thank you. Ls for sharing this with us, I think one of the hardest decisions when building a setup on a small budget is deciding how to split the money between the gear and the decor.

Obviously everyone wants a good-looking setup, but you also have to compromise and make sure you prioritize functionality and performance. First personalizing. Your setup should always be add-on. I think omry here did a pretty good job on the decor and most of the gear, but he neglected one of the most important components: the graphic card. This entire setup is being powered by a 10600k and a GTX 1050 TI. Okay, that’s like popping open in the hood on a Lamborghini only to find a 4cylinder engine. I mean it looks nice but you’re not able to really take advantage of the resolution or the refresh rate of your monitors. I think 80 % of your budget should focus on the gear here, and the 20 % can be used for decoration.

80 % of the budget should be split in half between the PC and the rest of the gear. So if your budget is $ 2,000, for example, 80 % of that should be the gear which is $ 1,600 and half of that should be put into your PC. This is just a general rule of thumb I like to follow when I’m building budget setups, but it varies depending on the person, so feel free to tweak the percentages to your liking. Moving on to peripherals he’s rocking a hyperx, alloy Origins with Corsair p, dbd key caps, and you paired that with the Viper ultimate mouse and a TS camo mouse pad to tie the whole thing together.

Aside from the PC parts, the rest of the setup is well executed, the 3dr panels and the wall. Shell fit perfectly with the length of the wall, and it doesn’t stick out more than it should blocking off the window to the side. You can definitely tell he put some thought into this. The only other concern I have is with the slight Bo of your desk underneath a PC.

I would definitely keep an eye on that, but otherwise it’s a nicely exec setup. Thank you omry for sharing this with us. As always, let me know in the comment section which of these setups float to your boat, the most, if you guys are enjoying setup Wars, do consider tossing a like before you head out and if you’re new here consider subscribing because I host setup Wars every other Monday, thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you very soon. I literally forgot my line I’ll see you in the next one Jesus Christ, .